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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Male Coatl
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Personal Style


Sanguine Plumage
Thundercrack Cogspanner
Emerald Aviator Satchel
Copper Steampunk Gloves
Green and White Flair Scarf
Powerpack Coat
Copper Steampunk Spats
Bloody Tail Bandage
Bloody Wing Bandages
Bronze Steampunk Wings
Navy Neck Wrap


Accent: Coatl Not Found


Scene: Enchanted Library


8.24 m
6.89 m
1043.06 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 24, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Coatl
EXP: 4370 / 27676
Shock Bolt



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Dragon Not Found • An Error Occured While Displaying This Message

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▸ Error: This text is currently unavailable

▸ Error: This text is currently unavailable

▸ Error: This text is currently unavailable

▸ Error: This text is currently unavailable

Log no 360: It's almost been a year since [REDACTED] and I have started this project. Tests are currently looking promising, especially after I finally got those wires soldered correctly this time. Sure rewriting all the memory from scratch after updating nearly all the components was a setback, but the extra memory has been a lifesaver so far! Yes Wispy was not very happy about me spending my entire salary on it but I would do it again.
Tomorrow is a new day for testing, this project might actually be done this week, actually scratch that I would just get started on refinements for V2.0 one this one starts working.
The project goes on!


Everything was fuzzy. Just thinking that was sapping all his energy and making his fans snap to life with an agressive hum. He heard a muffled sound, was this a voice? He had the urge to try and respond in some way, just try moving something, anything. But all he could muster was a twitch of one of many metal feathers on his head.
That seemed to be enough becuase he heard that muffled voice again before feeling an overwhelming tiredness grasping at every part of him. He could try again later.


He booted up once again, everything felt clearer than last time, perhaps he should try learning what other things he has on him. Perhaps something in his face reigon? The voice seemed to like that last time. He moved each metallic feather individually one by one, going side to side and twirling them around, relishing in the newfound capability. A great start! What else could he use? He found more variables assigned "feather" in his code but in a different place. Where were these? With one sharp movement he lifted his right wing into the air, feeling some resistance from elsewhere. Strange, should he just use more force to complete this task? There was nothing saying he shouldn'tuse more force so that it was! Slowly he felt progress being made until his wing stretched out to its final position, not minding the sounds of things snapping and creaking to make way for the blades of metal.

Well that seemed to work in getting the sound of the voice again, though it seemed louder this time. "N... ST...P....Y...'RE...G...ING....T....BR..AK....Y.....R..EL..F!!"
Hmm, well that made no sense! "NSTPY'REGINGTBRAKYRELF" didn't mean anything according to his word library.

He booted up, not knowing why he suddenly shut down last time. Was moving things in that way displeasing to the voice? It seemed like it, maybe he should move something else instead, it liked that the first time. Going through the list of functions for his face region he went through their test scripts until eventually landing on the "camera". The two cameras flickered on, he couldn't stop himself from analyzing his entire surroundings, the room was approximately 100 x 100 square meters and filled to the brim with objects he couldn't recognise. Discovering the ability to move his head he could look around even further! So much new data to process!

He kept looking until noticing a region he hasn't mapped out yet, was there something else he could move to look there? He tried going further and further down his neck until until the attempts at movement brought him to the culprit stopping him from moving. Several thick cords were clipped into loops built into parts of himself suspending him against the ceiling, there seemed to be a few broken by his right wing along with other things looking particularly disorganized. huh, weird, wonder how that happened.

Back to the task at hand, he remembered last time there was some resistance in completing his task he just kept moving . Somehow that doesn't feel like the right approach anymore, he felt like he should avoid letting things break. Though his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a sound from in front of him, a door opening to be precise. There was another thing moving, something his visual identification software recognized as a....
"Chair." he let slip out of his voicebox, a function he didn't know he had.
A pause, the black "chair" seemed to move in reaction to that before making a sound as well.
"Pfff, hahaha! How am I a chair to you!?"
This entire situation was getting confusing, his internal library was saying chairs don't make sounds like this and here here it was. Did he get something wrong? But he was certain that was a chair! The shape with four legs and a raised portion going up, which matched exactly with what he saw!

In his confusion he let out a mechanical screech, it was frying his circuits but he couldn't stop. His vision was getting obscured by glitches which only served to stress him out further until....
He crashed.


