
Level 1 Coatl
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Energy: 50
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Wind icon
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Male Coatl
Male Coatl
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8 m
10.76 m
928.12 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 19, 2018
(6 years)


Coatl icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245



Scarborough (Making this his official canon Lore <3) wrote:
A forgotten prince, lost to a sandstorm. The kingdom of Asoath had been seaarching for their lost heir for years, centuries if the time flowed right. He was never found, buried under stone and sand. When a team of archaeologists dug up the ruins of his temples, of his cities, of his home, they had in turn, found him. At the time of being found, he had been fossilized, turned to granite and marble, veins of gold and copper spider-webbing through his face, his wings. He looks particularly angelic in his stony visage.

It took another decade and a half to free him from the stone, however whe he broke free, he was not the same as he was, however nore was he i any way different. Rings of pure light coalesce around his head and neck, spinning at velocities that would cut steel. The pure elemental energy took form on the base of his wings, making little streaks of light form into the shape of little wings. He still retained the spider-web of copper and gold, his eyes a brilliant shade of umber, of amber, of the dying sun. The center of his iris took a vivid green, of undying winds, of all that is wild and joyful, and free.

He donned ancient Armour, returning to the city he was once set up to rule. Devastated by the time passed, f the destruction of his home, he set out to rebuild it, turning what os once a noble kingdom into a home for others like himself.

Nice stuff wrote:
@Vergil: the soft browns and golds fit together so beautifully ♡ ♡

@Solisk: This boy has such beautiful colors!! I love the way you incorporated his halo's to his lore as well!!

@Kipuka: This guy is the definition of light.

@TheClassCalico: Aster's apparel gives me a strong 'Summer warrior' vibe, and his colours and genes are subtle, but add a nice touch to his overall appearance.

@Veine: Oh my god this guy is so gorgeous! I love his colors and genes (I'm really weak to latte jag :P), and his apparel matches so well. Even his accent is perfect! One of the best brown range dergs ive ever seen and a lovely coatl as well :)

@sane: his opal is gorgeous! he honestly would not be the same without it. the fact that it's only a few shades off from his other colours makes it look very natural, like he is chipping away to reveal beautiful stone beneath. the apparel you chose makes him look rather regal, and i love the lore surrounding the halo as well as his lore in general. i could definitely see him as a desert dweller.

@Redsand: I bet this lad gets picked often, but just look at those colors! He's so soft at first I could've sworn he had stained, but then I realized it was a stunning combination of latte and driftwood and they work so darn well together! That opal really puts a nice touch in there - like a bit of molten gold dripped onto him and hardened into place. The accent and apparel both suit him perfectly, accentuating his calm colors with striking gold.

@Noodlesper: I know this boy has been picked a lot but listen I have never loved a brown/gold combo more. I'm normally not particularly into browns but this kid right here? he deserves an award for being so pretty. You've played that Sanddollar opal so well, bringing it out with his accent and the soft golden apparel plus it matches with the light color-accents in his prim/sec too! Normally the green eyes would be out of place, but I personally think they bring character to him and just the right amount of color-splash! (Plus I really don't care about eye-matching so seeing a dragon with completly off-color eyes is just so refreshing)

@Aloice: I have a weakness for golds and earthy colors due to my flight affiliation, and he just shows those elements off so well! I love how the golden lines from his accent on his wings match with the opal strips on the wings and the outline of the aura - could have fooled me into thinking all those things had come together as a package. Though coming from different apparel sets, the necklace, horn and guards all mesh together well, and even though he's not a light dragon, his green eyes are actually emphasized by the orange and gold-brown on his head. Overall a great look!

