
Level 6 Imperial
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Silt Wolf
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Gold Steampunk Tail Bauble
Sepia Woodguard




29.28 m
18.33 m
7453.28 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 30, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 6 Imperial
EXP: 747 / 8380





7wv9OeJ.png Uh-oh, looks like this mellow character wandered a little too far from her home lair Kapara #223028, and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful!
Hosts I've Had

Kapara # 223028 - Lightning
ShepherdOfFire # 220519 - Plague
CaughtGaming # 260134 - Wind
apart # 3831 - Ice
Petall # 256252 - Wind
Moichao10 #273902 - Lightning
Eldergoddess #336137 - Ice
Lirillith #149136
(Put your name here)

Gold Steampunk Tail Bauble Sepia Woodguard

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, a little hatchling named Maura opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was her Papa and Mama’s smiling faces. They cooed at her, and baby Maura giggled.

What they didn’t know was that Maura was a very special dragon. She didn’t forget her baby memories like most people did, but could remember all the way back to when she was born, even as a big dragon. So she could remember what her Papa said to her Mama one night when she was very young.

“…is way too much. Even for an egg. Those beastclans think they’re untouchable because they run the rings. Premium because wind nests are hard to reach. It’s f…… b……… I tell you!”

It wasn’t until she was much older that Maura understood what Papa had met. She became very cross at her parents, and nothing her parents could say would make her happy. So she decided to go out into the big world all on her own. What will Maura get up to next, I wonder?
- Kapara

She had traveled to the Wyrmwound of the scarred wasteland. There she spent a few days with a warrior clan that was contantly fighting with the beast clan that neighbored theirs. The fighting and the bloodshed was a bit much for her to handle so she thought it was best to move on with her travels before she got hurt with all this fighting going on
- ShepherdOfFire

From the Wrymwound Maura travelled south, half seeking adventure, half seeking to leave foul memories behind. She ventured deep into the Icewarden’s domain, eventually arriving in a hibernal citadel, the pride of the clan of apart. Alas, pride comes before a fall, and fall they did, this clan who had thought themselves capable of equalling the Icewarden’s fury. Maura bid goodbye to the dying clan of scholars and adventurers. She took to the skies once more, a parting gift, a broadsword from the last of clan’s warriors, by her side.
- apart

Maura soon found herself in the gusty wind territory. Traversing the perilous Reedcleft Ascent, she nearly fell into the rapids below. She was saved by another passing Imperial. After seeing she was safe, he introduced himself as Eos and offered to to take her to his clan. She agreed and followed the Imp.

For the next week she stayed with this small clan. They were an assembly of artists, traveling and selling their goods, but they were currently taking a break from their travels at a lair in the Zephyr Steppes. The clan’s first nest hatched during her stay, reminding her of her own hatching.

Before moving on, one of the hatchlings gifted her a bug that they caught. She released it soon after, but greatly appreciated the sentiment.
- CaughtGaming

After a long time of travelling, Maura soon found herself in the dry harsh land of the Shifting Expanse. The pillars of lightning stood broadly around her, she stared at them intrigued. After a bit more searching around, she found most to all of the dragons in the place were busy working. She tried her best of not getting in their way, but ended up bumping into a dainty Wildclaw.

"Whoa watch yourself, traveler." The wildclaw responded
"Ah-ah I'm so sorry, I am not used to this land anymore. I used to be apart of it, but I have been traveling for some time." Maura said with a solemn voice
"Don't beat yourself up, people forget, it's normal. Welcome back to the shifting expanse. The land probably aches for you." She smiled and continued," My name is Chii, I'm a engineered dragon of the subspecie Lightning collectors, nice to make your acquaintance...?" She tilted her head at Maura waiting for a name
"Maura, my name is Maura. Nice to meet you, Chii." Maura shook Chii's claws and sat there for a second thinking," Are there more of you--Lightning collectors?"
Chii smiled lightly," Ah yes, there are many of us in my clan alone, come see." Chii lead Maura to a dark cave that soon opened up into a bright dry landscape,"Welcome to my clan and my home."
Maura was amazed, there were so many Lightning collectors running around doing busy work. Many that flew by Chii quickly stopped to bow to her. "Are you their leader?" Maura said as her eyes scanned the place. "Sort of, I'm the original first born of the lightning collector, and a female. Both of which are rare to our specie." Chii smiled and stepped forward," Wait here actually, I have a gift for you since you have come back to the expanse." She flew off up into a wire coved cove. Maura waited patiently, unsure of what Chii is going to return with.
Chii quickly landed by Maura and held up the gift,"We have no use for this, Odess is our little fashionista and loves to make apparel. I think you would look lovely in it."
Maura inspected the apparel, it was made of leaves, twigs, and feathers. Au natural. This made her smile and she quickly put it on. It fit like a glove and felt wonderful against her hide," Thank you so much, I will wear it often during my travel." Chii smiled and nodded," One would hope so."
She stayed a few days at this clan, there was more than just lightning collectors in it, she met another wildclaw named Firethroat, who she instantly fell in love with. They decided to have a go at producing some offspring for their lineage. She told him instantly though, that she will be leaving soon and cannot stay forever. Firethroat acknowledged this and told her he would hold him dear to his heart no matter where she is in the world. This made Maura tear up a bit but she smiled cheerfully, glad that someone accepts her way of life.
It has been a week and Maura soon felt driven to keep traveling forth," I bid you farewell Chii and Firethroat, thank you for everything. I won't forget you guys!" She said as she started to fly away," And neither will I" Chii called up to her with a smile watching her soar high into the sky. Firethroat simply just watched her fly away, an empty feeling was left in his chest. Her son called to her and quickly flew to her, he wanted to go on an adventure as well!
Item obtained: Sepia Woodguard
-Moichao10 #273902

Once reaching the mighty lce lair in the Snowsquall Tundra, Maura and her son stayed a few days before Maura wished to move on, though she enjoyed the company of the other imperials she felt restless and wanted to move on. However her son Kokian chose to stay in the Ice lair and bid his mother fair well while he settled into his new home.

-Eldergoddess #336137
Maura crossed much of Sornieth without finding anything to spark her curiosity, but finally she came to the Behemoth and stopped to rest and resupply. A clan based there offered her shelter for a time, but soon enough she was ready to move on again.

- Lirillith (#149136)
(Feel free to write about her visit to your clan here!

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