
Nature is her home, Autumn is her charge.
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Vermillion Epiptite
Vermillion Epiptite
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Energy: 49
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Plague icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Guardian
Female Guardian
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Autumn Breeze Autumn Woodbasket Red Maple Leaf 18010.png Red Maple Leaf Autumn Woodbasket Autumn Breeze
Oops, how did that plague egg get here...
Verquent hatched from a found(?) plague egg, she was raised by foremostly Irina, or grandma spring as she is often called. Under her gentle care grew a peaceful guardian, who quickly dwarfed Irina in size, who learned to love nature and plants.
One day she set out for the Search, looking for her charge, she looked all over sornieth but could not find it.
After several years of searching the lands she returned home to pause, thinking that maybe her charge hasn’t been born yet, but as she reached the outskirts of her childhood home she saw something amazing, red, yellow and orange shades coloured the trees, leafs slowly drifting down towards earth or playing in the wind, this was it she suddenly knew, Autumn.
Autumn Breeze Autumn Woodbasket Red Maple Leaf 18010.png Red Maple Leaf Autumn Woodbasket Autumn Breeze
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Exalting Verquent to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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