
Level 9 Tundra
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Leopard Coralclimber
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Tundra
This dragon is on a Coliseum team.
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Personal Style


Brightshine Raiments
Standard of the Lightweaver




3.48 m
4.11 m
256.92 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 21, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 9 Tundra
EXP: 5270 / 21526
Irradiated Scratch



  • none



- Born 8/21/17 during a Solar Eclipse


1 Year
Level 8

A dragon with golden silks arches over his work, scribbling down notes as he looks up at the crack in the wall that lets a ray of sun in. He sighs and writes even more. The scent of parchement and ink is all around the den. Dusty books covered in Goldleaf hide the walls, except for the crack that lets the ray of sun in, of course. The dragon looks up once more, and notices that a red and blue dragon lands in front of the large crack and peers in. Her eyes rest on the golden dragon. "Aalok," she murmurs softly. "It's been years."

Aalok, the golden dragon, rolls up his scroll and doesn't respond. "The Solar Eclipse is tomorrow," he says. "You should be rejoicing with the Lady of Shadows, should you not?" She hangs her head. "I wanted to see you." Aalok shakes his head. "Zera, let me be. We shouldn't be talking to each other anyway, it is forbidden by both Shadow and Light." Aalok turns away, facing the wall. A tear runs down his cheek. "So be it," he hears Zera say, as she flies away.

1 Year
Level 9

Crack A little hatchling clawed his way out of a golden shell. he looked around, and a sudden wave of sorrow overtook him. Everything was ruined. It seemed as if it had once been beautiful, but somehow everything had been desecrated. Branches scattered the grounds. Broken columns and shattered pots with beautiful designs made up the floor. He looked down at himself and saw that his fluff was bright yellow and his wings were a peachy color. He blinked and murmured, "Is there any Light to be found but my own colors?"
He looked up at the sky. His heart fell. The moon was covering the Sun, but there was still a little bit of Light to be seen. "It seems that my sister and her minions are rejoicing this day," he heard of soft voice behind him say. The little hatchling's body whipped around, and he there saw a giant, golden dragon looking down at him. She wasn't smiling, though he could tell that she was trying to. The hatchling noticed that her colors seemed to be faded, as if they were once as bright as the sun itself. "Who...what..."

The golden dragon paused, and the hatchling could see his reflection in her large, soft eyes. "I am...the Lightweaver," she murmured quietly. "And this is your clan. it was destroyed, but you are here to fix it." He opened his mouth to protest, but her glare shut him up. "This was one of my favorite clans," she admitted. "I was forced to restart it under certain....circumstances." She looked at the sky, where the small flashes of Lightning started to fade. "And you,"she announced, more confidently this time, "You are here to restore the Light."

Saint looked down upon the hatchling as the Lightweaver gave him her blessings. Gently reaching out to touch the tip of the young dragon's head, he offered his own blessing as his expression let a slight smile crack. "Hello my son, you have chosen to join us at a special moment haven't you?" Scooping the little dragon up, he put the tundra on his head and lifted him up so he could get a better look at the eclipse. Giving a nod to Saint the Lightweaver took her leave. "You know what to do," she said before leaving the two alone.

Staring up into the total eclipse was just as amazing as Saint had remembered it. The Light's only time it truely rested if even for a moment.

"Child, you don't know it yet but you will play an important role in our mother's plans. The day will come when you will need to serve her, and from this moment forward you will need to be prepared."

Gently taking the small dragon down from the top of his head as the total eclipse stopped, he held out a small bundle of fabric. "Learn to look with your mind, not your eyes. If you can do that then not even a momentary lack of Light can stop you from seeing." Taking one last look at the now partial eclipse he reached down and tied the fabric around the dragon's eyes.

"Make our mother proud, Aalok."

Written by Shrine!


