
Level 1 Fae
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Death Seeker
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Fae
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Personal Style


Bleak Birdskull Necklace
Bleak Birdskull Armband
Ebony Filigree Banner
Ebony Filigree Breastplate
Carapace Arm
River Royalist Tail Rings
Contaminated Infectalons




0.6 m
1.16 m
2.12 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 15, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245


Items Needed
Will o' the Wisp Trickster's Magic Cards Black Currant Plumed Cover Black Linen Wing Wraps Black Linen Leg Wraps Silver Seraph Anklets
Night Sky Wing Silks Twilight Sylvan Lattice Siren Sylvan Filigree Twilight Sylvan Headpiece

The Queen of the other side, but also known to be cold hearted and to rule with a strong wing. The Queen grew up with her family’s morals to seize the world to achieve true satisfaction, but Widow had other ideas, she lead with schemes that no one else could think off with a certain trick at point to certify her enemies brutal loss. It was all just a game of chess and to her it always ended up to be checkmate for her enemies, no one gave her challenge and later she begun to feel lonely and lost as she carried on her family’s war.

Wicked became a perfect Queen for both her subjects and family and masked to hold her subjects before her own personal life, while being “evil” had its perks with the whole “hero and villain” concept the heroes were sometimes arrogant of the ability; leading towards the loss of pride from all parties, some believed for all the good in the world and that Widow was the cause of all “evil”. All this bored her, she no longer wished to rule the world but to find a challenge that would be worth facing. And to achieve this was to rule the world so that a “hero” would finally give her a fight she was waiting for. But to much time had passed and she had given upon such a wish, the Queen turned harsh, cold and emotionless as she continued to rule her subjects with an iron claw. From then on she dawned a mask of a murderous Queen.

The ongoing war meant that resources were being lost from both sides, and both struggled to defend and overtake each other’s side. The Queen stategised with her most trusted council on how to maintain these resources and overtake light side, however after these meetings the Queen did not expect a random appearance to the lights most precious warrior known as “the shield” and “protector” of what needed to be protected. Both dragons looked mildly confused as why the other was in their area of sight. The Knight seemed to be mildly confused as why he was here as he realised he was in the other sides home base, the Queen grew hostile and threatened the paladin for him to leave. However while the paladin seemed mildly confused as in being here he seemed to follow the Queen in curiosity, the Queen continued however to ignore the paladins bikering.

One day however, the paladin had seemed to realise something as the Queen was sparring. The Queen grew irritated at this, but continued sparring. As the Queen wandered with the Paladin, she finally spoke receiving insight of the knight and why he had suddenly appeared in her home. Although the Queen still heavily suspected the knight and treded their conversations with caution, she grew comfortable around the protector and started to grow friendly. As the Queen was about to start her sparring, the knight asked to be her sparring partner. As this was his first appearance to her knights, all became hostile and prepared for battle against the intruder. However the Queen against her better judgement agreed to his request, the knights around her grew bewildered at her agreement and grew cautious as the knight and the queen prepared to fight each other.

(The Queen smiled at the thrill of sparring the knight as their weapons clashed against each other, this fight grew to last days as they tired each other out seemly at similar strength and skill(. The Queen was finally able to let go of the burden of being Queen and simply focussed on her challenger. Simply told the fight would be told in the legends as it was a dance of sparks and metal as they both tried to reach a check mate)—Rewrite. However as the days ended they both collapsed in exhaustion as their weapons fell to the ground, from then on both the Queen and the knight agreed for this to be a draw and swore to beat each other some day. )—Rewrite

After the fight, both the Queen and the knight grew closer with both being able to smile and laugh at each other’s jokes. Later on both grew to develop feelings of deep respect and love for each other, however at this time word had spread that the knight was in her abode. This lead the decision that lead the knight to be up for excecution, the Queen despised that she was hurting the knight for this betrayal. However the Queen had a trick up her sleeve, while it may or may not be her last she planned on marrying the knight with peace in mind.

So with this in mind she proposed this to the sides present knowing the war had grown too long, with no one protesting both the Queen and the knight was able to present each other’s rings and marry with little controversy while being able to live happier with each other at their sides.

Need to rewrite that paragraph xD
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