
*wheeze* "Has...Has M-Moen been good...?"
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Kelp Tender
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Wildclaw
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Personal Style





5.52 m
6.14 m
373.61 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 13, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Executrix Empire's Executioner

Ceremonial Scythe
Rusted Chain
Twitching Leg Bones
Raptorik Ringmaster
Picked-Over Bones
Moen doesn't remember much of his previous life. He recalls little, and that's only in dreams and nightmares. He remembers being frightened of something...or someone. He then got hurt, or wounded in some way. He ran. He was in a city, it was huge. He ran until he couldn't hold himself up anymore. He collapsed in an alleyway, bleeding out. This was it for him, he remembered thinking. But before death could claim him, something horrible rose out of the shadows. The New Moon did nothing to help illuminate this creature's features. It had Arcane eyes, but its body was nothing like that of a dragon. But Moen was too scared and wounded to care. The thing spoke, and its words soothed Moen. A grotesque claw reached out for him, and Moen knew no more. He figured he had been saved.

How wrong he was...

He had been taken in by the Arcane demon, and resident surgeon, Theadoch. His young mind was a beacon to Theadoch, which caused him to bring Moen in, instead of outright killing him on the night his true form came to be. However, Moen hadn't been saved. He'd fallen right into the demon's claws. And things became fuzzy from there on out. Day after day, Theadoch tortured and tormented Moen, doing everything from beating him, to performing unnecessary surgeries on him. He choked him constantly, usually within an inch of his life, and eventually cut him open to get to his vocal chords, damaging them on purpose. The poor Wildclaw could hardly even scream now. Not only did Theadoch preform unnecessary surgeries on Moen, often rearranging his insides and even playing with them, but he purposely sewed Moen's eyes shut. He could still 'see' but only light and dark. He was forced to wear a mask, and keep himself covered, so that Theadoch's workings wouldn't be visible.

Moen's mind was slowly broken down over time. He became entirely dependent on Theadoch for everything; food, bathing, getting dressed...he relied on him for everything. He was at his mercy, and Theadoch had beaten Moen into the perfect little servant, who obeyed his every word. The Wildclaw could hardly speak, and what words he could speak were raspy with each wheezing breath he took, made even worse with the mask on over his face, which wasn't to be taken off, except by Theadoch himself. And that was only if Moen was good. If Moen was a 'good boy', Theadoch would praise and pet him, and gently rub healing salves on old wounds, and even ease the stinging of the stitches on his eyes. But if Moen was a 'bad boy', Theadoch didn't hold back and punished Moen, until he was a whimpering pile on the ground, bleeding and broken.

After overhearing about an overflow of prisoners in the palace's dungeon, Theadoch had an idea.Moen was a good servant to him. What if he made him a good servant to the Emperor? And what better way to deal with rowdy prisoners, than killing them? And with an executioner that would feel no remorse? Theadoch instilled a spell onto Moen, which would put him into a 'killing mode' instantly. All Theadoch had to say was 'execution' and Moen would suddenly become silent and carry his ax to the courtyard, where all the executions took place. As examples of those who dared to defy the Empire. Janto was to say 'execute' and Moen would raise his ax and behead anyone in front of him. Only Janto and Theadoch have that control over Moen. Anyone else that says the words, it'll have no effect. Which now makes Moen Janto's puppet as well.
When Moen isn't preforming his executioner duties, he stays with Theadoch in his clinic, but out of view. He is not, under any circumstances, to come out while Theadoch is with his patients. He has learned that the hard way; he had his tendons messed with in his legs, which now leave him with a permanent limp--Theadoch fixed the one leg, but not his left. His bed is a pile of blankets, and a worn pillow. He sleeps in a back room, not with Theadoch. When he bathes and when he sleeps, are the only two times he's allowed to take his mask off. But if he has nightmares at night, the mask has to go on--Moen has nearly clawed the stitches out of his eyelids during several night terrors. He stays in his 'room' until he's called out by Theadoch; he's not allowed to emerge unless he calls him.

He's afraid of Theadoch--deathly afraid of him. After all, it's the demon that hurts him daily, and made him what he is, though he's not conscious of that latter fact. He's been tortured for so long, that he believes this is how it's always been--that this is just normal life. At the same time, though, he adores Theadoch. Theadoch gives him treats, when he's good, and pets him when he's really good. Moen loves being touched. Gentle touches make him melt, and he'll drool and pant and purr, if he's stroked for any length of time. He'll shake too, he's so touch starved. When others are allowed to touch him, he melts into their touch, too. He craves touching from anyone he comes across...but only if he knows he's been a 'good boy.' If he's been a 'bad boy' at any point during the day, he'll shy away from any touch, knowing he doesn't deserve anything nice, until he becomes a 'good boy' again.

During nights of the New Moon, Moen has the worst night terrors. He's required to wear his mask especially on those nights. For those nights, memories come back of his former life. How he was frightened, and ran out into the alleyway for protection. And then that shadowy figure with Arcane eyes took him in. He was safe...but he was still terrified. Moen usually wakes up screaming from these, clawing at his body, especially his face. He usually forgets the nightmare, but something nags at the back of his broken mind. That his dreams are what he was before. But that couldn't be possible. He'd always been with Theadoch. He'd never been away from them. These were jsut dreams--nightmares--nothing more.


Bloody Arm Bandages tumblr_inline_nizerxCnOs1r2jdta.png
Raptorik Ringmaster


Being praised, being petted/touched, cool weather
Being punished, bright lights, sudden silence
Waiting, sleeping, sharpening his executioner's ax

Art by Aksis!
Full image here!
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Exalting Moen to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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