Aalok went out to the center of the clan that he found a little rabbit chewing his plants. The ones that Aalok had spent hours looking for. Only this rabbit wasn't like the meat that his clan had left, it was a golden rabbit with a mask. He had a sudden urge to go and lift up the mask, but scared what would be underneath it. It shined as brilliantly as the sun. He padded towards it, where it tensed when it saw him. I should be gathering by now, he thought. Instead, Aalok let it sniff him. He smiled when the odd creature tilted it's head; it wasn't funny, yet it amused little Aalok. "Solar," he whispered. "Your name is Solar."

Little did the hatchling know that Solar would be his companion for life. When the Lightweaver wasn't there, he and Aalok would play with each other and tackle the other friend. The rabbit was small enough to fit onto the tundra's back, so they would fly together in the evening. He even found that Solar was useful for helping him forage. No matter what, Solar would always be there for him, and Aalok would always be there for Solar.

2017 B.C, Sunbeam Ruins

Dear Zera,

It's been years. I know that we are forbidden to talk to each other, but I must write you this letter. I hope that you are doing alright, as I am. The Lightweaver was upset when I told her about you; she thought that I'd never find out about the prophecy. She invited me to her throne room where the both of us enjoyed a cup of tea. (The Light Sprites were the ones responsible of our amazing dinner). But we had a serious talk after that about you, I, and the prophecy that was foretold about us before our births.

Why didn't you tell me? You knew - knew - that we were meant to kill each other. Yet you didn't tell me. I think you were afraid that if I knew, I would do it, and I cannot believe that you, my best friend, would think that. Do you remember the tunnel we made under the bridge? It's still there. I go there everyday - against the Lightweaver's will. It still smells of the muddy trap that you set up for me the day I met you. The glitter and mushrooms are still there. It is rather damp, I was surprised that the water didn't destroy it already. I sat there for a couple hours, writing about our story. It wasn't nearly as fun a I presumed it would be. I imagined us there years ago, giggling, setting traps for each other and pouring glitter on each other's head.

I shouldn't talk to you. It is forbidden. I suppose that this letter shall be the last I will ever write to you, whether you write back or not. The Solar Eclipse is tomorrow, mybirthday. Please, do not write back. I want to let you know that I am safe. If we ever meet again, it shall be on the battlefield. And... I loved you.



Golden Arm Silks Golden Leg Silks Unicorn Dust Lightweaver Marble Bust
Golden Silk Sash Golden Tail Bangle Immaculate Tablet Copper Pocketwatch
Golden Silk Veil Golden Wing Silks Chimera Relic Light Runestone
Golden Silk Scarf Marigold Flowerfall Soft Lightweaver Idol Intact Clay Relief
Hewn Philosopher's Veil Filigree Rapier Gold Ore White Gold Cerdae Pendant


Resources by Poisonedpaper!


Aalok + Zera


Unicorn Dust
"Opposites Attract."

Aalok was now full grown. After his change, he had found that his fondness for plants had slowly started to leave him, and his nature of hunting was forming. He was running, the breeze on his scales, it was so nice to...clonk. His long leg tripped over a log, causing him to stumble down, down, down a hill. Aalok shook all the dirt off and cursed under his breathe. Why did being a Wildclaw have to be so hard? He realized that he was now on a bridge. A curious bridge it was. It was split into gold and obsidian, and he was on the dark side. A shudder ran through his body. There was something he hated about that side. And was that....the smell of...meat? He turned around and examined his tail and look in front of him. He had tumbled over a large meat pile. Looking around, he saw that there was no dragon. he picked up a piece of bird, and..."Hey!" he heard a voice yell behind him. He quickly dropped the bird and turned around to see a Spiral coming out of the shadows. She glared at him with her large eyes. "Who are you?" he asked politely, trying not to start a fight. "My name is Zera," she hissed. "And why is there a Light dragon my territory?" Aalok raised a hand for peace. "I merely tumbled here by accent. I don't want to start a fight. My name is Aalok," he added.

