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Personal Style


Shadow Aura
Violet Flowerfall
Glowing Purple Clawtips
White Protective Eyewear
Shady Crown
Contrast Aviator Satchel
Standard of the Shadowbinder
Dire Kelpie Mane
White Aviator Scarf
Mage's Nightshade Overcoat
Dusk Rogue Vest
Mage's Nightshade Socks
Twilight Rose Thorn Gloves


Skin: Chessknight


Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain


5.04 m
4.36 m
482.7 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 14, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245



Chessa Kairo
The Gamemaster flying with the Shooting Stars
~feisty, competitive, friendly~
This ex-guardian's charge was a chess set.
{Theme}-{she/her}-{cis}-{straight}-{older adult}-{chaotic good}

Tengu Caller
Shadow Runestone
Faded Shadowbinder Effigy
Shadowbinder Onyx Idol
Void Loop
Night Flame
Umbral Yarn
"Why do nothing, when you can do something?"

"Hello and welcome! My name is Chessa, and I'm the Gamemaster. That means I head to the fairgrounds and earn money for the clan, so that makes me pretty important I guess. You can count on me to bring back a hefty 75,000 Treasure each day. *pats bag* Jigsaw puzzles were once my creed, but now I'm a Glimmer & Gloom master - thank the deities.

The treasure I've earned has been used to fund one of the most important events our clan has ever seen. If you want, I'll tell you more about it, maybe over a game of Higher or Lower."

Chessa was born to November and London in an Ancient Lair of the Forum of the Obscured Crescent within the Tangled Wood. As the daughter of an Imperial and a Guardian, she was born naturally large, being a Guardian. Chessa grew to adulthood within this clan, and did what was natural to her at the time - and thus she started The Search.

She didn't look far however, because she found her charge with surprising ease as it was located within the clan's hoard. It was an aged chess board, unfolded to reveal the complete set of pieces. Chessa sat with it, carefully lined up the pieces, and then began to play against herself. She practiced playing every day from that point on.

The chess set was not all she found during her stay in the clan. Chessa met a fellow Guardian who was called BlackSnake: a suave male who already had experience in romance once before. But he was her first love, and the father of her only children. The pair had two clutches - all of which were sent out into the world in Searches of their own. Everything was not happily-ever-after, however. BlackSnake decided to part with Chessa, going on to have several mates afterwards. Filled with sadness, Chessa made the decision to take her chess set and leave the clan in search of a fresh start.

Finding her charge within her birth-clan made for a sheltered life. Never before had Chessa left her home in the Crescent, and the rest of the Wood was unknown to her, let alone the entire world of Sornieth. Something westward called to her, and with her charge safe in her bag, she was free to explore and make a new journey for herself. Through the brambles and groves infested with glowing blue mushrooms, laughter could be heard bouncing off the trees as unknown tricksters darted in the shadows. Even through the thick mist that darkened the cursed land, Chessa could see a small shack. Was this what she was looking for?

Without hesitation, Chessa pushed open the door. In a flash she saw an old swamp hag of a dragon turn from a cauldron and shriek. The jumpscare made Chessa slam the door shut and run for her life, but running quickly became difficult as it felt like something paranormal was happening to her. She fell as the swamp witch caught up to her. The witch circled her quickly as she called for the Talonok to come. A Tengu Caller landed in front of Chessa and swiped its scythe at her, but she felt nothing. Chessa's body was becoming ethereal - a bright glowing light as she began to change form.

For a moment, Chessa believed she had died. She had no idea when she had closed her eyes, but when she opened them again, she thought she saw the witch turn into a Tengu and fly away. Something felt very different and looking down at what she could see of her body proved that. Thankfully, she herself hadn't been turned into a Tengu or anything, but she felt like a different dragon. Chessa abruptly regurgitated the signature pearl of a Pearlcatcher and it fell into her hands. It was small like a baby's, but on the surface looked like a picture of a chess pawn. She had been turned into a Pearlcatcher.

She quickly checked her bag and her stomach dropped as she discovered the chess set was missing. Looking around in a panic, she thought the witch took it, but the witch was long gone, and Chessa was lost in the middle of the Wispwillow Grove. She started to calm down, to her surprise. Something in her heart told her that the chess set was still near and she looked at the pearl again. The picture of a pawn had been replaced with a picture of a chess knight. With awe, she wondered if the chess set somehow became the pearl, and then she started to wonder if she was dreaming. The bizarre sequence of events replayed in her mind and she was left wondering why a witch cursed her into a different breed.

