
Level 3 Skydancer
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Male Skydancer
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4.78 m
4.94 m
939.19 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Jun 10, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Skydancer
EXP: 70 / 1401


Main Character in THIS comic! :D

goes to war for tokyo

Two, grey dragons were nestled under a large oak tree, relishing their time with each other for in a few hours, one must go to battle while the other must stay.

"Tokyo?" came a smooth voice. Said dragon hummed in reply and snuggled closer, which meant that she was listening.

"Do you remember how we first met?"

There was a snort and soft chuckle. "You said we would never talk about that ever again," came the female's reply.

Alabama laughed heartily and nuzzled her silver head, "It's hard not to. To me, it's more special than any other day in my life!"

The female Skydancer raised her head and poked his side, "Drama King. Yes, I remember."


Alabama trudged heavily against the pounding of the hard rain. His tired eyes were useless and his numb limbs were all but dragging him through the muddied road. The stench of death hung heavily around him and not even the storm could wash it away. Blood trailed thickly down the side of his head and he was certain that one of his wings were broken. If he cannot find shelter soon and treat his wounds, he will most likely die.

He snorted at that. How ironic. Had he survived a war just so he could die pitifully on a worn path to nowhere?

Not that it really mattered to him. It was all the same. Most of his comrades had fallen in the latest battle. The others who had survived and who were able to, went on home. He could've gone with them. His parents and some of his siblings were waiting for him. But, Alabama knew he couldn't face them after what he had done.

His mind filled with grim thoughts, the lone Skydancer had not noticed that he had come across Plague territory. He walked on, not noticing fierce red orbs eying his every move. He didn't notice when they began to move closer. By the time his warrior senses registered potential threats in the area, he was already surrounded.

Great dragons of all shapes and sizes stared at him menacingly, daring him to pose a threat. Instinctively, he assumed a battle stance, causing his captors to growl and bring out their weapons. Dismissively, Alabama thought to himself that at least, this way, he'll die fighting.

When he was about to readily plunge into his doom, an unexpected female's voice was heard.

He was surprised when his captors reluctantly lowered their weapons. There were a few soft curses before a striking female Skydancer broke through the make-shift barricade they had him caged in.

He watched as her Earth eyes landed on him before turning to the others. Her strong, confident voice rang out as she scolded them like a mother would a petulant child. She said a lot of things that day that could put Plaguebringer herself to shame.

Apparently, she was in the middle of babysitting these youngsters when they had somehow slipped past her nose. Looking around him again, Alabama realized that all of them were barely out of their first day as adults. Blinking, at the amusing scene before him, the young warrior allowed himself to drop his stance.

It had been a good quarter-hour lecture. Alabama was surprised that the female still had the energy and voice to keep going on had she not heard stomachs growling. Frowning, she allowed the young ones to go on home for lunch and that they were to repent for disobeying her lest she tell their parents.

After the little terrors had scattered, Alabama watched as the female muttered to herself. He raised an eyebrow when she suddenly stiffened, slowly turning her head to him. It was as if she had forgotten he was there (which wasn't surprising since she had been ranting non-stop for nearly an hour).

Suddenly afraid of being alone with a total stranger, the female began to back away. She grabbed the trumpet strapped to her side and held it out in front of her defensively with shaking hands. Alabama tilted his head in amusement. They stared at each other for a few moments before the female dashed out of sight.

Now that his head was cleared of dismal thoughts, Alabama saw that he was in the middle of a foreign, and what seems to be an inhospitable land. Admitting he was lost, he immediately ran after the other Skydancer. He hoped that if he caught up to her, she would be able to at least tell him where he was.

But, his search was in vain. His battered body slowed him down greatly. Night had already fallen and there was absolutely no sign of her. All there was was piles of rot and blisters and festers as far as the eye can see.

Exhausted and defeated, Alabama sat beside a large fang-like boulder. The toxic fumes from the pits were deadly to his injured self. Wryly, he thought to himself that he would rather have died fighting those youngsters than dying like this...

A shriek startled him upright, sending painful stabs up his spine. Groaning, he looked up and found the elusive female staring at him with wide eyes.

She took out her trusty trumpet and pointed it at him, "You! Why did you follow me? How did you follow me?"

The male sighed and carefully stood up, "Isn't it common courtesy to introduce yourself first?"

"Isn't it common courtesy to stay behind when left behind?" she countered.

Alabama inclined his head, "Not always. I am in need of your assistance."

Arching a delicate brow, the female regarded him warily, "What do you want from me?"

"I merely seek directions away from this place. Preferably where there is a healer to treat my wounds."

Giving him a once-over, the female noticed that he could barely stand. Lowering her 'weapon', the Skydancer huffed and said, "I'm Tokyo. I'll take you to our clan healer. After that you can be on your way, stranger."

Alabama offered a small smile of gratitude, "I am called Alabama and I thank you for your help, Lady Tokyo."

A suspicious red tint crossed her cheeks as she stuttered a reply. Clearing her throat, Tokyo led the way through the festering lands of Plague territory.

The deal was for them to go their separate ways after he was completely healed. It took Alabama near a week and a half to recover his strength... and the rest of his life to recover everything else...

-Bio by PhoenixMiko
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