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Energy: 50
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4.7 m
3.42 m
560.04 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level

- none
- none

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►Info |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Name: Evan Occupation: Cursed guardian |
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► Memories |
No one knew at this point who the demon was - the monster in the pendant, or the monster who wore it. All they knew was that for the last twenty years, a sickly green glow guarded the outskirts of the clan's territory.
They still remembered his name. It was Evan. Before he had broken the law and stolen that dark artifact, he was unruly and proud, but still an honest dragon. He owned up to his mistakes and strove to improve, even if he still had a lot to learn. He was a warrior that the hatchlings of the clan could admire for his strength. But that strength was never enough for Evan, and one day he resolved to surpass his limits.
He really was a magnificent fighter. The guards of the temple couldn't stop him from entering - he knocked them out one after another, delving deep into the musty corridors that housed the ancient secrets of the clan. When he found the amulet, feeling its power, he took it and placed it around his neck. He knew that the relic was the key to great power.
The power came at a price. Freed of its sacred housing, the cursed amulet took hold of Evan. The demonic energies which had been asleep for thousands of years now awoke, and they spoke to him in his mind. With every step he took towards daylight, the voice grew stronger. By the time he reached the guards, and they saw what he had done, it was too late. They barely escaped from his wrath with their lives.
The temple became forbidden after that. It stood lonely on the borders of clan territory, silent and dark. When they learned of what Evan had done, the clan's warriors assembled to liberate him from the demon's power, but they could not defeat him. Eventually, it was decided that the possessed dragon would be left alone. He never ventured far from the temple, defending them like a black hound. As long as they left him to his devices, no one came to harm.
For a time, it was almost peaceful. Evan brooded silently in his lair, stalking the temple grounds, staring coldly at the lights of the clan's territory which reached him over the hills. The beastclan animals which found themselves in his territory were cut down without exception, and their carcasses littered the grounds. The skeletons remain there to this day. And yet, through the clan's orders, Evan lived alone and didn't attack a single dragon.
But it wouldn't last. Once again, the curiosity of the young was greater than the warnings of the old. One day, a young dragon found herself at the temple's entrance on a dare. Ghost stories of a green ghost had brought her there, and she was told not to return until she had seen the spirit for herself.
It didn't take long for Evan to find her. The demons in his head spoke out, chastising him for being careless, and convincing him that there could be no strength when his borders were weak enough to let a young girl sneak in. She had to die. The possessed dragon chased her down, racing in and out of the temple grounds before finally cornering her in the amulet chamber. In a fight, she stood no chance - Evan tore her apart, and her battered body fell silently to the stone floor. Just then, another dragon came to the chamber, kin to the first in every way. The sister's grief matched Evan's anger, and the two fought. The sister knew that the fight was hopeless, but she wouldn't let her sister die unavenged.
Fate conspired to save her life. Somehow, returning to the sacred chamber had loosened the amulet's power over Evan. For the first time in twenty years, he could think clearly. He found himself staring at a bloody and bruised skydancer, who stood over the body of the sister he had killed. Evan was aghast. He had never meant for this to happen. He wished he had never taken the amulet. But try as he might, he couldn't remove it.
The sister fled in his confusion, taking the body with her. Evan tried to chase them, to tell them what he had learned, but the amulet seized control once again. The green demon had returned, and the skydancer narrowly escaped his attacks.
That was the last time in a long time that anyone would see Evan. The clan was in an uproar, furious that one of their own had been killed by the demon. From far away, he saw their scouts combing the fringes of his territory, looking for a weakspot. Looking for some way to defeat him.
But he regarded them dispassionately. The two sisters had given him a valuable lesson; no one could be allowed within his territory. In that demonic haze, his wounded pride thirsted for a chance to redeem himself. And the cursed warrior vowed to destroy any dragons who dared cross his border.

It didn't take long before Evan's vow presented the possessed dragon with a dilemma; what if there came a dragon who simply refused to be destroyed?
The voices inside of him were astonished at the tenacity of the black wildclaw that lay before him. Covered in wounds and breathing raggedly from the battle, the dragon still raised its head and gazed at Evan with eyes that were no longer there.
"You haven't driven me off yet." he'd said.
Every time Evan attacked the wildclaw, succeeding in repelling him from the temple grounds, he would come back the next day. Over the months that the two clashed, Evan's boiling fury at being defied gradually gave way to something else. He was curious, despite the brutality that his vow and the voices in his head demanded of him. The wildclaw escaped with his life on the first several occasions, but eventually their fights were settled with nothing more than the intruder being knocked unconscious and thrown from the temple grounds. The demons in Evan could not convince him to kill this strange dragon. He wanted to know why there was such persistence in his heart.
He learned that the dragon's name was Soul one day, poised to attack on the archway which led into the temple. The wildclaw made no move to attack, and only spoke to Evan from just beyond his territory. As there didn't seem to be any danger of the wildclaw coming closer, the possessed skydancer relaxed his guard.
Soul was not there to destroy Evan, or to invade the temple, or to do anything that the dragons of the clan had attempted in the past. He fought Evan when he was attacked, and when the fighting was over he retreated in order to tend to his wounds. But if there was no fight, then he would take a seat by the archway and speak to the warrior about nothing in particular.
What was it that drove him? What was it that made the wildclaw so content to simply be in his presence? Why was it that even the demons who controlled his mind were too stunned by the resilience and resolve of Soul to take his life?
Perhaps the answer lay somewhere deeper inside. For now, Evan continued his vigilant guard of the temple, annihilating the beasts and overconfident adventures who dared to enter. But when Soul arrived, seating himself at his normal spot under the arch, Evan was content to sit and listen as well
Lore by Doppler
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► Visions |
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Exalting Evan to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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