
Level 1 Imperial
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Tourmaline Vulstal
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Ash Lace Headpiece
Cyan Flair Scarf
Winter Wolf Cape
Glitterfreeze Halo
Winter Wind
Ash Lace Anklet
Sparkling Violet Leg Bow
Pristine Rose Thorn Stockings
Ash Lace Wristlet
Pristine Rose Thorn Gloves


Accent: Winterlight Mist



23.98 m
14.83 m
7883.38 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 01, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


SweetEkk0 wrote on 2018-05-25 14:30:36:
Tox wrote:
A Soft Murmur - A very robust white-noise generator with individual settings for rain, thunder, waves, wind, fire, birds, crickets, the bustle of a coffee shop, a singing bowl, and TV static. You can mess with the settings until you find the perfect combination of sounds that personally soothe you.

SweetEkk0 wrote on 2018-05-25 15:16:58:
SweetEkk0's Tips & Tricks
For Staying Calm and Working Through Emotions

Hi there, friend! Do you need some quick advice? Don't worry, I've got you covered. You see, I've been in a lot of different situations, and I've been dealing with a lot of issues for a long time. Going through all that, I've learned a lot of things that can be super helpful during a crisis! So if you can, stop and give this post a read next time you're not feeling so good - something here might help you. And remember, our helpers are here for you if you need someone to talk to!

Staying Calm

Anxious? Worried? Panicking? Don't worry, you're gonna be alright. Let's address a few things you can do to calm yourself down so you can try to deal with whatever is bothering you.

1. Breathe

Controlling your breathing is one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself during a panic attack. It also works great for asthma attacks! You just have to remember to do it - and this is your reminder.
First, breathe in through your nose. Do it slowly, and fill your lungs as deep as you can.
Next, breathe out through your mouth. Close your lips most of the way, like you’re breathing through a straw, and blow out slowly until your lungs are empty.
Finally, rinse and repeat! If you can’t breathe through your nose, your mouth works as well - just remember to go slow and as deep as you can. Do this until you feel calmer - maybe your heart has slowed down, or you’re crying less, or you’re not shaking as much. Or do it even longer and try to calm yourself as much as possible. Try to focus entirely on this exercise; don’t let outside forces interrupt you.
As a friend of mine likes to say: Breathe! In and out and don’t ever stop!

2. Distract yourself

Now it’s time to remove yourself from the situation as much as you can, whether that means getting away from it entirely or looking away from it for a few moments - whatever you can feasibly do. Here are some suggestions for activities you can use to distract yourself:

Go for a walk
Go to one of the websites on our first post
Play a game you like
Watch one of your favorite shows/movies
Listen to some music
Spend time with a pet
Hug a stuffed animal and curl up in bed
Think up a story involving your favorite characters
Think of a good memory
Spend time on a hobby you enjoy

Or if it comes down to you not being able to remove yourself from the situation at all, just focus on your breathing and look at something - anything - and focus on that thing as much as you can. Let your mind wander.

3. You’re going to be alright

I know it may not seem like it, but listen to me: you’re going to be okay. No matter what’s happening, no matter who you are, you are going to be okay. This situation will not last forever. You’re going to make it through this. Even if you don’t believe it, I do. I believe you’re going to be okay. If you’ve got nothing else, know you have that. I believe in you.

And someday, you’ll believe in you, too.

Working Through Emotions

Emotions happen. It’s normal. Whatever you’re feeling, you don’t have to feel bad about it. It’s okay to react strongly to things, so long as you can control yourself enough to not lash out at others over what you’re feeling. The best way to do that is to find ways to express these emotions in a healthy way. Sometimes, that involves venting - and that’s one of the things we’re here for! You can always vent to SOS, and someone will get back to you and let you know it’s alright to feel how you feel.

But if you’re alone, or just don’t have anyone reliable around to vent to, or don’t like to publicly vent, here are some other things you can do for yourself that might help you feel better.

1. Let it out!

Feeling sad? Cry! Grab a stuffed animal, curl up under your blankets, hide in the bathroom, do whatever you need to do - and cry. Crying is a healthy way of expressing your emotions, and is nothing to be ashamed of! You may find that once it’s all over, you feel a bit better. It’s not a cure-all, but it’s your body’s way of responding to what you’re feeling!

