
Level 1 Fae
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Fae
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0.92 m
1.29 m
0.67 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 27, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245


Uh-oh, looks like this smoky boy wandered a little too far from his home lair (514139, ShadowsInTheMist), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but he would be very grateful!
Current's been with me awhile, but he's more than ready to see what the world's like! Other than exalting, you can do whatever! Lore, Art, Apparel, maybe even a gene! Have fun, and safe travels!

Owners I've Had:

Ruyime, 517108
sleepyboi, 525787
Current flew to the heart of the Tangled Wood. A strange dome of black, smoke-like fog swirled below him, and he dropped down to investigate. He flew in a circle around the dome, cautiously reaching out to touch it. The dark fog reached up and seemed to grab his claws, and he let out a startled yelp. It was freezing cold. The fog crept up to his shoulder and he felt himself being pulled in. Laughter echoed around him as he was plunged into the darkness. He fell through and kept falling, unable to right himself. He crashed into a bush and winced as thorns sliced his scales. Looking around, he noticed that the forest around him was eerily still and silent. No insects shuffled through the leaves, no wind blew through the trees, no birds chirped and no owls hooted. In front of him was a path lined with glowing mushrooms that led to who knows where. Maybe a clan? A place to stay would be nice. Current stood up and shook out his wings. Don't be ridiculous. In this weird fog, I wouldn't be surprised if the Shade was waiting at the end of the path. He looked up and down the path, not sure which way led out of here and which way led towards certain doom. He decided to head right, where the trees grew closer together and thorns lined the path. Surely the most wild part of the woods would lead out of here?
Unfortunately, he was proven wrong when claws grabbed him from behind and lifted him into the air. He shrieked, flapping desperately in an attempt to escape, but being the smallest dragon breed has its disadvantages. He was flown to a large gap in the trees, with barriers of thorns and long grasses. His captor swooped low and dropped him in a smaller part of the clearing surrounded by grasses and flew back the way they came. Current stood, making sure none of his limbs were broken. "Oh, hello there," a voice hissed. He looked up and jumped back with fright. A huge mirror stood over him, a sinister grin spread across his face. "Where'd you come from?" The mirror took a step closer, and suddenly two more dragons emerged from the grass. These two wore grey birdskull headdresses and moved in eerie unison, their movements mechanical. Current heard footsteps behind him and nervously turned around. A masked tundra was walking, his movements almost the same as the other two, but slightly delayed. His headdress was brown, but it was hardly noticeable since it was covered in dust. The mirror looked up with narrowed eyes, a low growl in his throat. "Hmm..." The dragons with grey masks suddenly stopped and whipped their heads around to stare at the tundra. Suddenly, he roared and grabbed Current, immediately taking off and diving in and out of the trees. "Name's Leo. What were you doing there? What were you thinking? I've got to get you to the Dens, it's not safe out here!" Current stared up at Leo, dazed. "Well, the fog grabbed me and then a dragon grabbed me and I feel like I was facing certain death, and also, what is with the grabbing?" Leo smiled. "That would've been worse than death," he said, diving back down to the forest and weaving quickly between tree trunks, giving Current a fright. Eventually, they stopped at the Forum of the Obscured Crescent. "Hmm... I'm not even sure if it's safe to take you to the Dens at this point," Leo told him, "You're best off leaving. I don't mean to sound rude, but it's just... not safe." Current frowned, irritated. "What's going on here?" Leo shook his head, getting ready to fly off again. "I can't explain. Basically, stay away from here, alright?" With that, the tundra flew off, leaving Current alone. Might as well get going, he thought bitterly. He spread his wings and rose high in the sky, flying off to his next stop.


Current was surprised to find himself soaring back down to the same place in the Tangled Wood where he was chased off before. This time, he decided to avoid the area with the fog and instead landed in the same area where the tundra had left him. He wandered around for a bit, sniffing at the bramble around him. He was searching for a sign of a clan nearby. Last time I was here, I heard something about "the Dens," he thought. Suddenly, he found himself at the entrance to a large tunnel. His small size made it easy to see and slip through, but larger dragons would probably have a tough time.



dividers by WolfprintsSC, find them here
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Exalting Current to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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