▸ Error: This text is currently unavailable

▸ Error: This text is currently unavailable

▸ Error: This text is currently unavailable

▸ Error: This text is currently unavailable
YkOCj1y.png_Log no. 364:_n84GomK.png


____Well, current tests haven't been going as smoothly as I had hoped for. The AI took so long to program but it hardly even works... and of course the fixes I think of require I overhaul the entire system. Which I want to avoid doing so soon, [REDACTED] however seems to have no problem with the idea though. However since I have found some spare supplies to sell for funds we came to the agreement that we can try making a new body to test the new AI. This time trying [REDACTED]'s plague element to fuel the core to see if that changes anything. That's all for this update, hopefully I can get Draconis MK1 working before tomorrow, though with how many times I had to see that stupid error message I may as well start calling it Error.

Hoping to salvage what I can here. - Voltage


He booted up again, it was a bit frustrating waking up only to find his most recent data corrupted. Actually now that he looked at his memory quite a lot of it was corrupted, the only word in his library that could describe how it felt was just "filthy". He decided to send all the corrupted data to the recycling bin to get deleted, he needed every byte he could get his processors on. To speed up the cleaning process he set himself into low power mode and embraced the feeling of the garbage data leaving his disks. His fans whirring as fast as they could in a struggle to keep his systems cool enough to function.

After the process finished he started up his cameras again, more space means more new data to collect and he wasn't going to waste any time! There must have been so much lost information from the corruption that needed to be replaced, too bad he had no idea what that data was. Curiously looking around the room again, he searched for the most optimised way to search everything. Settling on a pattern of turning his head left and right rapidly, slightly lowing each time to maximise surface area. Though some areas seemed to be obscured by objects placed in the way from his view. Which wasn't good for his one goal programmed into him, gather as much data on everything as possible.

In a fit of desperation to just try to see past the cabinet currently in the way, he let every last one of his motors whirr to life, if it worked in turning other parts before surely it must work here too, right? The cables from before seemed to no longer be holding him in place, allowing him to get closer to the edge of the table he was positioned on. A new angle to fill out his database! Seeing how what he was doing currently was sending him closer to his goal, straining every motor, pushing them to the limits his code will allow. But all that seemed to do was cause him to shut off all motors because of an error to show up in his debug console. Something involving a variable associated with the "gyroscope" exceeding a certain limit, he wasn't quite sure what the point of that variable was since it shows up so rarely in his code.

Seems like he would have to find a new way to change his position, so going through the list of functions it was. Starting with his left wing he raised it up as high as he could before slamming it down with enough force to fully knock him off the table.



YkOCj1y.png_Log no. 365:_n84GomK.png


____Yesterday my assistant [REDACTED] removed the safety cables from Draconis MK 1 and booted it up without telling me. I would fire [REDACTED] right now if I could but we are legally obligated to complete one more project together.

Anyway Draconis MK 1 fell off the table and broke, thankfully the physical repairs weren't that bad, but I had to replace the hard disk entirely. I tried to salvage what data I could and re-code what got lost. It's far from the best job since usually [REDACTED] handles coding issues while I handle the machines themselves. But after this I'm not sure I want to let him near my projects again, especially after he expressed far too much interest in dismantling Draconis MK 1 for parts.

I hope to get Draconis Mk 1 in a working state again, maybe I can disguise it as an employee at the grocery store so [REDACTED] can't dismantle it. The only problem with that plan is if Wispy accepts robots, since I know there's no fooling her no matter how advanced I make my projects.

Well I'll find a solution, back to work on "Error".



His cameras flickered to life again, and along with it he could tell there was a new pile of corrupted code wasting away in his memory, taking up valuable space for no reason. This was starting to get annoying, so when he started the cleaning process he looked around in a frustrated manner. Something told him to look around, but he couldn't tell why, so instead he let his fans hum especially loud like a strange mechanical huff. At least he was back on the table again, wait a minute that chair is new.

He tried to speak, but no sound came out. Huh, strange, maybe if he tried again it would work? But there was still not sound, except for a beep? Right, he had a secondary sound system in case the first one failed, though this one was very limited in what sounds were available. Switching over to the other speaker he let out a particularly loud beep at the chair. The chair seemed to respond to that, falling over and then turning to look at him.

