
Level 1 Wildclaw
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Maned Cerdae
Maned Cerdae
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Female Wildclaw
Female Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Dusk Rogue Hood
Marksman's Quiver





6.81 m
6.23 m
709.07 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 01, 2018
(6 years)


Wildclaw icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245


Long before Nimura and her older brothers had hatched, Atmosphere and Othello had agreed to keep his true origins a secret from their children so they would not be harmed if that gods ever did find out that Othello was formerly apart of the Shade.

When Atmosphere laid three beautiful eggs, Othello was both overjoyed and terrified. He had always dreamed of having hatchlings of his own, but Othello hadn’t thought it was possible for a Shade to be able to bring life into the world. While the eggs were incubating, the white-eyed wildclaw frequently worried he wouldn’t be a good father and that the eggs wouldn’t make it through incubation. When Aihe, Emissaire and Nimura emerged from their eggshells. Othello breathed a sigh of relief. All of his children looked healthy and happy...or least that was how it seemed at the time.

As a couple of days passed, Atmosphere and Othello noticed that Nimura ate a lot more food than her brothers. She would practically inhale any morsel presented to her as if she hadn’t eaten for weeks on end. Atmosphere and Othello began to fear that their daughter would die before she reached adolescence with that Shade-like hunger of hers, but Nimura survived despite all odds.

Sadly, the Aquafire Clan’s supply of meat had not been as fortunate. The Aquafire Clan’s hunters had to work double time to find enough food to feed Nimura. Because of this, Othello took it upon himself to teach his daughter how to hunt so she could provide for herself.

Together, the two wildclaws practiced many different hunting tactics. Nimura tried hunting animals with many different weapons, but she decided that she preferred using own talons and/or her bow and arrows. Gradually, Nimura began to search for larger and larger game with her father. Othello and Nimura had planned on hunting a grizzly bear together just before Nimura became registered as an official hunger in the Aquafire Clan. The father and the daughter planned to camp in the Wispwillow Grove for three days while they hunted and tracked the elusive grizzly bear.

On the first night in the Wispwillow Grove, Othello and Nimura had awoken to the sound of scraping and hissing. Othello slipped out of the tent to see what creature had been making all of the noise.

“What is it?” Nimura hissed to her father as she grabbed her bow.

Othello didn’t respond.

“Father?” Nimura asked with growing concern.

“Stay in the tent,” Othello ordered as he watched the creature approach.

The creature that was responsible for the noise was in fact, a grizzly bear, but it wasn’t the kind Othello had hoped to encounter. The bear’s milky-white eyes had no pupils. A thick dark liquid oozed from the creature’s unhinged maw and dark whisps of ebony smoke rose from the beast’s furry hide. Othello knew the bear was possessed by the Shade.

Sister-brother,” the grizzly said in a raspy voice. “How could you betray your own flesh?” The feathers on the back of Nimura’s neck stood on an end as she heard the creature’s voice.

“I never betrayed you, Sister-brothers,” Othello said with unwavering gaze.

LIES!” The bear roared as it tackled Othello. “You MADE! And GAVE our power to a spawn of the gods!

When the bear sudden tackled Othello, Nimura emerged from the tent and jumped on the bear’s back. The bear got off of Othello and tried to shake Nimura off. However, the female wildclaw sunk her long, curved claws into the bear’s hide and fired an arrow right into the spot where the beast’s skull met its spinal cord. The bear crumbled to the ground instantly.

The beast snarled to the wildclaws with its last breaths, “We will fine you again, Sister-brother, and we will devour you and your made.”

Then, the bear’s eyes went dark and the beast lay still. Nimura looked to her father and demanded that he give her an explanation. Othello couldn’t speak. An animal possessed by the Shade could not be taken down by a simple arrow. Although, Nimura’s arrow hadn’t been simple. Othello had seen dark swirling smoke coming off of the arrow. He knew without a doubt the ebony smoke was essence of Shade’s destructive power and it hadn’t come from Othello or his sister-brothers. No, it had come from his daughter.

“Nimura, we have to get out of here,” Othello said with a shaky breath. He still couldn’t believe his daughter was like him with shade powers of her own, but he needed to focus on the task at talon and get his daughter and himself as far away from the Shade as possible.

