
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
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Swiftfoot Slayer
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Pearlcatcher
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style


Sweetheart Lace Headpiece
Sweetheart Lace Waist Frill
Sweetheart Lace Ribbons
Pink Wooly Tail
Sweetheart Lace Anklet
Sweetheart Lace Tail Ornament
Sweetheart Lace Wristlet
Love's Herald
Pink Wooly Coat
Sweetheart Lace Collar



Scene: Garden Arches


5.09 m
5.53 m
321.49 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 29, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




lore / By @Deaddoggy
The two Nocturnes looked at one another, stunned. They'd never dreamt in their wildest
dreams that this would happen to them. The pair had been trying to have a clutch
themselves for years now, but nothing they did made the Shadowbringer bless them.
Several times they'd had an egg, one they thought they could hatch and care for, but
nothing ever came of it.
And yet, here they were, standing in front of an egg that had seemingly dropped out of
the sky in front of them. The egg was a perfect pink and purple marbled mess; the sheen on
the outside was as if someone had spilt rose coloured oil over violet-tinted water. Every
time the egg tilted in the light, the sheen on it moved too.
There was a small dragon, unhatched and waiting, and she had no idea what was in store
for her once she opened her eyes in the world on the outside of that pink and purple shell.
She was destined for so much greater than the parents she would know could ever give her.
"Roselin!" Her mother was calling again, the voice calling through the clear air. Roselin
didn't want to acknowledge her mother right now, she was sat watching the flowers
swaying in the breeze, her delicate pearl clutched in her claws. Her mother called again,
"Roselin, where are you?"
It was that second shout that broke the serenity that Roselin had been feeling.
Her hatchday was soon approaching, an exciting one, she was almost old enough that her
parents would let her travel across the world soon. They were going to have to let her go, all
her friends had already gone and the couple of them that had been Guardians had even
gone on the Search. Yet, here she was having to hide her pearl and keep her mouth shut
about her desire to travel across the entire known land. She didn't want to worry her
parents; her mother cried about her running into one of the roving hordes of Beastclans one
too many times, and her father had shouted at her the one time she had argued back about
wanting to leave.
She wished, some days, that she was a princess – no one could confine her then. She
would roam the world, looking for adventure and helping her subjects. She would be a good
ruler, one that met her subjects face to face. She would be kind, caring, compassionate. It
helped fuel her daydreams when whispers from a close kingdom arose that the king and
queen had finally put a bounty on finding their missing egg. No one was sure what this
dragon would look like, so Roselin was free to dream.
Staying out here, in this land so far away from everyone else, made her a little lonely. Her
mother always told her she talked too much, she was too nosey and got too much into
people's gossip, but Roselin didn't understand why her mother didn't like knowing secrets.
Knowing secrets made her feel powerful, made her feel like she could know anything and

use it to barter for more and more information. What was it her father used to say?
'Knowledge is power', that was it.
Roselin wandered across the flat land as she padded her way back into the home that her
parents had made for her. She had spent a while wondering why they looked so different
when she was younger, but it was often brushed under the rug when she bought it up. She
had thought about it most days as she got closer and closer to the age that she expected to
leave her home.
The house was camouflaged almost perfectly, only though years of living there was she
able to find the home that she had grown up in. Several of her friends had wandered past it
on the days when they had come to find her for an adventure when they had been
hatchlings, but after the years passed her by, several of them managed to find the house by
themselves, without Roselin guiding them. Her parents had been adamant that she never
tell her friends where she lived, so they'd found themselves waiting at a small clearing just
outside of the range of view from her lair.
As she wandered into the lair, her mother let a sigh of relief. "Where were you?!"
"I just went to look over the clearing, I wanted to have a small break." Roselin's voice was
small and shy, not something that Roselin was like around anyone other than her parents.
While they were caring and as supportive as they could be, her parents weren't really the
best people for her to talk to about anything, which led to her being a lot quieter at home
than she was anywhere else.
"Just tell me where you're going, Rosie. I worry about you."
Roselin nodded, "I know, I'm sorry mom."
"What did you need a break from anyway?"
You. It wasn't something she could say, so Roselin shrugged. "I... Uh, honestly, just a
break from my head, mom. I keep thinking about wanting to go travelling and it kind of gets
into my blood, I guess?"
“But you are our child,” her mother responded, hurt apparent in her voice, “You never
had to be! We chose to look after you, we wanted you to be looked after and cared for!”
Roselin knew this, had always known this somewhere in her heart, her voice was quiet as
she whispered, “I’m adopted?”
“No,” Her father replied softly, “You fell into our path as we travelled, the
Shadowbringer wanted us to have you.”
“But... I’m not one of you.” Roselin’s heart was cracking in her chest, she could feel the
pearl shuddering in her pocket.
“We never wanted to hurt you,” Her mother responded, as kindly as she could, “We just
wanted to look after you, my love. You were a fragile egg left in the wild... we wanted to

