
Level 7 Fae
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Female Fae
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1.03 m
0.94 m
2.3 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 18, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Fae
EXP: 138 / 11881



  • none


  • none


Some scries:







Three Eggs Wash Ashore...

On a gorgeous, sunlit day in the Tsunami Flats, a dragoness walked sedately along the shore. She was not the prettiest of dragons, nor the most robust, nor the wisest or the most skilled. In fact, on all accounts, this nameless dragoness was in her entirety a normal resident of the Sea of a Thousand Currents, no more notable than any other. Her pride was a shattered one, for as a Guardian, she was to seek a charge - and yet, none had ever rang out to her, in all her many years, and time for her was running out.

Turning her great head folornly to the washing waves, she breathed in the ocean's scent and paused. Blinking, she turned her eyes down to the shallow pool at her feet and found a great rush run through her very scales.

There at her feet lay three eggs. The first was a crumbling Earth egg which she quickly pulled from the water and into her arms. The second was letting off steam in the warm pools, and she plucked up the Ice egg before she could think what she was doing. The final egg came along into her claws, and she felt her eyes widen as the porous surface of a Water egg scraped over her palms.

With a great purpose welling in her chest, the nameless dragoness rose with two beats of her great wings and flew, over the seas and out to the islands near either side of the Sea, where she knew the eggs would have to be hatched.


Out from the water jutted a pristine, gleaming temple. The land was lush beneath her claws as she landed, and the marble pillars reached up to the sky, carved with elegant designs of sea-life. The temple was home to those nesting mothers whose eggs had failed to gain the elemental blessing of the Tidelord - a case which was becoming all the more common.

Pulling in her wings, the Guardian raced to the door, where a Tundra priestess stood, awaiting visitors. Upon noticing the Guardian's burden, she cried in alarm, "You fool! That egg must be in the water immediately, or it will die!"

The Guardian laid all three eggs into the priestess's waiting claws. Eyes shifting like the ocean, the Guardian declared, "They must hatch together."

"But the egg needs water-" Protested the priestess, already moving to run inside.

"THEY MUST!" The Guardian roared, panting for breath. "They must," she stressed. "Please. Please..."

The two dragonesses met eyes once more. The Tundra blinked, noticing the fading gleam in her eyes - a gleam she knew all too well, from a time before the Tidelord's disappearance, when prophecies were still commonplace. "Okay," she whimpered, nervously wondering how she'd bring the three through together. "Okay."

And, with a sudden look of complete contendedness, the Guardian collapsed.


While the Guardian did not survive the night, the eggs miraculously made it through. With gentle care, the priests and priestesses of the temple, devoted ever to seeing through the Tidelord's prophecies (however infrequent they had become), attacked their duty with fervor. The eggs were kept in the same room at all times, and more often than not in the same nest. It was a balancing act between three conditions which had the Tundra priestess run ragged.

While the eggs were of differing ages, the Earth egg laid a full month before the Water, the three eggs did not hatch - it was, in some way, as if they were waiting for their fellows to be ready. For a long two months, the priestess worked with the eggs, and by the end of it, she had stopped hoping they would hatch the next day. It was thus that she was taken by surprise when she awoke to hear the cries of a baby dragon.

Leaping to her feet, the Tundra gazed down upon the hatchling which lay in the nest. The small baby Fae lay in the remains of the Earth Egg, and carefully, the Tundra lifted the child no bigger than her toes into her hand.

In that moment, the Ice Egg cracked, and cool water flowed through the nest as a Tundra hatchling shook off the eggshells. Gathering up both, she laid them down on a mattress nearby, and cautiously watched the Water egg as it shook.

It shifted - creaked - cracked, and there in the water lay a frail but healthy Fae, with eyes as deep as the sea. Cooing softly, the priestess laid the final hatchling on the mattress, between its' two nestmates. She smiled at all three and considered how to name them.


The naming, while normally the job of the dragon who first saw the hatchlings, had been taken out of the priestess's grasp by her eager and excited colleagues. The three hatchlings were left in her care as the others bickered and brawled over what names would be given to each hatchling.

It was as night was falling that a fellow healer and priestess joined the Tundra in the hatchling's room that night. "I was in charge of the Guardian's health," she offered soberly, and joined the Tundra in watching the three hatchlings sleep.

"Did she say nothing?" Asked the Tundra, as the moonlight fell over them.

The healer nodded softly. "Only this..."


The Guardian, it appeared, had already named all three, before they had even hatched. It was thus that the bickering ended and the Guardian's names were honoured.

The Earth Fae was named Forge; the Ice Tundra, Arcadia; and the final dragon, the sweet Water Fae, was named Destiny. There did the three begin their journey, before they had first opened their eyes.