Nimura narrowed her purple eyes at Othello and hissed, “You’re dodging the question, Father.” Othello sighed and said with glossy eyes, “I know, Nimura. Trust me, I want to tell you everything...but I don’t have time and the Shade we saw—that was only a small fragment of it.”

Nimura’s eyes widened.

“You mean that grizzly was the Shade?” Nimura asked.

Othello only nodded before he scrambled to gather the tent supplies. Nimura cast one long look at the grizzly bear’s corpse. The thick black liquid was now fizzing and bubbling on the lifeless creature’s tongue. Then, the female wildclaw turned her back on the bear and tried not to think about the power she had felt corse through just before she had let her arrow fly.

Once Othello and Nimura arrived at the Aquafire Clan, the two wildclaws saw smoke rising from the Aquafire Clan’s lair. Othello and Nimura rushed into the the Aquafire Clan’s den to see what was had caused the smoke and saw that the Shade were launching an attack on their clan.

The members of the Aquafire Clan we’re engaged in a bloody battle against the Shade. Othello and Nimura exchanged a quick glance and then, raced to the battlefield, shrieking at the top of their lungs. The battle lasted for hours and the Shade was gradually gaining the upper hand.

Nimura had been holding up pretty well during the fight, until she saw a fragment of the Shade devour her brother, Aihe. Nimura froze and stared at the spot where her oldest brother been. One second he had been alive, the next he had been gone. While Nimura stood there paralyzed, the Shade circled around her and lunged in to devour Nimura.

Othello bulldozed his way through the battlefield, towards Nimura. He knew wasn’t going to make it in time without using his Shade magic so he released all of the destructive chaos inside of him and directed it at the Shade hovering above his daughter. Everyone saw Othello used his shade powers to blast other shade surrounding Nimura to smithereens. Fortunately though, the sudden explosion brought Nimura back into the real world.

She turned to look at her father just as he collasped to the ground. The white-eyed wildclaw had used all of his power to save Nimura and now, he had nothing. The reminants of the Shade surrounded Othello.

You can never leave us, Sister-brother. You are us. We are you. So we will devour and return you to us for the rest of eternity!” The Shade shrieked as it closed in on Othello.

Atmosphere roared to her mate. She desperately wanted to charge through the Shade and get Othello, but her brother Altitude held her back because he knew the Shade would kill Atmosphere the moment she touched it.

“FATHER!” Nimura roared as she released her own destructive magic at the Shade and sent the destructive entity flying back. The purple eyed wildclaw ran to her father an quickly helped him get to his feet.

Meanwhile, all of the Shade reminents in a twenty mile radius joined together one last time and became a giant tidal wave of liquid onyx. The ebony wave rose above the Aquafire Clan and threatened to shallow everything Nira and Leon had worked so hard to create. Othello quickly grabbed his daughter’s hand. With fear-filled eyes, Nimura looked at her father.

“We can beat them, Nimura,” Othello assured his daughter. And then, the two wildclaws summoned all of their destructive power and fired it at the inky black tidal wave. The wildclaw’s power collided with the Shade’s and created a sonic blast. After the explosion, ashes filled the air a blocked out the sun.

The Aquafire Clan’s lair had been reduced to rumble. Although, all of the members of the clan emerged from the rumble, alive. Some them were badly injured, but all of them could walk. The days following the Aquafire Clan’s fight with the Shade, which was dubbed as the Battle of the Blackwave, were long and hard. Maruna and Neo rushed to heal as many dragons possible and had little time to eat or sleep. The members of the Aquafire also grieved for Aihe and the many other dragons that had perished in battle.

However, Othello and Atmosphere finally decided to tell Nimura and the rest of the Aquafire Clan about Othello’s true origins. Nira and Leon held a meeting nightly to discuss the future plans of the Aquafire Clan and the fate of Othello and Nimura (who as everyone had learned had the power of the Shade). No one in the Aquafire Clan wanted to go against the will of the Tidelord by protecting a former piece of the Shade, but Othello was well loved by the members of the Aquafire Clan and he had proved his loyalty to Tulane during the Battle of the Blackwave.

After much debate, Nira and Leon decided to allow Othello and Nimura to stay in the clan. The two leaders of the Aquafire Clan also made Nimura an official hunter for the Aquafire Clan. To this day, Nimura hunts often with her father and also secretly practices using her shade powers with him. During one of Nimura training sessions, the wildclaw realized that her unending appetite is somewhat of a gift because food strengthens her chaotic powers. Since Nimura’s appetite has no limits, her power is also limitless and sometimes even stronger than her father’s.

