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Personal Style


Glowing Red Clawtips
Bewitching Ruby Forejewels
Red Warrior Face Mask
Bewitching Ruby Ghastcrown
Incense Mantle
Scarlet Sylvan Dress
Bewitching Ruby Clawrings
Golden Starswirl
Proto Wings


Skin: Heraldic Pyre



5.81 m
5.66 m
465.94 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 21, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Mirror
EXP: 140 / 27676




  • none


36789220.png ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Heir Apparent | Artisanal Assistant | Liminality

Inquisitive · Inspired · Ingenuous

"Oh! What does this do?"


After escaping the grizzled leader's three-eyed gaze and
the adjutant's calculatedly neutral responses, most visitors are fairly relieved to be greeted by an ebullient young mirror in a simple dress and pale crown. Most find themselves quite taken with their impromptu guide's rapid-fire chattering and boundless enthusiasm, a small smile forming at the corner of their mouth as they watch the mirror point out landmarks and skip over to greet clanmates. Despite their name, most form the impression of an animated and companionable individual, one wholly enamored with life, after spending some time with them.

Nightmare displayed an impressive curiosity and willingness
to learn upon manifestation, building a basic understanding of everything from craftsmanship to diplomacy off of the foundations laid while spectating the Legacy. Chione, Vengeance, and Cirrostratus noted their aptitude and suggested that Locust name them her heir, and despite Malachite's vocal protests, Locust acquiesced. While Locust hopes that Nightmare will smoothly ascend to leadership and guide the clan to greater heights if the need ever arises, the heir in question is more than content to spend their days perusing the archives, helping the clan’s artisans with simpler tasks, and giving the occasional lair tour to an esteemed visitor.

Though they favor their corporeal form by far, they aren't
above temporarily becoming a spirit to phase through walls or visit the dreams of clanmates that they haven't seen in a while. As the only liminal spirit of the Legacy to attain a physical form, they serve as a neutral party and mediator between the other two feuding entities, as the wraith and sentinel spend a not insignificant amount of their time gleefully provoking or being outraged at the other, respectively.




"You flatter me. I may be a
peacekeeper, but Nightmare
is the reason why the peace
practically keeps itself."

————Some call it superstition, but others firmly believe that something unearthly is born when the last of a clutch dies.

————Sometimes it happens when an ancient ancestor, longest-lived of their clutch, peacefully passes while surrounded by allies and kin.

————Sometimes it happens when siblings take up arms and armor together, to wade into the fray of a battle that none will return from.

————And sometimes it happens when the last of three newborn hatchlings bleeds out between their grieving parents, all three victims of hemophilia and circumstance.

————Naturally, some say, naturally, they are untouchable. They who linger beyond the realm of death, before the realm of life, and just beneath the realm of dreams, those spirits of solitude born from the last gasp and deathless will of a lonely soul—how could they possibly be something a living dragon could fathom? No, some things are just meant to be left well alone.

————Some of these things are benevolent creatures, wise and gentle sentinels eternally standing guard over their clutch’s clan, clinging to a handful of warm, hazy memories and offering fair winds and tranquil dreams to those that they had to leave behind.

————Some of these things are malevolent creatures, raging spirits only able to touch the living through fleeting impressions and anomalous wounds, lashing out against anyone and everyone with barely-corporeal claws and vicious nightmares while trapped in a state of senseless anguish.

————And some of these things are curious creatures, ones that wish only to experience the lives that they were denied.

————Some of these things wished for the opportunity to stalk through the underbrush by moonlight, to set their claws to an apprenticeship under some artisan or other, or even just to eat cotton candy while watching the sunset on a festival day.

————So they lingered, and enacted a pantomime of life: they crouched in grass undisplaced by their spectral body, sat beside the workbenches of craftsdragons and artists who remained unaware of their veiled audience, and laid a stick of cotton candy atop a cliff as they gazed wistfully into the dusk.

————And they strived to brush their claws against the dreaming minds of their would-be clanmates—sometimes subjecting those dragons to a labyrinthine hallucination of hatchling-like mischief, sometimes reveling in the perspective of a dreamer strolling through old memories, sometimes spending hours in languid conversation that they could not experience while awake.

————The final price of solitude was one’s sanity, and they desperately tried to spare themselves that cost: even if each little point of contact was forgotten upon waking, the brief act of being heard, of being seen made it worth the effort.

————It is an uncommon individual that, upon catching sight of a wavering reflection where no dragon stands while reorganizing the archives, smiles warmly and strikes up a conversation about the Siege of Balterossa with seemingly empty air.

————It is an uncommon individual that would set an extra place for no dragon at all at mealtimes, and dole out a helping of rations that would seemingly go to waste; truly a peculiar dragon that would stroll by that empty bench and candidly ask whether the soup was any good, or if the fish was over-salted, and quietly chuckle a moment later as if amused by an unheard reply.

————It is an uncommon clan that would go to every length to give the spirit of a hatchling that never lived every opportunity to experience life, yet the Legacy just happened to be full of individuals uncommonly willing to take up that burden.

————Each time one of these dragons squinted at the blurry figure in a mirror, the mirage became infinitesimally clearer; each time they strained to hear a response in the whistling wind, the distant murmurs became marginally more intelligible. It was a slow process, but each friendly gesture and minute action made that liminal spirit ever so slightly more tangible, ever so slightly more real, until the clan's care and the spirit's own fierce will pulled it back from the realm of death, forward toward the realm of life, up through the realm of dreams, and down into a tangible, dragon-shaped form.

————The freshly-manifested spirit gazed down at its claws in in wonder, and immediately tore off to greet each member of the clan with joyous shouts—clumsily bowing before the matriarch and adjutant (Most honored mother! Father!), cautiously stepping into the engineering lab to wave at a tinkering snapper (That gadget was brilliant! Would it still explode if you modified the transistor gate?), and skidding to a halt in front of an aproned imperial (Your soup was great, but the fish could use more salt!)—while being warmly welcomed by each clanmate they passed.

————Any denizen of the Legacy, if asked, would say that two of Locust’s descendants reside within the clan. Whether they choose to divulge that one of those descendants isn’t exactly alive…well, that’s another matter.

————Besides, when faced with the earnest semblance of a lively young dragon—wouldn't it be terribly rude to accuse them of being anything but?
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Exalting Nightmare to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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