Level 25 Tundra
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Personal Style

4.13 m
3.4 m
225.75 kg
Eye Type
Level 25 Tundra
Max Level

n e k h b e t
aka : rift keeper

Quote : "It's my job to find the missing peice of the puzzle."
Theme Song : Paridise Fears- Battle Scars
Special Ability : Intelligence
While this may not seem special at first, it is. She's smarter than normal. Far smarter than any other dragon in the world. She also has slight magical powers, like most dragons. She can sense things, and occasionally blast power if she is feeling good enough. That part of her uniqueness does not happen very often, though.
Her intelligence is always running. Her brain is always filled with ideas that she wants to experiment with but never has the chance to. This part of her is more suited for the Lightning Flight, yet she likes being of the Ice Flight and living in Water. Being mismatched is part of her personality and her power, and, although she doesn't know it, it's why she had the powers she has.
b i o
I've always known I wasn't normal. Drowner wouldn't like someone who was normal, and the rift wouldn't have tried to pull me into itself if I was normal. The other members of this clan tease me, but I don't mind. I like being this way. I never intend to change. But I did against my own will, and that is a crime in itself even though no one even really committed it. Anyways.
The first thing I remember isn't the clan before this one, my mother, or anything else before I cam here, to the ocean. All those memories are gone. They left without telling me, without a goodbye.I don't remember my mother, my father, my past mate if I ever had one, or my children. I can't even remember who I was, although sometimes flashes come to me in dreams of a tundra-like myself. Short flashes, though. Too short to hardly notice, but I do take note of them. I take note of everything.
I do not have any way scientifically to explain myself having no memories. I do not have any way to explain how the rift had a force that powerful, and why it was there in the first place, and how it got there. I have one explanation, and that in itself defies the laws of physics in ways so immense we could never imagine.
That answer is magic. That is the only thing in the universe that does not follow the laws that everyone else does. I am jealous of it, in a way. It can do anything it wants, breaking every rule possible. I suppose ideas do that, too, but they are not real. Magic is. If I could do things so impossible, so outside the box, where could I be? Could I be working with the Stormcatcher himself, serving not under the deities but with them?
But that is also the source of my fear- Whoever or whatever has control of that rift has that power.
And they don't seem to have good motives. Power plus bad motives give you evil, even though that in itself is relative.
Isn't everything?
l o r e
She could sense the rift from the first step she took into the ocean.
It was more of a feeling than anything else, but it was a strong feeling. It was almost the same as the feeling that had called her to the ocean in the first place. The tugging feeling, the longing feeling, the feeling of danger that only made whatever caused it more desirable. As she stepped slowly into the warm tide, she wondered why that was.
Why was it that feeling was so powerful? That was one of the questions Nekhbet believed would never be answered for the whole expanse of time. Her fur grew wet quickly, but she somehow summoned up the power to make herself believe that this wasn't a bad idea and only yet another step in her seemingly neverending journey of life. Her fur was wet at first, but, for some reason, as she descended into the water instead of growing wet she stayed dry.
She didn't notice it at first, but she was also able to breathe without any trouble. That fact, however, was the least of her worries. A shiver that, if it could be measured in temperature, would be lukewarm ran through her body. It was a pleasant feeling at first, but she realized it was pulling her deeper into the ocean.
"No." She thought to herself. "I must not give in." She was able to swim up to a rocky ledge before she regained control of her senses completely. She knew the cause of this. It had happened to her many times, and this time she would not give into it all the way, unlike all the other occurrences. The warm shiver, even underwater, was a telltale sign what kind of power it was.
Magic. Dark magic. It felt like that, at least, and Nekhbet thought it was that. Those two factors were telltale signs that it was right, but there was always the possibility that what was thought was wrong. However, what happened next almost proved it for certain.
The rift, as the dark... Well, rift would soon come to be known as, promptly pulled her in. She couldn't quite describe what it felt like, what it sounded like, what it was. The best words she could ever find were darkness and evil, and that is a thorough enough description to know that the hole was not a good hole. Not at all. Not in a thousand years would the hold be a good hole, and it would always be fighting for control, even though it was technically an inanimate object and could not be fighting for anything.
A thought occurred to Nekhbet. If the chasm was controlled by someone or something that was not an inanimate object, it could be fighting. And the only way to stop that fighting was to destroy the rift or the person. Neither of those seemed to be happening anytime soon. Both seemed to be very large and nearly indestructible, for all she knew.
There was another thing she knew as well, and that was that the time and situation she was in at that current moment was not a good time for thinking. At all. She tried to fight upwards, but it seemed as if there were warm currents of water forcing her down.
She felt more at peace than she ever had, for some odd reason. The only logical answer to this was the dark magic was causing it, or that she just didn't panic. She hadn't ever been thrown into a situation like this before, so there was no scientific way to prove that. She would have to guess.
She tried to swim upwards, she really did. But the currents kept her under, pulled her down... She eventually gave up and closed her eyes, waiting for her demise. Her underwater breathing seemed to be failing her. She couldn't swim upwards.
Just as she thought all hope was lost, another dragon slowly lifted her out of the rift. Her eyes fluttered open, and all she felt was relief. Relief that she wasn't dead. And fear. Fear of the hole, fear of the dragon that had lifted her out of it. Trust, too. It was all she could do for a tiny part of her to trust this dragon.
"Hey." The dragon said, helping her up. He was a green tundra, with blue eyes. That must be why he had come to rescue her. Because he could. Because he was kind enough to. Because he could breathe underwater, most importantly. "I'm Drowner. Trust me, I'm kinder then my name lets on."
She shook herself off slowly, just nodding. She couldn't speak due to the water in her mouth, and the water surrounding her. It took only a fraction of the magical power she didn't even know she had minutes beforehand to summon a bubble of breathable air. "Better." She said. "Thank you. That was... Nice of you." She wanted to back away and hide under a rock. Her social skills were horrible, and she wanted this dragon to like her.
He had saved her, after all.
"That much I figured." She answered. "I mean, you did save me."
This time she wanted to slap herself.
"You better get into the cave and rest. You've been through a lot." He nodded and smiled warmly, wrapping one wing around her to guide her into the cave she hadn't even noticed before. From that moment, she knew that she would need to stay here.
She knew that it was her job to find out more about the rift.
Bio template by Goobergirlie, outift made and funded by DeadBattery, thank you! Lore by Gusted.
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