
Level 25 Skydancer
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Fisher King
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Energy: 41/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Light Aura
Eerie Cyan Pendants
Inked Mantle
Voidfollow Forecallouses
Voidfollow Tailspine
Eerie Cyan Taildecor
Unlucky Gambeson
Voidfollow Hindcallouses


Skin: Horoscope



4.99 m
4.67 m
463.6 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 13, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level



And they whispered "fragile, weak, liability"


Monarch was born to a devout light clan. She was destined for the Lightweaver she studied and trained to the best of her abilities, but it was never enough. There was nothing wrong with her mind but her body, that of a fae, was feeble. She could not fly her wings were too small to support her. Magic, a faes best attribute, never came to her. Her mother a proud Skydancer from the domain of fire was a clan leader, a warrior, a great general who had had her clutch in service of light was distant at best. At worst scornful that someone of her progeny was going to make for such poor offering. While there was no love between the two Monarch couldn’t help but envy her mother, she had everything that Monarch did not. And so she dreamed of a form she did not have. Of powerful plumed wings that could support her in the air and of legs that could move just as swiftly on land.

It is a convenient stroke of luck that the clan valued knowledge so much for that paved
the way for her escape. An expedition was planned for the Windswept Plateau to study the architecture of the great kites. Runes found by the clan suggest that such structures have actually been around a very very long time. Monarch was not meant to go on said expedition she stowed away in one of the supply containers, with the plan to just simply slip out in the middle of the night, never to be seen by her clan again. However she did not anticipate the hostility of the Ashfall Waste. There were many nights when she would slip out only to find that there were no resources nearby for her to use, water was scarce and she had no idea where to find food. So she would crawl back and hope that perhaps the next night would be the night.

In the end a storm made the ultimate decision for her. A terrible cacophony of thunder and wind separated her from the expedition. For three days she trekked with little hope of surviving long enough to live for once. And as the sun set on her fourth day, as despair turned to hopelessness a gust of wind, hot even for the location, slammed her into full awareness. She heard shouting, saw bolts of magic fly as dragons ragged… after nothing? Again a gust of hot air. Where was it coming from? And suddenly a voice, another fae brown bodied and violet winged looking no better than she yelling for her to get up and run. To this day the events that followed are fuzzy to her but seeing as she is alive right now she did indeed get up. Not long after they were joined by another fae black bodied, blue of wing, and excruciatingly hot to the touch (her words according to alpha sometime later) and they fled. The two new fae supporting her as the distance between the attacking dragons and them somehow grew. Even half conscious and still reeling from the previous events Monarch can never forget the sense of relief as lava rock gave way to planes of grass and shoots of bamboo.


And they proclaimed "valiant, strong, irreplaceable"


Starting a clan is hard it turns out. Good thing that Monarch, alpha, and Blurple; responsible dragons being they, were totally prepared and looking to do so. Except they weren’t. The Sky Runners formed via a series of seemingly innocent events. First the founding trio met, fled to the Windswept plateau, found a nice chunk of bamboo forest, and decided to claim it as their own. Monarch had made up her mind to stay with her rescuers, and they were happy to have her. Turns out said rescuers were running from a power mad imperial and his totalitarian clan who would happily tear them apart for the crime of defiance… So just maybe the bamboo forest was chosen because it naturally provides labyrinthine defense. Monarch herself had mostly relied on her clan to provide. She did not need to hunt, she did not have to make her own shelter, she was just meant to concern herself with matters relating to her destiny to serve the Lightweaver. Needless to say there was a learning curve for her, luckily she had help.

They had just settled into a comfortable routine, when Blurple came back to their encampment with news of a downed guardian by the river. Said guardian was merely exhausted and in need of rest. Blurple and alpha at the time only new “big” dragons as a threat so it was Monarch that did most of the initial talking, she came to the conclusion that he was no threat, so the other two reluctantly agreed to help. Turns out this guardian had friends namely in this case Shadowstalker and Caliburn who had trained him. A big guardian was one thing to handle for Monarchs companions but an even bigger imperial was another, as it was one who had oppressed them for most of their young lives. The usually brave alpha who had actively traded blows with much larger dragons upon the trios escape from the Ashfall waste, became meek in Caliburns presence. And so in matters of dealing with these new dragons the duty rested on Monarchs shoulders for a time. The downed guardian regained his strength and went on to complete his search for a charge. His companions stayed however to the annoyance of Monarchs friends, when she inquired why they would stay Caliburns response was simple “I am a teacher I am here to teach”
News of the imperials proclamation did not go over well with the others. Monarch knew it was only a matter of time until alpha remembered her ferocity. It took a week. In the buildup prior, Monarch observed Caliburn and Shadowstalker make a show of having a daily routine. In the buildup prior, Monarch tried to talk alpha out of picking an unnecessary fight, with dragons that had done *nothing* to warrant it. In the buildup prior, Monarch tried desperately to console Blurple, who feared he was going to lose everything, his home, his friends, perhaps even his own life. And so, much as in the manner of their escape, alpha struck at sunset. And once more, Monarch experienced a terrible wind storm, but this time there were cold currents interlaced with the hot. With Blurple hiding in a bolt hole, she struck out into the storm, in a desperate bid to stop the fighting. One bamboo shoot at a time, she would hold on for dear life and then reach for the next. When she got close enough to the combatants to see them, she looked on in horror, Caliburn had taken to the skies. With the light of the moon and stars illuminating him, Monarch saw a smile on his face. It was then that Shadowstalker appeared behind her, breaking her trance, and nearly scaring her off her perch. Monarch began to stammer apologies but the stoic guardian stopped her, with the wave of a massive paw.
“Do not be afraid, little one, he will not harm her”
“But how, how do you know that?!”
“Well for starters if I perceived her a threat she would not have made it so far” she rumbled dangerously “Secondly if you haven’t noticed yet the wind is dying down now and my charge is descending as we speak” glancing up she added “It appears he’s holding something, or rather someone”
“I must go to them, he must understand one of his kind hurt my friends, she was only afraid” Monarch said desperately, descending from her perch.
She began to run as fast as her legs would carry her, which for a fae isn’t very fast, Shadowstalker took all of four strides, scooped her up and set her on her back. Calmly she walked up to her charge offering a nod in greeting. It was then, after Monarch got off of her temporary transport she saw her friend, very much still alive, all be it unconscious. Relief flooded through her, a short lived feeling as the reality of her position struck her. Her friend had just attacked an imperial, who just so happened to be the charge of the guardian lurking behind her. She looked up to Caliburn in fear, but his face showed no anger, his great head moving down to be level with them.
In a calm voice he said “Your friend fought fiercely, I am not mad my dear, in fact I am quite impressed. I have never seen such strength from one so small before, heh, granted I don’t think I’ve ever been attacked by a single fae before either” a knowing glance to the guardian “I could tell she was afraid though, so please we’d like to hear your story, you see the world is a big place it wouldn’t do for a wind dragon to be afraid of experiencing it, much less yourself either”
So Monarch told them. She told them of the ancient spires she used to call home, of the hidden passage ways she would find. Of her intended purpose to go on to serve her deity, and how much of a disappointment she was to her mother. How hard she would study, and how her magic never came and has yet to come, like the Lightweaver herself finds her to inadequate to bless with power. The plan to escape and the journey that followed, the storm that forced her hand, and of the amazing fae that fought of dragons many more times bigger than herself, and in the chaos still chose to help her in her own time of need. She told them what her friends eventually told her about what they were running from. Of the mad ancient imperial at the head of the Flame Forgers collective, who saw those smaller and weaker than him as disposable. And they listened to it all

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