She stared at him for a couple seconds. "You...Aalok..." Zera frowned. "My mistress has told me about you. I...I shouldn't be talking to you, but..." then a childish grin spread across her face. "The Shadowbinder is visiting the Shifting Expanse. could you take me to your lair?" Aalok took a step back. "I'm sorry," he muttered nervously. "I'm sure you're a great girl and all, but... I don't know who you are." "oh," she said. There was an awkward pause, and then she finally spoke. "i'll explain it to you knce you take me to your lair." Aalok sighed. There was no way he was going to get this Spiral off his tail. "Okay, follow me." he started running, but to his surprise, Zera was flying just as fast beside him. "So," she yelled, the wind in her face. "What region is your clan in?" He could barely hear her with the wing in his face, but he managed to shout back, "The Mirrorlight Promenade!" "Neat!" she yelled back.

As he started to slow down, so did she. He was surprised that she could keep up with him for such a small thing. Panting, he stopped at his lair. It wasn't as messy as the day he had hatched. He was able to repair some of the buildings as a Wildclaw, and the gardens as a Tundra. "Oh," she said. "you've made progress." He didn't understand what she meant, and didn't bother asking. Aalok lead Zera into his "kitchen", where he prepared his food. It used to be just a den in a hill, but he had built counters and a stove to cook his meat. "Look," he said, turning to her. "I don't know what Spirals eat, but I only have meat here. You can help me cook, or you can find something somewhere else." he knew his tone was harsh, and he regretted it once Zera's large, soft eyes widened. "We eat meat and insects," she said, her tone surprisingly energetic. "I'll be glad to help. I mean, I don't understand why you don't eat it raw, but I'll help anyway. What are we making?" "Fawn," he replied. "It's one of my favorites."

He spent the next hour trying to teach Zera how to cook. She nearly set his tail on fire and burned down then kitchen, but he was able to distinguish it quickly.

Zera sat down under a tall structure with no walls, only columns supporting the dome over her head. "So," Aalok said. "How do you know me and my name?" She frowned. "The Lady Lightweaver never told you?" He glared at her, and she carried on.

"There was a prophecy, made a few years before we were born. It said something about two eggs, one Light, one Shadow. One of these eggs was to be born on the Solar Eclipse; that was you." Aalok nodded. "My mistress believed that it would be me, because the moon covers the sun at this time, causing the sky to become dark. Anyway, they agreed that they would destroy one of their best clans and hatch the eggs in it" She noticed Aalok's eyes widen.

"The eggs, you and me, were to hatch in their territories. We were to grow up by ourselves, hunting, scavenging, whatever. But we aren't supposed to talk to each other, or interact in anyway." She looked at her claws and shuffled her feet. She couldn't possibly explain to him why, he would kill her right then and there.

Aalok frowned. It didn't make sense to him. "Then...why are we talking to eachother?" She looked up at him. "I...I thought we could become friends," she admitted. Biting his lip, he nodded his head. "I don't see any reason why we can't. It doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't the Lightweaver warn me about you, if the Shadowbinder warned you about me? It's not like you're dangerous or anything." Zera nodded. "I have an idea."

Unicorn Dust
Unicorn Dust
Unicorn Dust
Unicorn Dust
"What's this 'idea' of yours?" he asked the smiling Spiral. "Okay," she said. "You live in that little forest next to the bridge, right?" He nodded. "So do I. I mean, I live near the bridge. What if we built some type of tunnel underneath?"

"Zera," he told her. "Listen to what you're saying. You want to build a tunnel underneath a bridge." "Oh, there's land under the bridge, trust me." Aalok sighed."Let's get started, I suppose."

Zera grinned. The next thing they knew, they were at the bridge, digging a tunnel underneath. It took about an hour, but it was rather fun. Aalok insisted on decoration that included bookshelves, lanterns, and glitter. Zera merely laughed and decorated her side of the tunnel with glowing mushrooms and flying candles. She left to grab material for a trap. She set it up when Aalok was placing the book shelves on his side. The golden Wildclaw shifted his posture and stepped right into the trap, causing him to be flung upside down.

He groaned as Zera giggled. She finally let him down and said, "Tomorrow, same time?" He nodded and left, making sure there were no more traps set by his cheeky friend. Little did he know that Zera was not only his new best friend, but his future mate as well.

Layout made by Sumatra (#163655). All images link to their respective creators.
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