Personality: Nimura is calm, cool and collected. She is very blunt like her father and doesn’t care if she offends other dragons. The wildclaw does everything with poise and cat-like grace. Well, everything except eating. Nimura often tears her food to shreds and chews with her mouth open. The wildclaw isn’t the humblest of dragons and has a tendency to boast about her skills. However, Nimura never makes other dragons feel inferior to her.

Clan Position: Hunter/Warrior

Soul Mate: Orion

Familiar: For the first time in centuries, the Plaguebringer decided to hold a hunting competition to determine who was the best hunter in all of Sornieth. The winner would recieve 100,000,000 treasure and the Plaguebringer’s favor. Nimura, being the proud hunter she was, flew to the Scarred Wasteland without hesitation and signed up to join the competition. There were five rounds in the competition. During each round, the Plaguebringer would pick the animal the competitors would be hunting. The competitors with the most and the largest members of the Plaguebringer’s selected species would move onto the next round. For the first four rounds, Nimura consistently placed in the top five most successful competitors. Just before Round Five was about to commence, the Plaguebringer announced that the competitors would be hunting a cerdae. Nimura traveled all the way to the Tangled Woods to find an elusive cerdae. The wildclaw set up traps and left out bait for a wild cerdae. Nimura waited for hours on end for a cerdae without much luck. Nimura was being to fear she might loose the competition, when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Nimura turned her head just in time to see the elusive maned cerdae in the distance. Nimura cautiously snuck up on the cerdae. The wildclaw was prepared to pounce on the maned cerdae when suddenly she fell into a hidden trap. The maned cerdae turned around and purred, “Well, well, look who is being hunted now.” Nimura blinked at the cerdae. Did it just talk? She wondered. The maned cerdae rolled her eyes and continued to speak as if she were talking to a hatchling, “Do you speak dwaconic wittle dragon? Or do I have to dumn it down even more for you?” Nimura snarled and began fighting against her bondages. “Don’t even bother,” the maned cerdae growled, “Those vines are made from the toughest—“ The cerdae stopped speaking when she saw Nimura break through the vines with her shade powers. Once Nimura was free, she lunged for the maned cerdae. The cerdae returned the favor and charged at Nimura. The wildclaw and cerdae fought one another for an entire hour, until Nimura managed to get the upper hand in the battle and pinned the cerdae on her back. Nimura pressed her claws against the cerdae’s neck. The maned cerdae looked at Nimura, with fear-filled eyes, “P-please, don’t kill me. I’m not ready to go.” Nimura grip softened on the cerdae when she heard its—no, her—words. When Nimura became a hunter for the Aquafire Clan, she had sworn to the Tidelord that she would never kill a beast with a soul. She would be betraying that vow if she killed the cerdae. Nimura asked the maned cerdae if she had any family. She knew she would need to warn the other maned cerdaes of the competition. “No,” the cerdae answered with a shaky breath, “B-but they gave their lives for me and I still haven’t made their sacrifice worth it.” The wildclaw sighed and released her grip on the cerdae. “Go,” the wildclaw said. The cerdae’s eyes widened, but she didn’t move. “Does the wittle cerdae not understanding dwaconic?” Nimura asked in a mocking tone. The cerdae sneered at the dragon as she got back her hooves. “I just can’t believe a demonic beast like you is just letting me go,” the cerdae admitted. Nimura countered,“Hey, not all of us dragons are soulless monsters.” Suddenly, a dragon roared in the distance. The maned cerdae’s legs began to shake. The maned cerdae quickly asked, “How many of you are out there?” The wildclaw replied, “Roughly twenty-five.” The maned cerdae shallowed hard. “You know, I can take you to a place that’s heavily guarded and free of competitors,” Nimura offered. The maned cerdae asked Nimura why she was bothering to help her. Nimura told the cerdae about the vow she had made to the Tidelord. The cerdae was reluctant to trust Nimura, but she did agree to venture with the wildclaw to this ‘safe place’. The guarded place had actually been the Aquafire Clan and the cerdae (who’s name was Ester apparently) eventually chose to live there. Over time time, Ester and Nimura became good friends and hunting rivals.

Original Appearance:
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