
Level 1 Tundra
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Fallout Streak
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Energy: 47/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Tundra
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Personal Style


Will o' the Wisp
Supercharged Alchemist Tools
Surgestream Coat
Leather Aviator Boots
Leather Aviator Gloves
Simple Copper Wing Bangles
Leather Tail Wrap
Alchemist Eyewear




3.44 m
3.64 m
365.22 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 06, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245



Electronic Pyromaniac


Do It For Science

When one can't keep track of time properly it becomes very hard to tell how long someone has been gone for. Andin was found waiting for their family to return by a group of longnecks. When they had inquired about the length of time they had been gone, Andin replied with "I don't know." The longneck clan made camp early and waited with the little tundra, introducing them to what little sciences they had, they also noticed Andin's fascination with fire which prompted them to keep an eye on the youngling around the camp flames. The clan of longnecks gave it three days before they started to pack up, when Andin asked why the clan leader told them they had waited three days already and would have to carry on, the leader told Andin they could join the group if they wanted. Andin agreed but was confused about the three day wait. They didn't think they had been waiting that long.

Andin showed a great ability and competence in the field of sciences. They loved everything about it, the experiments, reactions, the thinking and planning that goes into any bit of it. The clan leader (who Andin learned was named Tres) entertained their love with bits and bobs the clan found here and there. It wasn't till Tres's brother Ures gave Andin a fully functioning set of supercharged alchemist tools and googles that the clan of longnecks found out just how competent Andin was with scientific tools.

It wasn't a very hot day, surprising considering they were close to the forges of the fire drakes. Tres had set her clan's camp up in a sparse rocky area, Ures and Tuk were helping Andin set up their experiment tables. Everything was rather peaceful, birds singing, little ones running around laughing. Four beautiful calm uninterrupted hours, until the loud BOOM sounded from Andin's area. Just like that the birds flew away, little ones ran back to parents, and Tres was growing a rather impressive headache. All Andin had to say was "That wasn't suppose to happen." Turns out they were trying out a new mixture, the instructions clearly stated to wait one hour before adding the last ingredient. When asked why they didn't wait Andin replied with "I don't know what an Hour feels like, and I don't have a time piece to help."

Tres, Ures, and Andin went to a market place to find them a time piece. Turns out Andin can't feel the passing of time like the rest of the world, so to remedy this and avoid anymore exploding potions, a time piece was needed. They searched high and low and were about to give up and just attach one of the elders to them when a pink spiral came careening towards them. He inquired if they were still looking for a time piece, his friend had apparently made one but was having trouble finding the "perfect" owner for it. They followed the dragon towards a booth that had a most intimidating ridgeback sat behind it. The spiral presented Andin to the dark dragon. He took one look at them and gave them the time piece.

Lost And Found

Andin had talked with the two dragons for hours, it was starting to get dark and others were packing to leave by the time Tres told them they were going back to the clan. Andin was saddened by this and Tres must have seen it for she told Andin that if they wished it they may go with the dragons back to their clan to live. The spiral made to interrupt, but Tres simply raised her hoof and said she had spoken and that was that. The spiral introduced himself as Eli and his companion was named Khan. The two lived with the wind territories right on the border of the sea. The two followed Tres back to her clan and helped Andin pack their things. The little ones were upset that Andin was leaving, probably because they were the only interesting thing around. Andin took Tres and Ures aside and thanked them for putting up with them for all those years, Tres lightly cuffed them over the head and said "You were no more a burden then any of the clan members.” Ures actually had tears caught in his eyes "If you ever want to come back you just find us." With that and an awful lot of hugging, Andin was off to meet Eli's mother.

The journey to their new clan was short with a few pitstops to sell wears. Andin found they liked Eli and Khan even if Khan had told them they were never aloud in his workshop after he saw their first experimental eruption. When they finally found themselves on the beaches facing the caves that held their companions clan, Andin was a little nervous but over all confident that they would be making this their new home.

Entering the caves Andin thought they would be darker, till they looked up and found thousands of softly glowing crystals in every colour you could think of. "Our local crazy lady likes putting them up all over the tunnel systems, so it's never really dark in here." Eli explained. Moving on they walked up a large stone staircase, presumably the tide came in so they had all their rooms above that point. When they reached the top Andin saw her, just as Eli described her. Crimson wings, black worn cloak, and golden armor. Andin didn't see what was so awe inspiring, with the way Khan talked about her in such a revering voice. The guardian dragoness looked at her with a piercing stare, turned her head upon Eli, and went back to sleep.

With Thea's approval the others came around slowly but surely. Valen didn't seem to like anyone but Thea and Zakai so they weren't to beat up about him not liking them. Eli and Khan like getting their input about certain things, but Andin's bestfriend in the whole clan came stumbling into the caves around a month later. The wind dragoness was sweet and kind to everyone, even the grumps of the clan. Aradia brought a breath of fresh air and Andin could not be happier.


Black Iron Creeper Glass Beaker Surgestream Coat Electric Nymph Supercharged Alchemist Tools Handful of Sprockets Flamerest Fiendcat


Made By Maevepanda

Made By Llanai
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