Something in the west called to her still, so she resumed her journey in her new form, with the pearl now in her bag. Chessa forcibly flapped her wings and ascended higher and higher, until she escaped the thick mist of the land. Hovering above the planet, she could see different lands for miles. As destiny commanded her, she flew westward. The calling led her to the Starfall Isles, where the air was thick with pure magic. There, she found a cave entrance on one of the Crystalspine Reaches, and she was sure this was finally what she was looking for.

The Spark of Revolution

On entering, Chessa was recruited by the clan who resided in the lair. They were called the Clan of the Crystal Nook, and they welcomed all dragons who found the cave by using something called Aura: an invisible life energy that makes you feel what a dragon's personality is like. The mass congregation of Aura in the cave caused dragons with Aura across the globe to seek out the lair and call it home, confirming with Chessa that this was indeed her destiny. After being inspected by the Nox Guard - the clan's team of fighters - she was shown a room she could claim as her own, and she settled in. The state of the clan was worrying, however.

As Chessa became familiar with the other dragons in the clan, she learned from them about the history and current conditions. The original founders had been banished to the depths of the cave as a foreign King and Queen took power, causing a great depression in morale and resources. The whole lair was on the brink of collapse: many dragons had no jobs, the only paltry income came from exaltation of young and dragons seemed to hibernate until it was time to produce eggs for profit. It was then that she sought out the original founders, and deep in the cave she, for the first time, met the depressed Fae and Guardian called Arjibi and Hydra. Chessa found it truly sad and felt as though something should be done if she were to live here happily. Soon after she approached the Treasurer named Gilded, in hopes of swaying him to her side - the side of revolution.

In a large area of the cave sat the clan's hoard, and beyond it lay a protected area known as the vault. The Nocturne's encrusted body glistened and sparkled as he darted throughout the hoard, separating the objects by use and moving tiny portions of treasure to the vault. Chessa stood idly in the mouth of the room before Gilded noticed her.

"You're not authorized to be here," he informed her as he quickly crawled over small piles of trinkets towards her.

"Please, hear me out," Chessa begged quietly.

Gilded seemed to give her the benefit of the doubt and settled in to hear what she had to say. Chessa described her meeting of the progenitors and the poor quality of the lair, drawing comparisons to her first home in the Tangled Wood which had been doing much better than this new home.

"We need to do something," Chessa added on to the end of her speech.

Gilded sighed heavily through his nostrils and turned away slightly. "As if no one here has ever said that before."

"Well, stop saying and start acting!" she urged.

"I've been here long enough to remember when the founders were in power," Gilded explained. "I witnessed their fall and the rise of the current monarchy. You, you don't understand," he hesitantly trailed off before nervously adding, "the King's Aura is death incarnate!"

"Then I'll just have to meet him and see what we're up against," Chessa declared fearlessly. "Restoring power to those who deserve it will require your help. Are you with me?" She held out her hand towards Gilded.

Gilded contemplated, staring at her hand, before finally grabbing it with his own clawed hand. As they shook he added, "this is a death sentence."

"We'll see."

Soon she was following a Fae called Aristheus into the monarchy's court, where she finally saw them with her own two eyes. Aristheus - loudly for a Fae - announced their presence and left Chessa to bow before the two thrones, on which sat two more Faes: the King and Queen. Chessa knew she would have to play the role of a loyal subject so that there would be no suspicion of her intentions.

"My King," she said, on one knee in front of the so-called deadly Fae. She looked up at him and his expression remained stone-like. "I am a new arrival," Chessa continued, "and it has come to my attention that there is no Gamemaster in this clan. I would like to fulfill that role and make you rich."

"So be it," the King said monotonously, his expression unchanged.

"Thank you, my King." She got up and began to follow Aristheus again, who had darted back out from the sidelines, and she thought to herself, this is going to be easy, he didn't seem powerful at all. As she walked the large open space of the court, she began to feel a creeping sensation of dread that made her ankles weak and her heart race. Aristheus noticeably sped up and flew out of the court, as Chessa looked back over her shoulder at the King, whose Aura was radiating from his small being. The King slowly looked towards Chessa and she turned and ran after Aristheus.

She had yet to formulate a plan beyond earning treasure and having Gilded hide a portion and falsify the report on how much the clan possessed. At night, she stood at the mouth of the cave, gathering her thoughts in the silence of the darkness.

"Hey!" came a harsh whisper from nearby. The broken silence made Chessa jump high into the air as a dark figure, clinging to the side of the mountain, crawled into view.

