
Level 2 Fae
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Female Fae
Female Fae
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Accent: Samara Armour




1.65 m
1.12 m
1.16 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 24, 2018
(6 years)


Fae icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 2 Fae
EXP: 464 / 641


Empty Inkwell
Primary Pigment Blend
Weathered Grimoire
Spellbound Tome
Intact Parchment
Writer's Aid
Used Cartography Ink


Uh-oh, looks like this tiny stationery collector wandered a little too far from her home lair (568525, Festivoog), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful! If you don't want another traveling dragon in return, you can also drop her off at the rest hub.


Wither is a perpetual wanderer who loves seeing new lands. In fact, she visited several flights before deciding to register as a traveling dragon. She has pen pals all over Sornieth and always wants more! Whenever she goes somewhere new, she adds to her hoard of stationery so she can stay in contact with her friends and family. Feel free to be creative about what she can find or buy near your lair!

Owners I've Had:
Many Miscellaneous Lairs
Festivoog, 568525
KnightOfAres, 367955
grxndsxn, 437722
Festivoog, 568525
POTaDOS, 21915
MoonlilyluvsCas, 559581
batterupzach, 508197
QueenClam, 161167
Beliel, 2095
hyddenchyld, 559475
Purrloinedlove, 283135
Hawketh, 633522
Aluna, 53686
Dogfish, 509562
Lirillith, 149136

Journal Entry 1: March 28, 2021 (#568525/Festivoog)

This year’s Mistral Jamboree is exciting! I’ve been living with an Arcane clan who must be newer than I thought, because they had no idea that the flights had their own celebrations. It was fun to watch Thundercracker and the kids trip over themselves when we went scavenging for Messengers Scrolls. They managed to find some...eventually.

I don’t think anyone working at the Oculus of the Eleven is getting anything done this week. Neither am I. But I found great new writing supplies!

Added to stationery hoard:
  • New pot of ink in Arcanist Pink. It sparkles when it’s dry!
  • A set of enormous ribbons for tying scrolls. They're made for very long scrolls or unabridged research notes. If I cut them, I can use them to tie my smaller scrolls.
  • Dip pen carved from a piece of the Crystalspine Reaches. There’s a tiny magnifying glass on top.
  • Blank Messengers Scrolls? (Note to self: ask Joxar if he has any before Mistjam is over!)

Journal Entry 2: June 9th, 2021 Kouroko (#21916 POTaDOS)

I've wandered into the Tangled Wood for supplies - so many beautiful glowing things, someone *must* have made some of them into ink! And of course the paper from the dark woods sets it off so strikingly...

The Shade's Rest Inn, where I've been staying, is a pleasant enough place. It's packed full of dragons of all sorts, most fairly social, and I've had a difficult time getting a moment to myself to write! When I asked the proprietors about where I could aquire stationary supplies though, they only had supplies for the ledgers! It took a bit more hunting to find anything interesting, but it was worth the trip!

Added to stationery hoard:
  • Several scrolls of dark bark paper! It's clawmade in the area.
  • Fungal Ink! Apparently it still lives and over time will grow into small, shelflike bioluminescent mushrooms - best used for canvases or wood.
  • Date Stamp - with rotating numbers! Hembra snuck it into my bag.

Journal Entry 3: November 23rd, 2022 (#559581, MoonlilyluvsCas)

Wow, a nice nap in the Rest Hub did me well! Plus I got to eat a lot of pastries. That was really nice. This garden glen is really beautiful, and holds a lot of great supplies! And there are a lot of cool dragons here. It's almost tempting to stay. But hey, there's more of the world to see! I asked my new friends Axolotl and his husband IceCream where to find stationary, and boy did they not disappoint! They were happy to give me some, free of charge! Though it all seemed to be sourced locally from the plants around them, it might not cost much to make. Even so, how kind of them!
  1. Thick sheets of oak parchment, some of the finest quality I've seen! It makes sense, since there's a lot of oaks in the area.
  2. Pink and purple ink! Made from crushed petals from their garden
  3. A stone quill! How neat!

