
Level 8 Bogsneak
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Earth Sprite
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Female Bogsneak
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4.55 m
4.37 m
939.05 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 25, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Bogsneak
EXP: 121 / 16009
Boulder Bolt
Earthen Might Fragment
Earthen Acuity Fragment



Yadael was the only daughter of two warriors from an earth clan, she doesn't remember much of the clan only what she had been told by her adoptive family if one was being kind and calling a group of bandits a family; she was adopted by the bandit leader, Bloodscale, they called him their king and she was his beloved princess. the bandit clan was a small one and relatively peaceful for a rabid band of outlaws and thieves, they rarely ever felt they had to kill those they attacked and would even lend a helping claw to clans who would find themselves in need of the extra fighters as long as the clans could pay for their services. she was taught from a young age how to fight and soon climbed the ranks of her family and came to be second only to her father, she was happy and proved her worth in combat and the more mundane tasks the dragoness of the clan usually performed on a frequent basis, it was a simple way of living, one she knew well and enjoyed as she grew into a lovely young dragoness.
As time went on her clan became bolder and bolder, attacking travelers under the leadership of a young upstart who thought they could gain more through the ways of other bandit clans rather than the semi-mercenary way they had been doing things for many years. Yadael went to her father with concerns about the upstart's behavior and how his actions may affect them all, her father agreed what the other was doing was risky and could be trouble for them, however when Yadael expressed an interest in taking on this drake herself he refused her request as he worried the male may demand her for a mate in return should she loose the fight. Yadael was disappointed as her father was not in his prime anymore, but understood the male would only gain leadership from beating him because her father was still highly respected in the clan and demands for her would end poorly if the male grew bold in his demands. the fight that came from her father's order to stop was a bloody one and one her father didn't walk away from, grief and disbelief were obvious from her, her father was gone and her clan had been taken from her.

The bandit clan became something nearly murderous, travelers and caravans alike fell to their claws until a clan grew tired of their aggression and hired some mercenaries to drive them off or destroy the clan if need be. Yadael fought just as the rest of her clan did although when it became obvious they were loosing the fight she ran from the battle without hesitation, determined to come back later to see who survived. hours later she came back from her hiding place and found no survivors, but not all of the clan was there so others may have run off or been caught; she walked away from her former life hoping to find a clan she could live with. it was a long search before she found a clan that would welcome her as her past tended to make clan leaders shy away from allowing her more than a night or two stay if that. her wanderings took her to many clans and to many different jobs which paid well enough to get her to her next stop, it was a dull way to live with the exception of taking a few jobs with self proclaimed adventurers.
Soon she found a clan looking for a few extra claws to help build a stable clan to live and she accepted the offer of a place within and was called a 'Warrior Queen' when her skills in combat were shown off against some beast clan who had attacked the new clan. she was happy in this clan and had even taken a mate whom she loved very much, soon she bore four eggs to the male, Longfall, and had to care for the nest when the beast clan started testing their defenses again. not wanting to loose a egg to the grasping claws of a beast clan Yadael took to staying in the nesting grounds and defending them from the prodding attacks. the attacks became bolder and soon turned to all out battle, Longfall, to her grief, fell in one of the attacks as he fought to protect the clan he cared for so dearly and left her to care for their eggs; she screamed her grief to the cold stars when they brought the injured and those who had been killed.

Yadael watched as the eggs in the nest twitched and cracked, it was her first nest and fear and excitement mingled with the lingering pain of loosing her mate until the first tiny snout appeared from the shell and large eyes blinked at her rather owlishly. she waited until the little ones had all hatched, all Guardians as their father had been, before she curled around them and let them snuggled close to her belly, it was a new feeling to have four little bodies sleeping there instead of unmoving eggs. it was several years later when the hatchlings had grown a little before she was fully comfortable leaving them to continue her job as a warrior of the clan and she would regret leaving for a long time to come.
Several rogue beast clan snuck into where the hatchlings were being watched and took three of her hatchlings without notice from the nest watchers, Yadael was furious when she found out and waited until the thieves had come back for more hatchlings. catching them she attacked them without mercy, several escaped her wrath, but they would not come back to the clan for attack or theft for fear of her claws at their throats and tail breaking their limbs as well as the other mothers of the clan attacking. when her remaining son left the clan she watched him leave with a heavy heart a hoped he would find safety in a new home; she remained in the clan as their Warrior Queen and worked hard to live up to their expectations of her.
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