"Who goes there?!" Chessa was hovering in the air with her wings beating, her mane whipping back and forth as she felt as large as the Guardian she had once been. The dark figure crawled up onto the lip where the cave entrance was, and Chessa felt her heart stop momentarily as she saw a beak protruding from a cloaked face. The Tengu Caller was back, and Chessa fight-or-flight kicked in, in the form of fight. She was ready to attack.

"Hey," the figure repeated. "You're the new Gamemaster, aren't you?"

Chessa was confused. She dropped down onto the lip several feet away and blinked her eyes forcibly, before realizing that this was not a Beast, but a dragon. He tossed back his hood and removed his bird mask to reveal that he was a Pearlcatcher, and his shining purple eyes told her that he was a fellow Shadow. The Aura that she felt from him was overall mysterious: suave, cocky, and there was a curious hint of regret.

"The name's Yaal," he said. "I'm part of this clan, too, you know."

"Okay Yaal," Chessa said with slight aggression; her face felt hot with embarrassment. "And what is it that you do?"

"That's for me to know," he said coolly, putting his mask back on. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

"That's for me to know," Chessa mocked, feeling on guard, but she wasn't sure why.

"Then I'll just have to find out. I have my ways," Yaal said, pulling his hood back up and sauntering into the cave. Chessa watched him go, and was left with the feeling that their encounter had been important; maybe Yaal would be an ally in the revolution.

The morning after was Chessa's first day on the job. She made the long journey to the fairgrounds, which consisted of seven tents, each of which contained a game. Dragons were packed into every tent as more walked the spaces in between, and Chessa grabbed a ticket for the jigsaw puzzles. She tried a puzzle of each size as the tent worker poured a bit of treasure into her bag after each win, and she calculated how many puzzles she could complete before the treasure was cut off. Seven hard puzzles followed by one normal puzzle: that would earn her 75,000 treasure every day. It was a long and tedious process as well, taking up to eight hours at times. She was drop-dead tired by the time she made it back to the cave as night fell, and to her surprise, Yaal was waiting by the entrance.

"You made it back!" he teasingly called out as she landed on the ledge, her bag jingling with treasure. "Sounds like you had a productive day... Chessa."

Realizing that he did indeed find out her name, she glared at him. "What do you want?" she asked tiredly.

"What can you give?"

The bizarre response caused Chessa to push past him in frustration and head into the cave. She immediately went to Gilded so he could store the treasure - about one third of which was hidden for their cause.

"That's so little!" Chessa complained. It had been a long day and less than half had gone towards the revolution.

"Any more than that and the King will grow suspicious." Gilded warned. "We need to figure out what we're doing with this, anyway."

"I couldn't help but notice that the progenitors are basic," Chessa thought out loud. "Maybe if we buy them gene scrolls they'll feel more confident, and harness their power..."

"So that's what you're doing." Yaal suddenly said from behind Chessa, who whirled around in surprise and anger that he had followed her.

"You musn't speak a word of this, Yaal!" Gilded hissed.

"Relax," Yaal said, and it sounded like he was smirking from behind his bird mask. "Sounds like you need to head to the Scrying Workshop. That old Imperial should be able to see the future look of the founders in his magic bowl, and since Chessa's so tired, maybe I should head there for her."

Chessa stood there in shock and Gilded took the reigns. "So, you're in, then?" he asked.

"You got it," Yaal confirmed as he turned and left. As promised, he went to the Scrying Workshop to have the future appearances of the progenitors revealed. Chessa ate plants from the food stores in order to keep her energy up, as it was hours later when Yaal finally returned. Chessa and Gilded gathered around Yaal as he opened up two scrolls, on which were sketches that the Imperial at the Scrying Workshop had drawn after seeing the visions in his bowl. "There you have it, a Pearlcatcher breed change, Skink, Shimmer, Contour, Python, Toxin, and Spines." Yaal said as he handed over the drawings.

Most of the magical gene scrolls could be bought with Chessa's treasure at the marketplace, but some genes would require the help of new members of the revolution. As Chessa looked over the shopping list, she finally said, "do you think the Nox Guard would team up with us?"

"Yes," Gilded piped up. "Bananabread is the former queen's adoptive daughter, and Circusmonster is the son of the former king. Skywinder will likely do whatever Bananabread does."

"Skink and Toxin," Chessa continued, "who is our brewmaster?"

Yaal chuckled, "oh she's a weirdo. That's Contagia, she has Brewer's Disease, you know."