@Dartrix: Aster looks so wonderful! I love the gold on him! The accent was a really great find for this guy, it looks great on him. Also can we talk about his tertiary? It's probably one of the best uses of opal I've ever seen. I thought it was part of the accent at first cause it matches so nicely! I really love this guy. And again, love the lil facts about him in the description, really cool!
RainingStorm wrote:
  • Actually has a pollen allergy.
  • He tries to keep a small garden around but has trouble keeping them alive in the Starfall Isles. But because he's so nice, he easily gets Nature dragons to help him.
  • Bees and butterflies often swarm around him.
  • Desert animals seem to like him and will be friendlier around him.
  • He's sometimes called on to help others get over fears of certain animals (ie. scorpions, spiders)
  • Aster seems like one of those dragons that would start reading a page of a book, then get distracted and have to read the whole page over again.
  • He probably would totally have time fly by without a second thought to it, but immediately know when it is night. It’s like a second sense.
  • He gets excited about the little things. Oh, a butterfly flew by? That’s good luck!
  • However, huge surprises are a bit sublime. The most extravagant thing in the world... he knows it won’t make him truly happy.
  • Because of this he is happy at whatever down time he has. Simply watching the world go by.
  • Even thigh he has a halo, he knows he is not an angel. Simply a dragon. However, a dragon is all he ever wanted to be.
sorry it’s a bit poetic, lol...


- Aster is a type of desert flower, which he dearly likes
- He's heavily associated with nature, deserts, and light
- A very kind, soft spoken good boy
- He likes Fennec foxes and cactus wren the most, though any desert animal is on his "I love this" list
- Aster doesn't like to lie, but he hates blunt honesty as well. He'll always be as kind as possible
- A possible forgotten Prince
- Thought of as holy by many, he isn't inclined to encourage these thoughts. However, when his power is needed, when the light hits him just right... you can see faint, thin little halos around him


By weisteria
GhostBreath wrote:


She wandered the waters of many places, but mainly lingered near where freezing waves that lapped sluggishly at the Southern Icefield's territories. Wandering, watching, and taking up any lost souls that sadly drowned in those waters. She was a spirit of sorts, a phantom that welcomed the lost souls of dragons that met an end in dark waters.

This time was different, though. She found herself at the spot where the territories of Ice and Arcane clashed. Waters still cold, but not the bone-numbing and wings freezing cold that was deeper in her homeland. No, she wasn't watching and protecting a lost soul this time. Right now, her eyes were following a Coatl that seemed to shine with the light of the sun. Beautiful and angelic, with even a halo surrounding his head like the golden horns that curved at his cheeks.

He was beautiful, light, and all the things she was not. Therefore, she was enraptured. With a strong downstroke of her whispy wings, Maboroshi was airborne. Flying and drawn towards this light Coatl just as a moth seemingly was drawn to the flame. Perhaps he'd be the end of a phantom such as she, but it'd be a welcome end.

Landing silently as a leaf and padding slowly, cautiously, towards him, the ghostly Skydancer tilted her head. Pale eyes shining under the heavy hood draped over her head. Clearing her throat once she was within a distance that she could reach and touch him, she straightened up a small bit. Wincing when the noise seemed to startle him. Right, she walked near silently and must have snuck up on him without meaning to.

Speaking in a soft tone, she offered a respectful bow as well. "Hello. I saw you from across the ice floes, and... You are warm. Bright like the sun. Beautiful..." Uncharacteristically, she seemed mildly flustered. Not quite sure what to say now that she was right next to the beautiful dragon that had caught her eye. Romance was certainly not her strong suit, and it showed quite plainly.
SmudgedSkies wrote on 2019-11-12 12:42:19:


Kaga no
A young female coatl crashed into the snow, giggling with glee as her peers rolled their eyes. "Kaga, listen to me. We're all gonna split up today and patrol, okay?" one of the dragons, a green tundra, informed. She simply nodded, bouncing like a short dog, and away from the two.
Soon enough, she found herself lost, unable to find her allies. "Mosu? Iwa? Guys?" she called out, feeling lonely.
Eventually, she spotted another dragon in the snow, another coatl. But he was... gorgeous. His scales shone golden brown, complimented by the Paladin-like armor he donned.
"Wow..." she gasped, pressing herself against the snow to try to be unseen. This did not really work, but whatever. Gorgeous dragon.
Her breath caught in her throat when he turned around and saw her. His eyes were a bright green and blue, contrasting with the rest of him. Though, it wasn't a bad contrast at all. As soon as he caught sight of her, she jumped and flew off in a state of panic, not stopping until she accidentally flew straight into her tundra friend.
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