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Personal Style


Autumn Breeze
Tawny Antlers
Sepia Rose Thorn Collar
Sanddune Rags
Magician's Cobwebs


Accent: Tomb Keeper


Scene: Autumn Clearing


4.78 m
5.77 m
415.86 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 05, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Therapist • Healer of magic
♪But where have we come?
And where shall we end?♫

Kindness towards others is a privilege. Sometimes hatchlings are just thrust into a harsh life without rhyme or reason where the only way to survive would be to care for themselves and themselves only, and that mentality would linger with them for the rest of their life.
Hollow treasures the privilege to be kind. He was fortunate enough to be born to parents who gave him a safe childhood and helped him foster a care for others, and he, in turn, made it his mission to use that care to help others through their trying times one by one- with therapies and medicines, or sometimes by simply being there to listen and be a considerate, confidential companion. With patience, they will come to realise that they, too, have the capacity to be kind without fear of being hurt.

Beyond that, Hollow doesn’t consider himself to hold any importance. To be the emotional anchor of the clan means that in a crisis he has to be the most mentally stable dragon around, and if being stable means convincing himself to give up his own emotional attachments to just about everything that wasn’t related to helping others heal, then so be it.
After the shock of a newcomer seeing his state of undeath for the first few times, Hollow tends to fade into the background of others’ lives like the ground beneath their feet. He’s too subtle to draw the attention of anyone who doesn’t need his help, after all, and he doesn’t intend on doing so if it means that he would be intruding upon their personal time...

...That being said, no matter how well they hide, if someone’s soul cries out for help but even a second- be it from emotional trauma or magical maladies- it will only take a moment for Hollow to drift over and start the process of soothing his patient’s pain like a tender autumn breeze.
Early Life
Hollow has taught himself to not miss the warmth of life too badly, even if there were always little moments happening around him that kept reminding him of what he lost.
Mistrunner’s gentle yet strict demeanour to the wounded reminded him of his pragmatic mother, who was always right there by her patients’ sides when they needed her.
Portia, despite her nosiness, had an enthusiastic spark of arcane ingenuity, much like his father.

And sometimes that is enough to make him reminisce about Ordell, even with the state of his pearl being as it is.
Ordell- who was so keen on making a difference for other dragons that he left his birth clan when his horns had barely reached their full-lengths with nothing but his pearl and a satchel of elixirs.
Ordell- who would support other travellers without a second thought to his own safety- who wandered and wandered across Dragonhome until he found himself at the tendinous borders of the Wandering Contagion.
Ordell- who took a few severe blows to the head shielding a small cluster of hatchlings from a warrior talonok- who knew his rising fever meant a death sentence in the Plaguebringer’s festival month even as he allowed himself to be dragged back to the hatchlings’ clan.
Ordell- who’s last true earthly sensations were of cotton-pinprick pain under all his scales before numb darkness clouded over.

Hollow prefers to reminisce over his experiences as Hollow a lot more, to say the least.
Sure, being a lingering spirit left him in a state of constant dissonance and emptiness, but by staying true to his philosophy in life he was able to satisfy himself by continuing his travels and providing some level of comfort to other ghosts and small hatchlings. He didn’t even have to worry about basic needs anymore.

It was during these travels that he stumbled upon a spirit portal in the depths of the Starwood Strand.
Spirit portals weren’t too rare around Sornieth. Some offered a direct entrance to afterlives, while others offered energy for ghosts to continue existing without going mad or disintegrating into nothing. For the most part, Hollow had learned to avoid them- more often than not, their promises were lures from mages to capture spirits and use them as batteries.
The clan that owned this particular portal, however, didn’t seem malevolent. In fact, a lot of the dragons didn’t even seem to know that it existed. They simply lived their lives with troublesome hearts. Even stranger was the fact that this one was sentient.
“Help,” It called towards Hollow.
So Hollow approached.

“Healer of souls,” It whispered, all-encompassing yet withdrawn. “If I resurrect you, will you be My Heart of Autumn? Will you keep Me tethered to this world when this sanctuary is engulfed by Void in exchange for the power to go to those who need you?”
“Resurrections are generally impossible, are they not?”
“Not for Me. Not when this is what I was made for.”
“Without a price?”
A pause. It sighed.
“For Me to generate a new body, I will need you to give up something important to you.”
“Don’t generate one then. Return me to where I ended up.”
“Are you sure? Your old body is calcifying in a canyon tomb. I will not be able to restore it either without some price.”
Hollow thought back to what he had heard of the mindless undead that haunted the depths of Cairnstone Rest. If they could exist indefinitely on simpler magic despite being functionally dead, then there was no reason why It would not be able to do the same for him. He didn’t care much about the state of his being, after all.
“I’m sure.”
Pain flared through his soul like a blinding flame and he writhed frantically, unable to escape its grasp.
And suddenly all was quiet except the faint howl of a distant wind.

Being undead took some getting used to, even if it wasn’t the most concerning situation he had to deal with. Hollow’s body was functionally dead, after all- his mucus glands had dried up so he couldn’t add layers to his pearl, and if he needed to use any of his five senses, he still had to rely on the ethereal awareness he had gained as a ghost. Mercifully, the spirit portal had not stripped that set of senses away from him when binding his soul back to his corpse.

The slightly less fortunate fact was that another dragon’s first instinct upon seeing him usually would be to scream or to flee. Hollow understands that he wasn’t much to look at: he was a shambling pile of opalising bones and necrotised flesh, and anyone with a sense of self-preservation would know to stay away. It filters out possible patients from the general population, at least.

The pearlcatcher cast his pearl in resin and dust to keep what remains of its nacre safe before making his way westwards to Starfall Isles, keeping mostly to himself as he sought out the clan with his spirit portal. It didn’t really matter if it was due to the fact that the clan’s dragons were clearly troubled or due to the portal’s will to have its tether closer to it- he had to be nearby and that’s that.
The clan, thankfully, wasn’t zealously biased against the undead like many Plague clans were. He found his way into the lair fairly smoothly, and began dedicating himself to slowly helping the dragons there with their various mental and magical issues.

For a while, he found a stable rhythm to his un-life. There were dragons that disliked his help or wouldn’t heed his advice at all or some combination of them both, sure, but such was the way of individuals. There were improvements as long as he persisted, and he was grateful for it.

Then the lair blew up with magic, taking the spirit portal along with it. Hollow felt the sentience inside strain and latch onto him, felt his own magic strain with the effort to tether it to Sornieth. It left him light-headed. But it wasn’t the most important thing on his mind.

Because suddenly he was needed by everyone at once- at an intensity far greater than usual, on a magnitude far greater than usual.

It looks like he was going to be occupied for a long, long time.

>Hollow prefers therapies that use crystals, especially since his own magic holds a deep connection to them.

>Hollow's antlers, like his mother's, are natural.

good company

by Aurax!

Bio Layout: CityTurtle

I love you all ;v;
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