The sun shone over the shifting sea, as two dragons played on the warm sands. A dark red Fae gripped the tufts of fur on his Tundra sibling's head, glaring at their target.

"Charge!" He cried, shaking his fist. Rolling her eyes, the Tundra got a running start and barreled down the coast, kicking up sand behind her as they raced towards Stuffy, a small Mith doll sitting on the other side of the beach.

The first stirrings of a Contuse curled up in the Fae's claws, as he carefully aimed for the apple balanced on Stuffy's head. Under his breath, he muttered, "Three, two..."

"BOO!" A small white Fae popped up from behind Stuffy, flexing her claws.

"Agh!" Pushing at the sand in a last-minute bid to slow down, the Tundra sighed in relief and pouted. "Destiny! Don't do that!"

Destiny giggled. "Gotcha," she declared, climbing up to stand on the apple.

"Destiny, I was practicing!" the red Fae complained. "Weren't you inside with Auntie anyways?"

"She let me off early today!" Destiny chirped cheerfully. "And anyways, Forge, you've been training for the past week. Don't you think you and Arcadia should take a break?"

"Never!" Forge cried, sliding down Arcadia's face to stand on the Tundra's nose. "I'm going to be the strongest Fae ever, and that means training!"

"You aren't going to go on about protecting me again, are you?" Destiny asked, exasperated. "I told you I can take care of myself! I swear every dragon around here just wants to coddle me, even my friends!"

"Uh, guys?" Arcadia wrinkled her nose. "I think I... I... ACHOO!"


Forge grumbled as, soaked to the bone from a bath, he trudged his way towards their cavern in the temple. "I am never standing on your nose again." He announced, pointing at Arcadia.

"Hey, don't blame me!" Arcadia defended. "I'm allergic!"

"Arcadia, you're not allergic," Destiny argued. "If you were, you'd have lots and lots of pimples!"

"I don't think that's how it works," Forge refuted. "wouldn't she get scale rot, like that plague guy who once visited?"

Arcadia padded alongside them cautiously. "Uh, guys?" she asked nervously, looking slightly green. "Can we not talk about me getting really scary illnesses? I think I might be sick."

"Ask again when it's been long enough for me to forget you sneezing on me," Forge and Destiny replied in sync.


Arcadia lay lazily in the reading room, tufted tail swishing softly back and forth as Destiny pointed at different pictures and words and talked quickly about the different facts she knew. Once Destiny's rambling slowed to a trickle, Arcadia flipped the page, and Destiny started blurting out explanations and stories again. She found her little Fae friend rather amusing at times.

Forge sat in the corner, staring at his homework. "Stupid numbers," he grumbled. "Stupid rune arrangements. Stupid spells."

"I believe that's an oxymoron," Destiny called, before diving right back in to her reading.

In stepped a white-furred Tundra wearing a long, trailing set of robes. "Hello, you three," she called softly. "It's time for dinner. Forge, how goes the homework?"

"It's stupid," Forge announced. "Auntie, is this supposed to make me smart? Because it feels pretty dumb."

The Tundra laughed lightly. "Perhaps you can show it to me after dinner, then," she offered. "Come on, you three. You can't battle homework on empty stomachs."

Despite his grumblings, Forge flew swiftly up to Arcadia's shoulder, perching next to Destiny. "Onwards!" He cried. Destiny rolled her eyes.

Arcadia sighed. "Are you guys ever going to stop using me as transportation?"

"Not until your fur stops being soft." Destiny replied, snuggling in.

"Never," Forge agreed. "Even if your fur was super scratchy!"

Rolling her eyes fondly, Arcadia followed Auntie to dinner.


"Phew!" Destiny slumped into her bed. "I feel like I flew a marathon!"

Arcadia tilted her head. "Did you?" She asked.

"No," Destiny replied. "I had that test from Professor Withers today, remember?" At Arcadia's nod, she continued, "It's like they think shoving work onto me will convince me to stay."

"Maybe you should," Forge piped up from his own corner of their shared accommodations. "I mean, everyone here loves you, and it'll be dangerous, and-"

"NO!" Destiny flew over with a swift twirl and landed, little fists flailing. "Don't you dare suggest that again, Forge! I'm going with you guys, and that's final!" She flexed her claws menacingly.

"Okay, okay, I get it!" Forge defended himself. "You're going, you're going with us! Sheesh!"

Destiny nodded in satisfaction. "And don't you forget it!"

"Sometimes I wonder about you two," Arcadia commented. "But then I remember how alike you two are." Both wanting to fight, both wanting to learn, she mused. If only they got along better, maybe our training battles wouldn't go so badly...

"We are not!" The two Faes cried in unison.

Arcadia laughed.

We'll be fine.