"I don't care what she has, we need her help." Chessa said as she pushed past Yaal once again, to go in search of the one called Contagia. As she left, she thought she heard Yaal make a remark about her being feisty. Chessa located the den of Contagia and found the fellow Pearlcatcher inside. The Alchemist seemed cynical and skeptical.

"What do you want?" Contagia asked with suspicion in her voice.

"How advanced is your brewing?" Chessa inquired.

Contagia gave a wheezing chuckle. "Oh, I'm pretty good. Why? Do you need something?"

"It's not for me," Chessa answered. "I just need you to brew Skink - and Toxin! I don't know if I can trust you with the details..."

"You can trust me!" Contagia gasped eagerly. After a moment of consideration, Chessa began to explain.

"Some of the dragons in the lair have been secretly forming a rebellion. We want to give the founders a makeover to rejuvenate their confidence and power. We could overthrow the king," Chessa's voice became increasingly hushed, which made Contagia lean in closer. "Those who deserve the power and respect can get it back. If you're in, brew Skink and Toxin." Putting her faith and trust in her new friend, Chessa left to continue the other plans.

The next step was getting the Nox Guard on board. Chessa and Gilded approached the military leader, Bananabread and made the same plea that Chessa had made to Contagia and Gilded in the beginning. The cold and aloof matron of war listened to their plans before making her decision. She took her squad and got right to work slaying and foraging for Python, a gene for the old king, Hydra. Each part was set in motion in the machine of revolution. The Nox Guard was locating Python, Contagia was brewing Skink and Toxin, and Chessa was earning treasure to afford the rest, as Gilded hid the funds from the false King. Each day, after eight puzzles lasting eight hours, Chessa made it back home, and every time Yaal was there waiting for her. She pushed past him, which was the usual game, and she looked back at him, feeling like their eyes met even past his mask. In her room, she applied mucus to her pearl to record the start of the revolution and her interactions with Yaal.

Time seemed to fly by as soon there had been enough treasure gathered to buy the breed change, Contour and trade for Shimmer with another clan who had bought it for gems. Chessa met with Gilded and Contagia as the alchemist produced the Skink gene. Everything for the former queen Arjibi had been obtained, and Gilded passed the scrolls to Contagia. "Hide them in your robes," he whispered. She obeyed and began to chuckle with an oddly sinister tone.

"Keep that to a minimum," Chessa warned. "We're to visit the former queen now." Contagia quieted herself and the trio gathered in the personal quarters of the founder, a Fae named Arjibi, who had an Unlikely Alliance orbiting her body.

"Come to finish me off? Where's the Exalt Expert?" Arjibi inquired flatly. Chessa imagined that, had Arjibi not been a Fae, her tone of voice would have been nastier.

"No, my queen," Gilded stepped forward. Arjibi's fan-expression softened; it had been years since she was referred to as a queen. She helplessly looked between the three of them with curiosity.

"Some of the dragons in the lair have been secretly forming a rebellion," explained Chessa. "At the very least, us three and the Nox Guard, we've been," she paused, trying to find the words before resuming, "cooperating to raise you and the old king back up - to breathe life back into you, to make you feel powerful once again."

"Chessa has been doing puzzles nonstop for over a week," Gilded chimed in. "I, of course, have been withholding information from the false king about the amount of treasure we have. It's been used to fund your makeover, my queen."

Contagia coughed, wheezed, then began to chuckle sinisterly and Chessa cut her eyes towards her. "And Contagia has been brewing relentlessly," Chessa said, with almost a scolding tone which made Contagia stop chuckling and clear her throat. With that, Contagia stepped forward, reached into her robes, and carefully pulled out all the scrolls. She set them down on the floor in front of Arjibi.

"The Nox Guard is still in the fray, slaying and foraging for the king's gene. I suggest you remain hidden here until he's complete, and then we can make the move to take down the false king," Gilded explained as Arjibi collected the scrolls.

The trio of rebels fell silent as Arjibi started to unfurl the scrolls that would restore her power. She spoke the magic incantations on each scroll: primary, secondary, then tertiary, and the genes started to become visible on her body as the scrolls turned to dust. She reached the fourth scroll – a Pearlcatcher breed change. She paused and questioningly looked up at the two Pearlcatchers that stood before her.

"We thought it would look good," reassured Gilded. Arjibi then spoke the final incantation, and did something they had never witnessed before. Her body turned into glowing energy, and the Unlikely Alliance was absorbed into the light. She grew in size, retaking form, and the once-Fae queen sat there now as a Pearlcatcher. The trio that stood before her was in shock.