Wait, with this new information he had to update what he thought was a chair. Scouring his internal library was pretty strenuous right now so he switched off several other functions to speed things up. Aha! A dragon! That's what was in front of him! He was supposed to be looking for them to mimic as closely as possible! Not wanting to waste even a millisecond he switched on his cameras and microphone, this was going to be some very valuable data!

The dragon was looking back at him, not moving much. He tried to mimic the pose the dragon was making as closely as possible, before patiently waiting for the next thing to copy.

"Oh good you're finally not crashing"

Ah, some words in his internal library made more sense now, it's one thing to have all the parameters for how a word is supposed to be used but not seeing any examples makes it difficult. He tried to mimic the sentence anyway, but it just came out as a series of differently pitched beeps.

The dragon slammed a hand on the table he was currently on before yelling.

"I thought I fixed that!"

A loud phrase for sure but one he was going to copy anyway, he began the series of loud beeps before the dragon gently but forcefully put a hand on his face.

"No yelling in the workshop, or really in any building for that matter" The dragon hissed out before suddenly looking towards the door.

Still confused over why there's a hand on his face he just moved to get a better view of what the dragon was looking at, but that was cut short when he noticed a switch on the back of his head got switched. Oh that was the power switch, at least this won't make him wake up with more corrupted data. He finished off any tasks he had running as quickly as possible before drifting into a dreamless mechanical sleep.




YkOCj1y.png_Log no. 364:_n84GomK.png

____I don't have much time, Wispy came into my workshop in the eerily silent way she usually does. I tried hiding Error before she saw but well, trying to win against Wispy with anything seems like an impossible battle, she's the owner of this place for a very good reason. She saw Error and decided to hire him on the spot so I had to make up an identity of him like he wasn't essentially born a week ago. There's no point trying to persuade her, I saw what she did to keep that prince she hired a few months back.

Well, there's no use trying to do any major adjustments on Error at this point, may as well put in as many safety measures as I can into his code before sending him off. I only have until tomorrow and I still refuse to let [REDACTED] near him despite Error having Wispy's protection as an employee. After our contractually obligated final project I am moving my workshop and finding a new assistant.

I wish I could've had more time before my next project but, only so much can be done in one day.



Booting up felt, much smoother this time. Letting out a mechanical whirr akin to a yawn he looked to his side, where the dragon he saw roughly 14:57 hours ago was. The dragon was still there, not turning to face him but only focused on the glow of the screen in front of him, frantically typing line after line of code. Wait, now that he combed through his code more thoroughly some parts felt more heavily updated than before. One line in particular stood out to him though.

private string Name = "Error";

A name? He definitely knows other things he's seen has names but never realized he didn't have one for himself until now. It's confusing that it's both his name and something that usually means something went wrong in his code, but he wasn't going to argue with the variable. Especially since he always followed everything written down to the exact letter.

The dragon nearby turned around, finally taking a moment to acknowledge that Error has booted up.
There was a nametag visible on the dragons coat, "Voltage". A much better variable to assign data to.
Heaving out a sigh Voltage spoke.

"I don't have much time, only one day to patch what I can in your code before sending you off. Please pay very close attention to what I have to say to you right now since I don't know if I even will see you again after this." Voltage softly spoke, placing a hand on Errors shoulder.

In response Error let out a small beep of acknowledgement, still unable to properly speak.

"This here is Wispy" he pulled out a sheet of paper with a rather blurry image of Wispy printed onto it. "Make sure to follow everything she has to say, you can also trust her with any problems you may have"

Voltage made a face that was difficult to decipher, pausing to think about how to best present the next bit of information or even if he should at all.

"There are a few dragons I want you to stay far away from, if you see any one of these get as far away as you can by any means possible."

Voltage placed two pictures on the desk, laying them flat and making sure the lighting was good so Error wouldn't have any problems making reference of these images.

One picture portrayed a pair of dragons, of the Imperial breed if he identified them correctly. One was too dark to make out many details besides vibrant, glowing purple eyes. The other was lighter in colour and had visible splashes of crimson, holding some sort of object and staring directly at the camera with a gleeful expression.
The other image was half covered by one of Voltage's hands, the only visible dragon was possibly a Wildclaw but it was hard to tell, underneath the image "Assistant of the month" was written.

Making sure to carefully save these images in his files for later Error looked back up at Voltage.

