
Level 1 Spiral
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Sentient Alloy
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Spiral
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Personal Style


Date Plumed Headdress
Date Plumed Cover
Marksman's Leggings
Marksman's Cape
Marksman's Gloves
Marksman's Treads




2.25 m
2.27 m
73.5 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 09, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Kuhle is a friendly, caring, kind dragon that wants to see everything there is to see in the world. She loves to bake treats for her fellow dragons, and also takes care of the familiars in her clan. (I am fine with breeding, gene change, and anything else. Starting clan crazycritter1).

Khule & the Elspeth Archives (MittensTheKitten)

She was, to say the least, exhausted. After flying for what seemed like ages through the wastelands that encompassed her, Kuhle was just about ready to collapse. There didn't seem to be anything around her, and though at the time, she was ecstatic to head off and see the world, she wasn't expecting there to be nothing this far in.

But, low and behold, her steady determination was finally rewarded. At least, Kuhle thought.

The large building that rose in the horizon was daunting enough. The architecture was horrifyingly gothic with stone beasts staring down from the tops of the towers as she approached. Nothing else was around it, and the square structure expanded out from behind it. When Kuhle looked around to get a better view, it looked as if there was an opening at the center, but she was too low to the ground to get a good view. Before she could even consider her next course of action, a shadow materialized from the void in front of her, and when Kuhle whipped her head around, she was met with a blue coatl. He scowled at the sight of her, keeping his distance warily, the bow in his claw ready to be used at a moment's notice.

"Who in the world are you?" The coatl asked, glaring down at the spiral.

"My name's Kuhle," she greeted cheerfully, though it took most of her willpower to not stutter out the words. "I'm looking for some shelter. Who are you? And... Where am I?" The coatl considered her for a moment, scrutinizing her little to no supplies, grimed up scales, and exhausted expression. Finally, seeing as she wasn't a threat, relaxed.

"Marx," was his curt reply, "and you've stumbled upon the Elspeth Archives."

"The... What?" Kuhle frowned, having never heard of such a place. Marx rolled his eyes and flew passed her, not even bothering to glance back at her as he continued to speak. Kuhle yelped for him to wait up whilst quickly soaring after him.

"Do you have ears?" The coatl snapped.
"Yes?" Kuhle spoke slowly.
"Then use them," Marx growled. "The Elspeth Archives. Exactly what it sounds like. A place full of musty old books and magic instructors." Oh, books? Maybe they had some on baking... Though Marx didn't seem too keen about the whole 'reading' portion of these archives. The large arched entrance where two wildclaw's flanked the entrance appeared before the two dragons, but they didn't offer Marx a second look. However, both glanced curiously at Kuhle, and she quickly sped up as she didn't want to linger. Inside was impeccably decorated with curtains of the finest silk and carpets adorned with gold designs. However she didn't have much time to take in the the sights since Marx made his way down the corridor.

"Where are we going?" Kuhle gasped, attempting to keep up. Marx flicked his tail and glared back at her.

"I'm taking you to the Head."
"Who's that?" Kuhle inquired. Marx only groaned in response, muttering something about stupid travelers under his breath. It didn't faze her, however, and eventually Marx poked his head through an opened door. A moment later, a calm, yet stern voice reverberated through the hall, allowing them to come in. Kuhle entered the room just as Marx slipped out, completely abandoning her to whoever was on the other side. Sitting behind a desk was a fae glad in mage attire, her eyes covered by a guise over her eyes.

"Who are you?" The fae asked.

"My name is Kuhle. I'm a traveler, just seeing the world," she chirped. "What's your name?"

"Vivian," the fae responded, "and welcome to Elspeth Archives. We don't have many rooms here suited for stay, but your welcome to rest and clean up. You look like you need it." She snapped her claws and a moment later, a coatl with shimmering cornflower runes appeared in the doorway, her snaked head dipped low in respect. "Estelle, please care for our guest and get her properly cleane dup," Vivian commanded. The coatl - Estelle - nodded before leading Khule away from the room.

Estelle brought the traveler into a large room where silks hung from the windows and outfits were half finished on tables all around them. Khule's eyes widened in shock at the array of jewels and other unique items that were scattered haphazardly around the workplace. "It's a little messy," Estelle apologized with a shy smile, "but please try not to mind it. Let's get you cleaned up." The young coatl helped Khule wash the grime from her scales and brought her some fresh food. "Hmm... let's set you up with some new clothes," Estelle murmured.

"Are you sure? You don't have to," Khule breathed, "you've all been so nice to me..." Estelle flicked her tail whist shaking her head.

"It's no problem at all." When Kuhle left the Elspeth Archives, she was fully restored with a full belly, new clothes, and even a few books to read during her downtime when she needed to rest! Most of them, granted, were about baking - and she hoped to one day use them to perfect her skills.

+ Date Plumed Headdress

smthelj's lair

After leaving the Elspeth Archives, Kuhle's spirit soared as high as she herself. The dragon did loops and spins and all kinds of other aerial stunts. But by the time membranes and tendrils of the Scarred Wasteland gave way to green cliffs of the Windswept Plateau she had calmed down a little and was able to pay attention to the ground again.

And just in time - a plume of bright purple smoke was rising up from one of the pillars! Interest piqued, Kuhle decided to investigate.

The source turned out to be a makeshift alchemy cauldron with an assortment of tubes and pipes leading out of it and over the edge of the cliff, being tended to by a harried-looking Bogsneak. From a litle closer, grumbling could be heard:

"...can't believe that shaggy loon didn't even think to ask me, respected position my tail, what kind of respect is that to not even get an announcement, he had to have known, Shadowbinder damn him, that lousy-"

"Hello!" Kuhle couldn't stand to wait much longer to announce her presence, curious about the stranger's plight, "I know this is sudden, but can I help in some way?"

