
Ohhh wooow! I'm a Guardian!
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Energy: 48
out of
Fire icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Guardian
Female Guardian
Coliseum team icon
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Personal Style


Gold Spear
Silver Earrings of Science
Gossamer Fillet
Tanned Rogue Hood
Gentle Healer's Reference
Classy Ring
Unlucky Gloves
Simple Iron Wing Bangles
Desert Dynasty Tail Rings
Tanned Rogue Cape
Unlucky Gambeson
Dusty Highnoon Vest
Unlucky Footpads
Friend Iguana




Scene: Pillow Palace


15.3 m
12.89 m
7876.89 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 14, 2018
(6 years)


Guardian icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 25 Guardian
Max Level
Blazing Slash



  • none


  • none


um? I've got to ask somebody

Uh, hi!*waves talons at you*. it's me. I'm a Guardian now apparently...How that happened? I'm not really able to tell any details, only that it involved one pretty elven adventurer and a highly inappropriate demon(don't ask). So here I am...Uh, not sure what else I should tell you. Except that my charge appears to be anyone that is named Link. Weird huh?
*lowers voice* Iorveth is dreamy isn't he? I don't know how he ended up on Sornieth either, but I know better than to ask pointless questions. The main thing is that he is here. And I am here now too. Must I say more?


40568304633_e54a831f69.jpg by Areazura

8h41cam.jpg byDeramadusierhrKYm.png by DragonSpiralArt

Rfaag3gm.pngPgnTsX1.pngby ArkOneThree
46810838784_7d680b7d2a.jpg[/img] by Xionahri

My die paired with Deramadus' die- magical friendship dice!
40571070903_9e53906a46_t.jpg 46813509034_d070aac020_t.jpg

Mah sword!
48638425866_6c7244d0ef_n.jpg by Dritil given by Deramadus(Flameforger's 2019)49685737668_59971754d5_n.jpg 49686644247_f9cf5b77b5_n.jpg by Dritil
Formal and elegant wing covers
by Dritil
49328411636_2203049aa3.jpg by Deramadus, Nocmas 2019

Embears from IronPen
51264372900_7fc225a82a_t.jpg 51264372910_941a5e6ee2_t.jpg 51264075514_8d9e4f2fa5_t.jpg51264075524_8fe64335c7_t.jpg 51262599537_42dbb1f7fd_t.jpg 51263526673_10ca5b13ec_t.jpg
Me and Iorveth found some shiny stones next to the underground 'lover's lake' These are mine.
51796482583_a84a03e58a_t.jpg (given by Deramadus Nocmas 2021)
Letters to and from Link of Clan of New Beginnings(Deramadus)
Dear Link!

You probably never heard of me but, surprise surprise- you are my Charge, like everyone that bear your name. Isn't it great? I’ve recently came across a Pixie Procession that you might find useful. I am so happy to be your Guardian! *the rest of the letter is just some scribbled doodles of strange symbols and creatures, one of them is quite prominent- a triangle comprised of three smaller triangles*

Your Guardian
'Dear Voronwis!

That's so cool that I'm your charge! I suppose I'll have to come visit from time to time then, won't I? You're free to come over too, my den is always open! The Pixies are so amazing too! They're so sparkly and are really friendly to me, sometimes even pointing me in the right direction or helping me find things! What's funny is I felt like I was missing something, like someone was always supposed to be beside me to help me make decisions...which is weird, I know, but then once I got the Pixies that feeling has gone away completely! I can always just ask my fairy friends what they think now, so thank you. I'm happy to be your charge!
And some of those drawings you made are so nice, they make me feel happy somehow...and they make me feel like I'm forgetting something. But that last one, the trifor triangles...I really like that one. I'm gonna put it on my wall if that's okay!

Your charge

Letters from and to Levi Ackerdrake of Clan of New Beginnings(Deramadus)
Dear Levi
I haven’t been a member of my clan for that very long, but even I have heard of your exceptional prowess in battle. Please do not treat this statement as if I was trying to compliment you, I am merely stating facts. From my clanmates I have learned that you once visited my clan to train with the best of our warriors. I regret that I was not present to witness that!
Please accept this Swashbuckler’s Seaspray Kerchief as a token of my respect. I hope it will meet with your approval. Also, I would like to extend an open invitation to you for a raid into Beastclan territory with me. I would be honoured should you choose to accept.

With regards


'Dear Voronwis

You are correct in saying that my battle prowess is a fact, and it's good that you've heard of me. How could you not have by now though? That time training with your finest warriors was not a total waste of my time either, which you can take a huge compliment to your warriors. Next time tell them to take better care of their gear though, it was filthy.
I was mildly surprised at how well taken care of this Kerchief is...I'm guessing it is brand new? Regardless, I still washed it thoroughly, but you respect is...appreciated. I would not wait for me for that raid, as I am very busy, but I may show up. I've been needing to team up with someone new, so maybe you'll do. Impress me.

With regard

Levi Ackerdrake'

'Dear Levi
I have thought long and hard about what you have said and decided to prove it to you that I am worthy. I spent some time trying to find an appropriate tribute though. Please accept this beast with my regards. I was leading the team that managed to capture the Roc that is now yours to dispose of as you please. I hope it impresses you enough.
My invitation for a raid into the Beastclan territory still stands open.
With Regards

Dear Levi
Happy Flameforger's Festival! I hope that this festive season will bring you much deserved rest and respite from your daily concerns.
The long-awaited raid into the Beastclan territory was finally planned and the date agreed upon. It will take place in the week falling after the Flameforger's Festival. Once again I extend my invitation to you to join me and our best warriors on this excursion. We would be honoured to have you with us.
P.S Have you made any progress with the Roc? I hope that the beast is not a burden to you.
Dear Voronwis,

Yes, happy Flameforger's Festival. Still don't understand all the excitement, but it does raise moral a lot, so there's that. And yes, I do get to rest for a small while, which is nice. There are still many things to do though - rookies still need punishments carried out and boarder patrols still need to be bolstered.
After your little stunt, I have considered your invitation again. I believe it would not be a wasteful excursion to go on, and it would be regretful for you and your team to fail the mission after so much planning. So, I will come along to ensure you all keep your horns out of your tails and complete the mission. Give me all details so I can plan my duties around this excursion.


Levi Ackerdrake

P.S Yes, the Roc is now obedient to me. It took a small while, but the beast will no longer question my orders. It's surprisingly smart, which is a good thing as I would have made it into stew if it wasn't. It will be coming with me to the Beastclan territory, as it will be a good asset.
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