Journal Entry 4: December 27, 2022 (508197, batterupzach)

My next adventure took me to a cozy village in the Arcane territories. My companion Kouroko wandered off in the woods somewhere along the way (I’m sure he’s fine!) so I was free roam to my heart’s content. I met many wonderful dragons with such rich mythology. My last night, a local shop owner invited everyone to a special lantern lighting in celebration of Night of the Nocturne. We got to paint our own and then launch them into the sky. It was beautiful. I hope I get to do it again sometime.
  1. x3 Thick Paper - Given to me by Arwel in case I want to make my own lantern. Can’t say I’ll be any good, but why not give it a shot?
  2. x1 Bundle of Tea Leaves - Courtesy of Arwel’s tea shop.
  3. x1 Well of Scented Ink - Pink ink I picked up at a joke store. It smells like strawberries!
Journal Entry 5: January 2, 2023 (559475, hyddenchyld)

I found myself shopping for stationary at a shop in the Sunbeam Ruins. While looking through wares, I bumped into an energetic dragon who was listing off a long list of items to buy. He's named Sparkle and is the treasurer and inventory manager for a local clan. He noticed my hesitation at determining what to purchase and raddled off some of his suggestions. I'm grateful that he told me about cartography ink because it dries quickly and has a lovely sheen! I'm already using it for journaling!

Journal Entry 6: January 8, 2023 (#283135, Purrloinedlove)

As I continued to explore the Ruins, I got lost in the Hewn City. There I met a small camp of ghost hunters and a swarm of Veilspun. While the ghost hunters let me stay with them, I thought I might get into a new medium: stone. I collected small chunks of rubble I found around the Hewn City and made them into a memo pad.

Additions to my stationery hoard:
  • stone memo pad (x1) (reusable?)
  • engraving tool set (x1)
Journal Entry 7: March 22, 2023 (633522, Hawketh)

After many weeks on a merchant boat, I found myself on an island far off the coast of Dragonhome, known as Waterdeep, the City of Mages. I lost myself in the marketplace for hours, finding all sorts of colorful pigments and inks to play with. It was in a quiet corner, hidden down a long winding alley that I found a curious masked figure who showed me the most special ink of all. Invisible Ink. With a quill, I could write on every surface, but smoothest on parchment. A candle over the surface makes the ink invisible, and another pass of heat makes it reappear. How amazing!

Additions to my stationery hoard:
  • invisible ink (x1)
  • rainbow ink set (x1)
  • phoenix quills (x2)

Journal Entry 8: February 14, 2024 (53686, Aluna)

In my travels to my next lair, I was caught in a tremendous blizzard, and blown into the home of The Icebound. This clan is very private, and very, very isolated in the coldest stretches of The Icewarden's domain. I spent a very long time here, acclimating to the weather, getting to know some of the cute males, and even raising a few hatchlings amid the ice and snow. They're not very big on writing here though, and I've been starting to feel pretty restless. I think it's past time I moved on.

Additions to my stationery hoard:
  • icicle pen (x5) (KEEP COLD)
  • chilled stone writing tablets (x3)

Journal Entry 9: June 18, 2024 (509562, Dogfish)

I feel I've stumbled upon the unlikeliest, most perfect place for writing. The Dugout, despite its drab name, is a bustling place full of academics! I've only been here a few months and I have seen some incredible progress. They've even started offering classes! That said, though, as nice as it is to act as a transcriber, I have been getting a terrible itch to move on to someplace... warmer. The Southern Icefields are quite vast so it's been a bit hard to leave. Luckily, the Dugout is sending a ship to the north to buy bulk supplies they can't get in their area, and are happy to let me hitch a ride.

Additions to my stationary hoard:
  • cartography compass (x1)
  • charcoal sticks (for etching, they use it on fossils in the deep Dugout. I etched myself a cute little fish fossil before I left.) (x3)
  • a whole sheaf of new paper from pine (50 pages total)

Journal Entry 10: July 7, 2024 (149136, Lirillith)

Sunbeam Ruins clans have always given me some fun finds, so once the ship docked in Lanternlea Port I decided to explore, and my instinct was spot-on. I found this adorable little stationery shop, run by a Tundra, and we struck up a conversation. She told me she got into journaling because of her memory, and recommended a couple of journals clawmade by a Veilspun so they were even the perfect size. Every item in her shop had a story - the quills were sourced from a crafter in the Viridian Labyrinth, the inks were made by a skydancer lady she promised to introduce me to if I'd remind her, she'd made a lot of the paper herself... she showed me some parchment, but it felt really strange, and then she explained that it wasn't parchment paper, it was parchment made from animal hides. Very sturdy but very different feel from the paper I'm used to. I guess it's used a lot for spell scrolls? She did have some parchment paper, too. I ended up buying quite a bit there.

Additions to my stationery hoard:
  • Scribal-grade ink: it goes on black for easy readability, but dries gold, and shines at night!
  • 20 sheets of clawmade paper, Aria's own work - there are dried flowers embedded in it. (Need to write carefully!)
  • Two new journals
  • Peacock feather quill pen - too long to use easily, but gosh it's pretty

Journal Entry 11: Date (ID, Username)

Journal Entry 12: Date (ID, Username)

Journal Entry 13: Date (ID, Username)
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