The Bogsneak swore, startled, and dropped something in the cauldron.

"Gah!! Oh, uh, hey there! No, uh, that's fine" he floundered, then calmed down a little and sighed. "Not unless you can get me a ticket for RockStar's performance, because someone just had to go and turn him away from our lair!"

The Spiral's wings wilted. "No, I can't say I can..."

"I figured," the Bogsneak nodded gloomily, but then suddenly perked up again. "Hey, you're a traveller, right? Maybe you'll meet RockStar one day! If you do, could you tell him I'm his biggest fan? Oh, and, ask for an autograph, but not for you, for me - I-I mean, it's ok if you ask for an autograph too, but I really want-"

His tirade was interrupted by a loud splat.

Kuhle squeaked and quickly searched the surroundings for the perpetrator. It revealed itself to be a small jelly-like iridescent mass that, as evidenced by a slimy trail it was leaving behind, came from the cauldron.

"Aw dangit! I knew I've botched something in the brew there. Great, now the lighter-than-air gas is not going to be ready in time! The clan brass is really gonna have my hide for this..." the Bogsneak moaned. He scooped up the bubbling mass, intending to dump it back into the brew, but was stopped by the Spiral.

"Wait, wait, no need to melt the poor guy! Look at his little eyes - he clearly can feel! Maybe even think!"

"I highly doubt that," snorted the alchemist. "But you can have it if you wanna."

"Then I will!" proclaimed Kuhle. As the familiar caretaker in her lair she could tell a potential faithful companion when she saw one. Besides, travelling with company will be much more fun!

So Kuhle placed the her new gelatinous buddy on her head (earning her a weird stare from the Bogsneak) and leapt off and into an awaiting air current.


Acquired: Sentient Alloy familiar
Starwindrider's Lair
The hot fumes of the Molten Scar buffeted Kuhle's wings as she soared over the Molten Scar. The Fire Flight was just a few hours away from the windy realm of the Windsinger, so she just decided to visit it for a while. The climate here was really very different from its neighbouring territories!

Deciding that the heat was just a bit too much, Kuhle landed on a black boulder, only to jump up when the heat scorched her claws. "Great gods! This is going to burn me to cinders!" she yelped. A little giggle sounded behind her, and she turned to see a smallish Imperial. The Imperial opened her mouth and spoke, "Don't worry, you'll get used to it! You're not a local, are you?"

Kuhle shook her head (and her claws, trying to get the burning sensation off), answering, "I'm a traveller. I came from Wind over here to see what it's like, and now I know its...really hot." She tilted her head at the Imperial. "Are you a Fire dragon?"

The other dragon laughed. "No, I'm from Light. But I was sent here when I was really young, so you could say I practically grew up here." Through some introductions, Kuhle learnt that the other Imperial - Hakumei - was a twilight mage of sorts. Hakumei told Kuhle about her magic, and although Kuhle did not really understand much of what the other dragon was saying, she still listened and responded enthusiastically along with Hakumei's zealous sharing. Kuhle reminded herself to visit the Light territory someday to learn more about these interesting magics.

Before Kuhle left, Hakumei dug out some strange apparel. "Here! Take these. They are specially made in our Clan by the Inventor, Sythlar. They're pretty cool, aren't they? You can wear them or give them to someone else in your travels!"

Thanking Hakumei, Kuhle took to the air, off to her new destination, and away from the burning hot lands of the Flamecaller.
Acquired: Bronze Steampunk Spats

Clan Improbable (seige)

Kuhle corkscrewed her way through the sky, mindlessly chatting to the new friend on her head. The amorphous creature answered from time to time with squeaks,hisses, and gurgles that certainly weren’t random.

“I knew you were smart, Senny. You’re communicating, aren’t you?”

“Galllubbbbbb hissssssssssss squee blopblop.”

Kuhle smiled, “I wish I could understand you. But I will. Look! Dragons.” She swirled her way down to land in the middle of a bustling compound.

A stately red Mirror walked up to her, “Greetings. I am Thane of Clan Improbable. You are welcome here.” He eyed her suspiciously, “Are you aware that there is . . . something on your head?”

“Hello, Thane. I’m Kuhle, a traveler.” She pointed to her head. “That’s Senny, my friend. I rescued him from a cauldron. I’m going to learn his language.”

Thane nodded his head. “I’m delighted to make your acquaintance, Senny. Kuhle, can I interest you in freshening up and a nice meal? I’m told our founder, jewel, has a moth wing cookie recipe that is quite tasty.”

“Cookies?! Yes, please. Do you think I could get the recipe?”

Thane chuckled, “Don’t count on it. I’m not sure she’d give the recipe to the Stormcatcher himself. Quite protective of it.”

Rather quickly Kuhle was seated on a large flat rock nibbling cookies and sipping pauper tea. A nearby crowd of hatchlings were giggling at Senny’s gurgles, as if he were telling them an amusing story. The amorphous entity seemed rather pleased with himself.

Kuhle’s eyes narrowed in thought. She spoke to the nearest hatchling. “My name is Kuhle.”

The black and purple Fae nodded. “I know. That’s what Thenny said. I’m Geb. He must be fun to travel with. He’s funny. He says you wear him like a hat when you fly.”

“Why, yes, yes I do. You understand him?”

“Course I do.”

Kuhle slid the plate of cookies toward Geb, “Do you think you could sit with me awhile? Could teach me how to understand him?”

“I’d have to get permission from Megami -- she watches over us hatchies. I’ll be back if she says okay.”

Kuhle thanked the Fae profusely and turned to Senny. “So, hatchilings can understand you,” she mused.

Senny clicked, hissed and smiled.

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