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Personal Style


Blueberry Plumed Anklets
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Belt
Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Earrings
Sapphire Flourish Bracelet
Blueberry Plumed Mantle
Sapphire Flourish Wing Drape




4.18 m
1.99 m
63.22 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 15, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Spiral
EXP: 1173 / 4027



Say hello to MoonMist, the clan's sole Jeweler& liaison for the Cascadian Universe!

MoonMist is a hard worker who doesn't let much distract her from the task at hand :) She has a great love for family & doing activities with those close to her. Even if she is the first-born in her family, she doesn't act like it and often likes to let others take the lead, and sit back to let everyone else's personalities shine. If you got to know MoonMist, you'd find out that she is not bossy at all and lacks many of the other traits that you might associate with the oldest child.

Hello & welcome! For context, please see GoldSong & read her bio here first! Thank you! :D -->
Since the clan was situated near the portal that the monarch herself had stumbled through so long ago, the dragons of the SkyWings clan & the Fae herself kept a close eye on the opening, should she hear any word from her old peoples. Well, that word came in the form of a piece of essence that the leader, Cascade, had help forming by the skills of her unicorn husband & sent it through to try to reach GoldSong, but the essence had a mind of its own. Instead of reaching the golden Fae, it decided to settle on this Spiral, dissolving into her when she was a hatchling & lying dormant until she reached adulthood. Once she finally grew up, the essence unlocked, and memories of Cascade's and GoldSong's both started playing through her mind. Not sure what to do with this new information, MoonMist turned to GoldSong to ask about it, and found what Cascade had tried to do some time ago. As MoonMist grew, so did the memories & the abilities that came with the essence, and after a time, a connection was made back to the old Cascadian Universe, and even went all the way to Cascade herself. Upon hearing this, the pegasus was happy to see that her idea had succeeded and worked even better than she'd hoped, and beyond thrilled to see that one of her own citizens was alive & well, and thriving amazingly. All of them noted the striking resemblance MoonMist had to Cascade, and all came to the conclusion that that was probably why the essence had gone to the Spiral instead of the Fae it was intended for.. After more communications at the portal with the leaders of the Cascadian Universe & the SkyWings clan, MoonMist came to serve as the eyes & ears for the pegasus back in the other realm, informing her of the happenings in the off-shoot of her peoples in this vastly different land.
Otherwise MoonMist had a fairly normal childhood with her siblings, being the first-born in a long line of many others to come. When her parents had more children later, she helpped to take care of her younger siblings that her parents welcomed in every so often. She loved having the big family and felt as though they were all happy together, despite their numbers. Even if it was large, her parents did their best to include all of them & take time out for each & did what they could to be inclusive to all their youth. She played well with her siblings and loved being around her family, and family became one of the most important things to her, and she looked forward to the day of possibly starting her own...
As she grew & before the essence unlocked, she discovered a fascination with gems and turning them into beautiful pieces, even as a youngster. She loved to craft with her hands & turn anything into apparel, but it was the jewels that really caught her eye. Since she realized how much she loved this subject, she began to shadow the clan's former jeweler, WisteriaRadiance, and worked to learn all she could from the older Spiral. From all the time she spent with her, the Spiral became like another sister to MoonMist, and the two developed a wonderful, healthy relationship.
However, as she grew & more time passed and she also discovered herself being a liaison to the Cascadian Universe, she couldn't help but notice how there were more and more couples forming & more dragons joining the clan. She also saw more hacthlings being brought into the world, and with all this that she observed, she couldn't deny the feeling that was forming deep within her own heart, and a question that began to take shape... was she ever gonna meet anybody? Even as she studied with Wisteria and gained more skills and knowledge, she watched the different dragons that joined the clan and wondered if any of them was destined to be her special someone... but only felt dismayed as they all fell for others & those around her. When her parents kept having more and more kids as well, trying to find that perfect hatchling to give the name Kathulhi, she was often called away from the shop and went back home to help, raising her new siblings, and learning how to care for children. As she did so, that nagging feeling came back, and she wondered along the same lines... will I ever be a mother?? She often asked Windsinger why it seemed like she had been cursed with the stain of singleness and if it truly was her destiny to be ForeverAlone, for as the days wore on, she truly had begun to think that. Though she tried to busy herself with her Jeweler job or taking care of her younger siblings, these thoughts still plagued her and visited her more and more often the more and more she was lonely...
