
Level 19 Imperial
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Nightsky Fuiran
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Imperial
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Personal Style


Glowing Purple Clawtips
Buttercup Lace Headpiece
Dusky Rose Thorn Crown
Gold Filigree Helmet
Buttercup Lace Ribbons
Buttercup Lace Wristlet
Gold Filigree Gauntlets
Buttercup Lace Waist Frill
Gold Filigree Boots
Buttercup Lace Collar
Veteran's Eye Scar




26.72 m
16.15 m
6431 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 09, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 19 Imperial
EXP: 26193 / 104563
Rune Slash
Field Manual



~~~~~NAME ORIGIN: OC Based

~~~~~BIRTHPLACE: Somewhere Far Away...
Far away, somewhere among the glittering chunks of magically charged crystals of the Starfall Isles, a dragon was born. At first, this dragon appeared to be a normal Imperial hatchling, but something set Samuel apart from the rest. Royal blood. When Samuel was just a young dragon, his mother was brutally murdered in her own home. The perpetrator was never found, but Samuel knew exactly what happened - his father, Venger*, was a power hungry tyrant, and ruled the clan with an iron claw. He killed without mercy and all of his past mates had met a grisly end, presumably at his hand. Samuel's childhood had been plagued by his father's cruelty, and he and his mother were often abused by Venger*, leaving deep physical and mental scars. Venger* had always wanted a daughter and took his frustration out on his family. Samuel had had a very close relationship with his mother, and vowed to destroy his father and repair the damage he had done to the clan he ruled over.
As he aged, Samuel began to exhibit extremely advanced magical skill, social prowess, and a vicious addiction to power. Terrified that he would grow into the same sort of dragon as his father, Samuel fell into a vicious cycle of intense training, self punishment, and depression. His skin, already scarred from his history of abuse, developed even more scars. He was forced to mature quickly. He knew that Venger* was planning to dispose of him; the monster of a dragon was determined to remain the king of his clan for eternity, and couldn't do that with an heir in the way (hence his desire for a daughter). Samuel planned on assassinating his father as well. It was all a matter of time before one of them was to be destroyed.
Venger* possessed a massive horde of wealth, one of the largest in all of the world. This, along with providing Samuel with ample resources to hone his skills, also gave him a tantalizing dose of power. With time, the young dragon became more and more egotistical and ambitious. Somehow, he remained uncorrupted by his father's sins and monstrous ways.
One cold, dark night, during the worst snow the Isles had ever seen, Samuel finally launched his plan into action. Wielding an incredible amount of power, Samuel had been known to crush any dragon in his path. He had never lost a fight, but, then again, he had never fought back against Venger*. Despite his seemingly invincible outer shell, Samuel was terrified of his father. The years of abuse and fear that the older dragon had put Samuel through had conditioned him to loathe himself, and as a coping mechanism, to loathe anyone he deemed "lesser". It took every ounce of courage Samuel possessed to face his father.
The snow was coming down so thick and intensely that even the most well sighted dragons couldn't see farther than their own noses. Venger* was giving a speech, about some new tax he was to impose on his people, when the entire temple was shook with primal power. Stones, thousands of years old, fell from their seemingly permanent resting places into the crowd below. Gilded decorations melted with the sheer energy this new power possessed, dripping down the ancient walls and sizzling like oil in a pan, some drops searing the audience's scales right off. Samuel stepped into the temple. No words were exchanged. The burning hatred in the two dragon's eyes was enough. Samuel's intentions were clear - he wanted blood. Venger* leapt at his son, snarling like a wild animal, claws extended. Arcane energy literally crackled in the air like electricity during a summer storm. Samuel deftly stepped out of the way and with a powerful beat of his wings, took to the air.
The battle was long, and by the end of it all, the entire temple was saturated with the blood of not only the two enemies, but the rest of the clan as well. Hundreds of bodies littered the ground. Many appeared to be uninjured, save for trickles of blood from the mouth and ears - a telltale sign of Samuel's peculiar ability, sound manipulation. The entire clan had perished; Samuel needed to eliminate any witnesses. heavily injured and bleeding profusely, the new king slumped over onto the broken body of his father, and blacked out.
Over the next year, Samuel recovered and healed. He honed his abilities even more. Taking his inheritance with him, he left the cursed place of his birth, which would never be discovered. Even months later, it reeked of blood and decay. Samuel's guilt for the deaths of his entire clan drove him away. Eventually he ended up in the Forum of the Obscured Crescent, an out branch of Shadow's domain. A small group of dragons resided there. They had a leader - another tyrant, who evoked hatred in Samuel the second he met him. The king easily killed this leader and his supporters, and took RippleRock as his own.