"My queen! Y-your…!" Chessa gasped.
"Your Unlikely Alliance!" Contagia hacked.

Suddenly, Arjibi began to regurgitate, and she retched out a pearl, on it was a still image of the Unlikely Alliance. Though she was an adult, the pearl was as small as a newborn hatchling's. The scene felt so familiar to Chessa that it was almost comforting, as she recalled her own transformation into a Pearlcatcher. She smiled and knew that getting her pearl was an important part of Arjibi's new identity, and Chessa patted her bag where she kept her own pearl. In the corner of her eye, she saw Contagia applying mucus to her own pearl. The queen's Aura felt more powerful after receiving the genes, and Chessa knew that this was the right path for the revolution.

With Arjibi revitalized, attention turned to Hydra's genes, which took longer to pull together. Finally, Spines was purchased, Toxin was brewed, and Python was found, and the genes were turned over to Bananabread so that her squad may present them to the former king. Contagia had brewed some clothing for Arjibi, and so the progenitors were both fully outfitted before going into the final act of the revolution. The Nox Guard returned to their post high in rank near the false monarchy, Contagia continued with her brewing, Gilded carefully sorted the hoard, and Chessa continued to earn treasure as if nothing at all were going on behind the scenes. It had been three weeks since they helped Arjibi, and one week since they helped Hydra.

Chessa returned from a long day of puzzles and Yaal was, of course, waiting for her. Instead of pushing past him as usual, she practically tackled him as she tried to hug him. It was clumsy, and in the surprise and confusion, their pearls tumbled across the rocky ledge. The pair quickly gathered each other's pearl and in doing so, was able to look deeper into each other's soul. As she held his pearl, foreign memories flashed through her mind which she could only assume belonged to Yaal. He quickly shoved Chessa's pearl into her arm and grabbed his back. He sputtered something that sounded like he was trying to change the topic, but Chessa just stared up at him, trying to make sense of the memories she saw. Without speaking, she pulled back his hood and unmasked him, and they gazed at one another as a romantic feeling lingered in the air.

. . .

Meanwhile, Arjibi and Hydra slowly moved up the ranks, undetected, thanks to a dragon who had joined the clan earlier that day. This new dragon had creepy and bizarre properties that blocked Aura and the detection of it - thus they were able to use her as a shield as they moved closer to the false monarchy. The Nox Guard held position very near to the powerful Faes, and could help harbor the progenitors even closer. Once there, the attack could commence. Ambushing the false king was priority, and they would need Aristheus, the Exalt Expert, to forcibly exalt him and the false queen in order for them to regain control of the clan. Every rebel believed that the false monarchy's rule was nearly over.

September had come, and it was an eventful month. Though Chessa was a Shadow dragon, she knew that the Starfall Celebration was on the horizon, and held great importance to the Arcane lair. It was time to restore power to the progenitors, but a wrench in their plans halted them. Everything was in place, except for Aristheus. When initially approached with the concept of revolution, the Fae turned them down in fear of punishment from the false king. After a rough coercion by Bananabread herself, Aristheus finally relented, and was thrust into the grand court of the king and queen.

"Aristheus, I didn't feel you arrive," the king said plainly. He didn't know it, but he was referring to the moment Aristheus passed the Aura-Blocker and his Aura became visible again.
"My king." Aristheus squeaked, feeling small. He was on the floor, and walked on all fours towards his fellow faes. "May I have a word with you?"

Outside, all that the rebels could do was wait, and hope that Aristheus would succeed in his exalting of the king. Standing before the monarchy, Aristheus reached to his side and thumbed through his books that rested at his side - quietly passing over general logkeeping, and taking his Book of Exalting. He hesitated with his hand gripping it, before he launched the attack.

Aristheus sprung towards the king in a powerful leap, tackling and knocking him out of his throne. In the scuffle, the king's crown clattered across the cavern and Aristheus used his whole body weight to keep him subdued as the king's violent Aura flared like an explosion. The Aura made Aristheus feel like death incarnate but he held him down. The queen was actually powerless and relied on the king, so her fight-or-flight kicked in, and she took flight. Hearing the commotion and knowing the final act was in play, the Nox Guard stormed the room, cutting off the queen from the exit.

"Guards! Aristheus is a traitor!" The king screeched, but the Nox Guard stood firmly at the door. Realizing that a coup was taking place, the king suddenly and eerily calmed, and his Aura receded to an unfeeling state. The cavern was silent apart from Aristheus' panicked breaths and the queens small footsteps as she darted back and forth like a trapped beast.