Voltage looked like he was about to say something before someone knocked on the door, causing him to jump before running as fast as he could to go open it.

Carefully and slowly trying to mimic that movement, Error managed to successfully stand up. It didn't feel like the most stable position, but somewhere in his code he felt that this was correct.
Looking up at Voltage he tried to head over, this time frequently checking his gyroscope to make sure he remained upright this time as he carefully got down from the table.

Step after unstable step Error made his way over, he wanted to observe more closely to get clearer data. However Voltage pushed him away from the door with his leg, keeping him out of view. As much as Voltage tried to be stealthy about it, he was a terrible actor. Which was something the dragon on the other side of the door noticed.

"Oh look, even the scrap metal heap arrived, let's just get this negotiation over with. We salvage it for parts right now and get the next project done as soon as possible since the contract said we only have to get one working. And I don't know about you but I actually like getting paid" The Wildclaw in the doorway spoke in a tone like if he didn't have to pretend to have a civilized conversation right now, then he would be fighting the Skydancer that stood right in front of him.

"I already told you that Wispy came in here yesterday and hired Error meaning anything you, or that stupid contract has to say is null. If you want to fight her over it then be my guest! And even without all of that I still wouldn't let you dismantle him!" Voltage spat out, already tired of trying to reason with the stubborn Wildclaw.

"Well maybe I don't care what your side jobs boss has to say on this matter! We both need to get the work done and keeping that scrap heap you call functional around just to rust instead of putting those parts to use is just stupid! Why do I have to be the assistant when you're clearly incapable of doing anything around here correctly!" The Wildclaw yelled back, jabbing a claw into Voltage's chest. "If you're going to continue being incompetent then I'm just going to have to take matters into my own hands." The Wildclaw let out in a low, dangerous voice, clearly getting across what he intends to do.

Error could only watch in confusion, struggling to process everything that just happened. He paused nearly every other process that was running to try and speed up deciphering exactly what that conversation meant.

Voltage on the other hand, snapped
The overflowing electricity that sparked out from his eyes cracked and roared as they demanded to be freed. He had enough of his so called assistant spewing nonsense as of recent and he couldn't take it anymore.
Lunging with more force than you would expect from a Skydancer of his stature, Voltage slammed the Wildclaw into the ground. A contract wouldn't matter if your so called assistant couldn't complete their end of the deal now would it?
Sparks of electricity roared as they gathered into a dangerous orb in one of Voltage's hands, ready to strike directly into the currently mortified Wildclaw.

Realizing the gravity of the situation the Wildclaw delivered a swift kick to Voltage, knocking him onto the floor, dispelling the dangerous amount of lightning magic in the process.

Error was both fascinated and terrified, this new data was so interesting, but he felt strongly compelled to leave the situation. Only able to just stare in silence as the two dragons fought.

Though suddenly a new voice echoed through the halls, silencing the fighting dragons immediately.
"That's enough!"

A different skydancer came into view, seemingly older than the two previous dragons and clearly unhappy about the situation.

"Ah! Head-engineer Parthenia! Is there anything I can help you with?" Voltage brushed off any dirt from his coat and tried to appear as friendly and unassuming as he could in this situation.

"If you're both going to keep fighting like then then take it to the basement, I'm sure he would enjoy the company." Parthenia spoke in a stern voice.

"Oh no don't worry we were being civilized here!" Voltage attempted to lie.
"You tried to kill me!" The Wildclaw exclaimed but was swiftly met with a sharp elbow to the side from Voltage.

Parthenia let out a long sigh, she was getting too old for these shenanigans. "Both of you better behave. I'm here to bring Error to his new job safely without someone" She paused, giving the Wildclaw a stern and knowing look "trying to disassemble him."

Defeated, Voltage turned over to Error. "Better do as she says"

Error stared back for a few second before turning over to Parthenia and carefully walked over to her. She turned around to lead the way, making sure to slow down her pace so Error had a chance to keep up.

He turned around to look at Voltage one more time, who quickly waved before heading back into his workshop.

Content with this goodbye Error picked up his pace and followed Parthenia. Unaware of a Wildclaw leaving as quietly as he could.






Bio template by Mibella, find it here.

FR not loading correctly compilation




By IraFera
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Exalting Error to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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  • Names must be no longer than 16 characters.
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