Samuel is arrogant, egotistical, and narcissistic. His royal heritage gave him a sense of superiority, and he is cunning and manipulative. Outwardly, he has the immense charm, etiquette, and elegance you would expect from a man of royal blood, and commands respect without having to even look at you. He is very popular with female dragons due to his physical attractiveness and wealth but isn't intresten in women at all. He prefers to play with their emotions as he sees fit and has never actually taken a dragoness as a mate.
Extremely intelligent, Samuel is talented at reading the emotions and body language of other dragons, giving him a dangerous edge in diplomatic or tense situations. He is cutthroat and ruthless but is mostly able to keep his cool. It's difficult to tell what he's thinking unless you are very close to him - not many dragons are.
Despite all this, his traumatic past has left him with mental scars that will never heal. He suffers from severe depression and anxiety, and has issues with attachment and loneliness. To avoid being hurt, he pushes others away with his egoism. He can rarely sleep without nightmares, especially if he's alone, and longs for a mate. Dragons who are close to him often have to come to his aid during breakdowns.
Although he has a seemingly unlikeable exterior, he is extremely good to have around. He is intensely loyal to those who he allows to get close to him and due to his wealth and materialistic nature, throws one hell of a party (thing the Great Gatsby). His intellect makes conversations with him rewarding and provocative. Even smalltalk is entertaining; Samuel's sarcastic and dark sense of humor is always peppered in appropriately.

~~~~~QUIRKS/HABITS: Can't really smile like a normal dragon, it's always a bit cockeyed and crooked. He tries his best.
Flinches around those who he is close to if they make aggressive gestures, even if they don't mean it.
Barely sleeps or eats and often requires coaxing to be encouraged to take care of himself as far as biological needs go. Otherwise he is very appearance oriented and scoffs at those who he feels don't "present themselves" well enough. Again, he has a narcissist complex.
Tosses his hair a lot, mostly around those he is comfortable with, to express irritation or disdain.
~~~~~UNIQUE MARKINGS/FEATURES: The eye scar is actually over the left eye, not the right.

~~~~~CLAN ROLE AND/OR JOB: Leader of RippleRock

Many dragons in the clan have a healthy fear of Samuel, but for the most part he is fair and his determinedness to not emulate his father's behavior keeps him from being too self serving in the way he rules.
Among female (and I assume closeted male) dragons, he is seen as a heartthrob, but once they are actually with him they tend to get put off. Power hungry dragons and young entrepreneurs try to get close to him for handouts, but he hates this type of behavior and puts an end to it immediately.
He is known to hold extravagant parties.
There have been numerous assassination attempts on Samuel, mostly from rival clans or BeastClans, each of them being disposed of properly by the king himself. Now, his clan is feared across the land, just because of his name.

~~~~~PREFERRED MATE(S): None Yet

The Northern side of RippleRock is where the wealthiest dragons tend to live. Samuel's mansion is built in a scenic wooded area, surrounded by gorgeous ponds, meticulously kept gardens, pools, and walking trails for him to wander through. it is situated at the end of a quiet little lane, which is bordered by a row of weeping cherry trees on either side. In the Spring and early Summer, when the trees are in full bloom, their soft white petals and luscious fragrance float almost to the other side of RippleRock. A roundabout, paved with loose black gravel, surrounds a gorgeous fountain in the front. A grandiose staircase wraps around the far side, leading up to the front doors of the mansion.
The building itself is carved out of a single, massive block of obsidian. Nobody really knows how it got there, since there is no volcanic activity near RippleRock at all. It has all sorts of different rooms in it. Two ballrooms, a huge library, pools, entertainment rooms, and bars/dining areas are some of the highlights. The master bedroom is massive and some smaller dragons don't even have homes the size of it. Its walls are obsidian, like the majority of the mansion, and a small crack that goes around the trim in the room emits an eerie purple light, made by magical crystals hidden behind the walls. A canopied bed surrounded by floating candles that burn a purple flame is where he attempts to sleep. The blankets are plush and soft. He has a massive mirror to one side of the room, in the corner by the balcony to get the best lighting. It is gold with amethyst and ruby inlays. The balcony is also large, and is Samuel's favorite place to eat his breakfast. His servants make sure there is always a vase of fresh flowers from the gardens there, to brighten the perpetually depressed dragon's day a little.



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