"Then, may The Shade curse you all," were the king's final words, as Aristheus began to read the incantation aloud from his book. The King was then exalted, leaving behind his belongings. The queen could do nothing as Aristheus exalted her, and as she disappeared to serve a higher cause, her crown lay on the floor where she once had been.

Aristheus collapsed on the floor in an anxious heap as the Nox Guard left to break the news to the clan. "The false monarchy has been exalted," they announced to every clan member. Arjibi and Hydra walked together to the cave mouth and shared a moment as they looked out into the world for the first time in years since their banishment. The once-depressed and hibernating lair was active, with dragons of all shapes and sizes roaming the corridors and rejoicing their freeing from total tyranny, and Chessa found an unmasked Yaal at her side. That evening, the start of their celebration commenced, and as Contagia returned home from brewing, Chessa met with her.

"CONTAGIA!" Chessa called. "I knew I felt your Aura!" She galloped on all fours from the dark tunnel. When Contagia said nothing, Chessa continued, almost out of breath, "we did it. We really did it! Aristheus pulled through and exalted the false king! His tyranny is over," Chessa sighed dreamily. She led Contagia to the royal court, where the progenitors sat on the reclaimed thrones, and the rebels, along with much of the clan, were gathered. Arjibi, the revitalized queen, stood atop her throne and made a speech, acknowledging everyone who had helped. Aristheus, the Nox Guard, Gilded, Chessa, and Contagia - everyone cheered after each name was called out, and the partying and mingling began.

The clan celebrated the return of their benevolent leaders for the rest of the month, as Arjibi and Hydra took their place at the top of the lair once more. The Starfall Celebration coincided with the Crystal Nook's personal celebration, and the entire clan was filled to the brim with pride and joy. The king and queen nested together for the first time in years, and the hatch was during the holiday. They welcomed a new princess, Starlight, the firstborn of this clutch. Her birth and presence in the clan was a physical reminder of everything they had went through - she marked the dawning of a new age as the clan thrived.

Chessa had truly made her mark in her new home, inspiring and taking part in a revolution that made the Crystal Nook truly worth living in. Everyone here that she met and worked with had become her friends, she found a new mate, and she was proudly an important cornerstone of this society. She did her part in earning the maximum amount of treasure through puzzles, but her desire to spend more time with Yaal inspired her to seek out a way to get the same result but for less time.

Massive amounts of dragons gathered in a place known as the Forums, chatting and jabbering away about everything in Sornieth. Chessa flew above the chatterbox dragons, weaving in and out of conversations, before someone shouting just what she wanted to hear caught her ear. "75,000 treasure in thirty minutes and less!" Chessa landed nearby and listened intently to a speech about Glimmer & Gloom, one of the games at the fairgrounds she had never bothered with. The fellow Gamemaster trained the onlookers on how to play quickly and expertly, and after the demonstration, Chessa made for the fairgrounds.

Inside the Glimmer & Gloom tent was a large board of tiles flanked by a Shadow Sprite and a Light Sprite. "Heh, bet everyone wants to take you two home!" Chessa grinned.

The Light Sprite smiled awkwardly. "We have protective force fields around us, courtesy of the fairground guards." Chessa then approached the board and started the game. Touching a tile switched it on or off and affected all tiles touching it. After getting the hang of it, Chessa sent the tiles cascading down the board to the bottom, filling the board with light as the Light Sprite cheered on and the Shadow Sprite looked at Chessa as though it had been attacked by its own flight member. With the game complete, the Light Sprite congratulated Chessa and she could feel her bag being filled with treasure. This was, indeed, much faster than a jigsaw puzzle.

Days of returning to Glimmer & Gloom and sharpening her skills, Chessa was able to get 75,000 treasure in thirty minutes as promised. Each game, Chessa filled the board with light and felt as though it was some kind of guilty pleasure as the Shadow Sprite recoiled in betrayal. Days passed, Chessa improved, and the time spent decreased more and more. Soon, she had a plump bag of maximum treasure after just fourteen minutes. Chessa cleared the board in just seven moves over the course of four seconds and the Light Sprite cheered, "high score!"

The fast treasure jump-started the clan's inner-economy and the lair was more active than ever as they prospered and revitalized more members with genes. Dragons acquired jobs, became well-dressed and expanded their territory as the future of the lair was now monetarily secured. It was well and truly a renaissance.

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