make sure that you were ok, we had been trying for our own for so many years, but you
arrived in our laps...”
“I’m not yours.” Roselin’s heart cracked fully, every reason she had to stay with her
parents finished in her heart. Nothing was keeping her here anymore, she needed to run
and fly and get as far away as she could from these two beasts.
It took no more thought than a breath, but Roselin was already outside of the house,
running as far as her long legs would take her. The forest around her grew thick and dark,
away from the light woods she was used to.
She ran still, until her legs collapsed under her. Panting and sobbing in a heap on the
ground, Roselin’s pearl shuddered. She looked at it, feeling it near crack under the weight of
this discovery. She clung to it, holding it tight in her claws against her thundering heart. It
didn’t matter if she wasn’t their child, she knew who she was. She was Roselin, the explorer,
the climber-of-trees, the untameable. She wasn’t going to let this break her. Not now, not
The darkness claimed her, Roselin fell into a deep slumber. The blackness was complete,
it took over her entirely. Her dreams ravenged her, calling her names in voices she didn’t
recognise. Her body was small and caged as the voices told her that she was going to be
everything to the world, that she had a complete purpose.
Then, the dreams lurched; she was moving, not by her own movement. Something was
moving her, carelessly. She was thrown from side to side, as though she was in the middle
of the ocean, a smuggled treasure from somewhere that mattered. She was a golden statue,
and nothing could compare.
Suddenly, she awoke from her dream. Another dragon’s nose against her flank, sharp and
cold in the early morning light. She jolted upright, her anger and fear pumping her heart to a
degree that she assumed could be seen though her scales.
“Who are you?” She growled, barely out of sleep, her eyes still focusing on the light
behind the beast that stood in front of her, “What do you want from me?”
The beast took several steps back, moving out of her range of movement. He was a
pretty dragon, his scales shaped almost perfectly. His nostrils were flared, his defensive
posture was careful. “I’m the guard, who are you?”
“The guard?” Roselin responded, sleep dulling her senses no more. She watched the
dragon, his faint cream colours a stark difference to the forest around them. “Where am I?”
“You’re in the royal palace, and if you don’t get a move on I will have to arrest you for
vagrancy.” The guard said, his giant form squaring up to her. Something in his eyes took pity
on her though, she wasn’t a particularly intimidating dragon to begin with and here she was,
messed up from the escape from her former life and the night of sleeping rough.
Something clicked in her mind, “Wait, the royal palace? They’re like, the law people,
right? Maybe they can help me!”

“Yes...” the Guardian frowned, “What do you mean, help you?”
“I was stolen-” She paused, “As a baby, from somewhere. My paren- my kidnappers took
me from somewhere. I was taken!”
Roselin realised how much she was talking, the panic rising in her voice. She couldn’t stop
it as the pain in her chest began to rise and overflow. She gritted her teeth as the tears
came. No, she couldn’t look weak like this, not now.
The sight of the small dragon sobbing in front of him seemed to make the Guardian
uncomfortable. He shifted his weight from one paw to the other. “I... uh... Follow me, I’ll see
what we can do. It’ll be ok.”
She stood in front of a grand hall, feeling her state of clothes. She was ragged and torn up
emotionally, and it seemed – now she had time to look herself over – some of her clothes
had been torn in her flight too. She was a mess, the tears kept welling up over her eyelids
and sliding down her snout before she sniffed them back.
The Guardian had left her here, his mighty bulk disappearing made her realise how small
and vulnerable she was in this place. But the doors swung open in front of her and she was
ushered in.
A female Imperial was sat in front of her on a throne, elegance flowing from her in a way
that Roselin had never seen before. She was stunning.
“Who are you?” She asked, seemingly agitated for some reason.
Roselin’s voice shook as she answered, “I am Roselin. I was kidnapped as a baby, I think,
and my parents... the dragons that took me, they tried to stop me leaving. I- I don’t know
where I am or what to do. Please help me.” Quickly, she remembered who she was talking
to, “Your Magesty.”
The queen slipped from the throne, gently approaching the girl. “How old are you?”
The courtiers let out a small gasp, a murmur fled around the room before the queen
silenced it with a flick of her ears. “Let me see your pearl.”
Roselin pulled the fragile thing from her pocket, offering it to the dragon that could help
her change her life. As she did so, the entire court burst into frenzied whispers. She had no
idea why, but as the whispers died down she caught sight of the Imperial.
The queen was crying, tears falling down her pretty face. Her voice was barely audiable as
she muttered, “You’re home. You finally came home.”
A flurry of movement in the back of the hall dragged Roselin’s eye as a male Pearlcatcher
dashed into the room. He was not well dressed, in fact he looked like he’d just been signing

papers; his claws were ink-stained and a quill was stuffed behind his ear. He approached the
two of the women, hope blazing in his eyes.
“Is it true?” He clutched at the Imperial’s forearm, “Is this... our girl?”
“Take a look yourself,” the imperial smiled, wiping away a tear, “look at her pearl.”
He peered at it, the swirling mists of the stone crying back something that he had longed
to see for years. Roselin looked down at the pearl too, and for the first time in her life she
saw what her adoptive parents had tried to keep hidden from the world.
There was a little purple crown floating in the center of the pearl, small and fragile, but
undoubtedly there. She was the missing princess.





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