Until the latter months of 2019, and a Coatl that someone was selling showed up on another site, and Cascade asked if he could join the clan. They agreed and the arrangement was made, and a Coatl that was named NightGlow found himself in the SkyWings clan, being welcomed by the leaders. It seemed like any other day to MoonMist, but when she heard the commotion going on, she was curious, but then thought it was probably just another dragon that had joined for someone else. But when the crowd parted, and she caught a glimpse of him, her heart skipped a beat, and she sat bolt upright, for that split-second glance had told her all she needed to know. And all that she needed to know that this Coatl was the one for her, and they were destined to be together. She stumbled out of the shop and into the foyer, abandoning the work for that day, tripping over herself, then brought herself into a mostly-put-together composure for a Spiral, and went right up to the Coatl with the remarkable colors. She stood right before him and said "H-hi," and when they locked eyes, she had that same feeling again like they were destined for each other. He tilted his head to the side, taking in the shy, trembling-but-trying-not-to-shake-too-much dragon before him, then his features softened as he smiled and he said hi back, and her heart melted at that smile, and it became a sight that she hoped she got to see every day. She introduced herself, trying not to stammer too much, then went back to the shop and let the rest of the dragons show him around, but she kept her eye on him and kept a close watch in case any of the other single girls around decided they wanted to snatch him up for themselves.
After some time of NightGlow getting acquainted with the clan and finding his place within, he reached back out to MoonMist, who seemed so eager to introduce herself that first day, for he had also felt something too, some sort of a connection when they had made eye contact, but he couldn't quite place his claw (finger) on it, and wanted to see what it was, and, possibly, if she had felt anything similar. So, they started talking, and found they both had felt something, although MoonMist didn't go into how deep she had felt it cuz she didn't want to scare him off, and they kept talking, realizing how much more they had in common together. Soon after, the talks turned into a relationship, and a bit after that, NightGlow was on his knee and proposing to the beautiful MoonMist, a day that she never thought would come, but was overjoyed to be there and said a gleeful "Yes!" Soon after that, wedding bells rang and they held a ceremony, then a section of the lair was built just for them where they could live happily together, and MoonMist got to see his smile every day. :)
After spending time together in their own home, there began to be talk of bringing some children of their own in, and MoonMist told him of her experience with all her younger siblings, and some even came forward to tell him tales of her caregiving, and he felt that there was no one better qualified to take care of his kids than the Spiral before him, so they agreed and brought into the world some amazing hatchlings of their own. Then, finally, in November 2019, their children arrived and the two raised them the best they knew how and gave them the best life ever :D When the kids got older, two of them went to leave the clan and one was Exalted under Windsinger himself, while the other went to find his place in a Shadow clan and then became Exalted to Shadowbinder & brought in some children of his own, while their daughter stayed close to home, and found her place within and married to a wonderful Imperial who does an amazing job taking care of her. MoonMist is proud of each one of her children, and is happy to see where each one of them have gone, and is happy with the way her own life has turned out, and even though it was a long wait for her special someone to show up, she wouldn't have it any other way :)
(talk about how she met the Familiar)

Role in the clan:
MoonMist, as stated above, is the clan's Jeweler! For the longest time, there were two Jewelers in the clan with WisteriaRadiance, and this Spiral as her apprentice, but earlier this year (2020) Wisteria felt it was time to move on and promoted her trainee to sole Jeweler for the clan when she was Exlated alongside her husband under Windsinger :) MoonMist now runs the shop she used to run with her dear friend and master, and makes beautiful works of art for the clan dragons to wear and also to sell to help give the clan a boost in profits, knowing that she's making the sweet dragon she used to work alongside with as proud as can be.
MoonMist also serves as a direct route back to the Cascadian Universe from which GoldSong hails, and oft holds meetings with both leaders when they recount what has been happening in both realms :)

needs this accent:
Spiral Empress

Size Comparison Stats in Imperial/USA Measurement for fun :)
Length (feet): ~13 ft
Wingspan (feet): 6.5 ft
Weight (pounds): ~139 lbs
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And now, for your enjoyment, a cute pic of this derg as a beb…
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Exalting MoonMist to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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