Leaving Home

Arcadia sat at the crossroads at the edge of the territory, tail swishing back and forth as she regarded the small crowd of dragons from the temple. She knew most of them by name, and if not, then by smell; the smell of distant acquaintances, of dragons she had always felt just slightly too uncomfortable with to call friends. Mixed in was the scent of Auntie, who was standing aside and watching with equal parts amusement and worry. She was no longer the inexperienced, flustered priestess that she had been when the three of them were children under her care, but Arcadia could tell already that this would be a massive shift for the Tundra.

Auntie had always shared a certain understanding with her -- it came from being the same species, even if she was far closer with Forge and Destiny. The two Faes simply never understood the ways Tundras were different. She couldn't blame them.

"Is he gone yet?" Destiny whispered, peeking out from the fur along Arcadia's back.

Arcadia sniffed. The ink-and-chalk scent of Professor Withers drifted over. "Not yet," she murmured. "Destiny, you really should talk to him." I really should talk to Auntie.

Destiny pouted. "But he's going to go on and on and then you and Forge will leave me behind!"

"I won't let Forge leave without you," Arcadia said. "I promise."

Destiny huffed, but obediently rose from her hiding place to flutter over to the gruff, dark-scaled Guardian, who rose to meet her with a grim frown on his face. That dragon really needs to get out more, Arcadia mused as she rose. Shaking her head, she stepped sedately over to Auntie.

The elder Tundra smiled gently. "Arcadia," she greeted her. "It seems like yesterday you were just an egg..."

"And now I'm an adult about to set out on my own?" Arcadia finished knowingly. Auntie nodded, her smile thin. After a short pause, Arcadia commented, "Auntie, you won't forget us. And I won't forget you."

The Tundra blinked. "Professor Withers and the others are obsessed with Destiny," Arcadia continued. "It's always 'Prophecy Child' this or 'Destiny' that. That's not going to just fade because we aren't here. And you know Destiny never goes anywhere without Forge and me." Arcadia did her best to look encouraging. "You won't forget. I know you won't."

Auntie shook her head, chuckling softly. "You always have had a way of kicking some sense into us," she commented. "Alright, Arcadia, I'll stop moping." She considered for a moment. "Are you sure you've got everything? I mean, enough health potions, enough food, blankets-"

"Yes, we have what we need." Arcadia rolled her eyes. "You asked me this yesterday!" Arcadia held her face long enough for Auntie to look doubtful, then laughed.

Auntie snorted. "You really need to stop doing that."

"Well, you always make it so easy!" Arcadia retorted. "And honestly, out of all of us, I expect the only one who'd pack at the last minute is-"

"Wait for me!" Forge shouted, barreling into Arcadia's shoulder. "Mmf ** Mmmf!"

Arcadia plucked him off her side with one claw. "Forge," she greeted him, amused. "What did you forget?"

"My scarf," he replied. "I mean, what if Destiny catches a cold, and then she needed a scarf but then I didn't have one-"

"And now you do," Arcadia declared, dropping him with a thump and a groaned 'Oof'. "She's over by Professor Withers. I'll be waiting for you two at the crossroads."

Forge was off like a shot.


Destiny looked distinctly uncomfortable.

"I understand that your two fools wish to travel," Professor Withers said for the third time that day. "Let them. But Destiny, you are important to this Temple. Can I do nothing to convince you to stay instead of following along with this foolishness?"

"No, Professor," Destiny shook her head. "I must do this. Or must I repeat all three-hundred, twenty-one Rune arrangements you've taught me by heart before you'll allow it?" She put her claws on her hips. "You cannot stop me, Professor. Or would you truly detain an innocent girl who just wants to keep her friends safe?"

The Guardian's sigh was heated, but defeated. "Alright. Then I..." his face turned sour as he reviewed his words. "wish you luck on your 'Journey'."

Destiny smiled at him. "Thank you, Professor!" she noticed Forge fluttering towards her. "And oh, there's my friend, I'll speak with you another time!" Like never, she added to herself.

"Destiny, there you are!" Forge cried, almost slamming into her. "Are you sure you want to go? Are you ready? Do you have enough-"

"Yes, yes, and yes, now let's go!" Destiny grabbed his claw and dragged him forcibly towards Arcadia. "Come on, come on, before Professor Withers decides he wants to try and stop me anyways!"

"Oh, just Professor Withers, and not the rest of your followers?" Arcadia commented lightly, nodding a head to the assembled crowd of dragons. The three waved as enthusiastically as they could muster towards the group of dragons (most of which they'd met less than once).

"All of them," Destiny replied, seating herself on Arcadia's head. Forge scrambled up next to her, already unraveling his scarf. "Now go!" The rest of her sentence was interrupted by Forge attempting to make her wear it, much to her chagrin.

"So demanding, the both of you," Arcadia laughed. With a smile, she turned to the road.

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