Feeling angry? Tear up a piece of paper! Punch a pillow! Scream into a pillow! Load up a violent video game and go to town! Watch a show you hate and write up an essay on everything you hate about it! (Trust me, that last one works.) As long as you aren’t hurting real people, do what you need to do to express yourself - even if it means thrashing around on your bed like a toddler.

You can also exercise, draw some vent art, listen to music that fits how you’re feeling, or do whatever else helps you express your emotions. Don’t bottle them up inside - that’s never healthy, and can actually lead to several health issues. Let it out, and you’ll find yourself exhausted, but feeling much better than before.

2. Understand why you feel the way you do

It’s important to understand yourself, especially when it comes to your feelings. If you can identify the source of the emotions, you’re that much closer to being able to work through them. So when you feel down, or annoyed, or on edge, try to examine your surroundings and figure out what exactly it is that’s making you feel the way you do.

If the probable cause seems silly to you, don’t let that discourage you from addressing it. It’s okay to be upset about small things, or things that seem insignificant. Sometimes, something small is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. And sometimes, it’s just the sort of thing that gets under your skin. It’s alright! What’s important is that you’ve identified what’s upsetting you and can try to deal with it.

Sometimes, however, there is no cause - specifically in the case of mental illnesses. And it’s good to realize that, too. Sometimes you have to step back and say, “I feel really sad right now, and the only reason why is because I have depression”. Even though your mental illness is to blame, you can still find ways to work through how you feel. The important thing is acknowledging what’s making you feel the way you do. Remember that!

Once you understand your feelings, you can move forward and try to eliminate or change the things that make you feel poorly. And if you can’t change anything for the time being, go back to #1!

3. Treat yourself

A lot of times, working through your emotions involves hard work. You have to address the things you feel and take action towards whatever is making you feel those things. However, it’s also important to give yourself a break and do things that you genuinely enjoy!

Play your favorite game, watch your favorite movie, eat your favorite food, talk to your favorite person - whatever makes you feel good. This isn’t always easy, and sometimes it straight up won’t work if you’re still in the middle of your crisis, but it’s important to remember to give yourself nice things when you’ve been working through your emotions. You are your most important ally!

And you do deserve to feel good. I promise.

indecisive's Tips & Tricks

Sometimes we forget to take care of our bodies. We get lost in our minds, and essential things like rest and nutrition get neglected. The state of our body has a direct effect on our mind, and hence, the vicious cycle can continue until it's broken. If you are not feeling so hot, but can't pinpoint exactly why, ask yourself:

Have you eaten properly in the past few hours? If not, aim to eat something with proteins. If you are vegan, things such as nuts, pulses, or lentils work great. Try to avoid pure carbohydrates or processed sugars.

Are you hydrated? Dehydration is joy's worst enemy. Even if you don't feel thirsty, go have a glass of water!

Have you had any rest in the past day? (if you suffer from insomnia, rest can also mean sitting/laying down, closing your eyes, and relaxing for at least a few minutes).

Have you showered in the past 48 hours? If not, a shower or bath might help you feel better. If you can't bring yourself to bath for that long, even using a wash-cloth on your face & limbs can go a long way.

Have you moved your body today? If now you realize you have been sitting or laying down for 12 hours or more, try to get some movement. Stand up, do a few star jumps, practice your yoga/exercise routine, move your body to music you love, go for a run... If you don't have the energy for exercise, a short walk around the block is just fine.

Have you been outside in the past few days? Fresh air can really help put intrusive thoughts into perspective. Even if it's cold, wrap up and spend a few minutes outdoors.

How cluttered is your living space? A clear home leads to a clear mind. Try to have at least one room in your home that is clear, tidy, and clean. Try to spend time in that room whenever possible.

Have you had human contact recently? Loneliness can bring many people down. Call someone - a family member, or a friend. Meet up with them, if you can. They will be delighted to hear from you. If you can't think of anybody to call or meet with, contact with animals can be very healing too.

If you have any other tips to offer, or would like other specific advice added to this post, please let me know!
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