
Level 5 Spiral
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Unlikely Alliance
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Spiral
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Personal Style


Butterfly's Kiss
Marsh Frog Companion
Gloomwillow Guide
Orange Tabby
Desert Rain Frog Companion
Red-eyed Tree Frog Companion
Horned Frog Companion
Corn Snake
Rattle Snake
Green Tree Python
Leafy Gladeboughs
Forest's Edge Vines
Poisonous Woodwing
Poisonous Woodtrail
Nature Tome
Forest Rogue Vest




3.39 m
2.66 m
77.26 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 21, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Spiral
EXP: 1246 / 5545




  • none


Casbin "The Living Forest"
Personality: hyperactive, kind and emotional.
Other: likes to be near other dragons. Has a gift for nature magic despite being a water born dragon. His family line is very old and goes back a long ways. He loves all animals, his favorites being snakes, cats and spiders.
Relative lore: Left because of all the 'mumbo jumbo and bad rumors surrounding his family line and ancestry.' he wont say what the rumors were about, it seems that he would like to believe it never happened.
Many moons ago a water dragon egg was lost and carried away in the currents, the egg was due to hatch that very same day but due to it being carried away from it's parents and clan it was unable to hatch. The currents somehow carried the egg to The Viridian Labyrinth where it was found by the Gladekeeper, the Gladekeeper hatched the egg herself and Casbin finally hatched. He was blessed by the Gladekeeper, which is why his nature magic is so strong, despite being hatched by the deity of nature his egg had been laid in the Spiral Keep of The sea of a Thousand Currents and the Tidelord's magic had already effected his eye color.
Casbin woke up with a start. He lifted his head and looked around for what had woken him. He went to move but decided against waking his friends, or pets depending on how you see them. Animals always flocked towards him, they loved him. The young spiral was blue and white with piebald spots splotched here and there, he had faded green stripes running down his back which intermingled with brown tree roots that seemed to grow from his very scales and branched into calm green leaves. He had curled vines that covered his wings and tail making it impossible for him to fly, sleeping critters lay in the branches and leaves he held. A few snakes, some birds, frogs, toads and a small cat. He was well built, as he had to be to support the trees that had taken root on his back. One of his snakes woke and slithered onto his neck then wrapped around it like a scarf and fell back to sleep. A dove cooed from some hiding spot in his branches. He tried his best to move without waking the creatures sleeping on him and looked around, his bright ocean blue eyes searched around straining to see in the darkness. Another snake hissed at his movement, which he ignored. He stayed almost perfectly still for a moment then decided to move, he rose to his feet, several older leaves fell off of him as he did so. A few of the animals that had made their homes on him made small noises of protest. A long furred cat moved in an attempt to reach the trees on his back but yelped as it pricked itself on one of the thorny vines that wrapped around the base of the trees and down Casbin’s arms. Casbin leaned his head back and lifted the cat to the safe haven of the trees on his back then slowly walked towards the nearest trees in search of what had woken him. He sniffed around and searched for anything that may have woken him but was unsuccessful in his attempts. He eventually crawled back into the cave that he slept in. He tried to fall back asleep but found that he couldn't. He again looked around, only to find the same darkness that he had searched through before. Growing somewhat anxious he shifted uncertainly. His animals seemed to sense this and many shifted along with him, which granted Casbin some comfort. The dove that was previously sleeping in the branches on his back awoke and landed on his nose then began to make soft comforting cooing noises to him. Casbin eventually managed to fall back asleep, although awhile later he drifted back into consciousness and instinctively looked to a part of the forest that seemed somehow darker than the rest. He swore that he could almost see a figure but eventually ignored it and once more fell back asleep. The next morning when he woke he saw footprints, were he had seen the darkness. He inspected them and found them to be Nocturne footprints, normal in the foxfire brambles. He was relieved and thankful that it was just somebody passing by. That is until he remembered that it was the middle of November, the Night of the Nocturne was still nearly a month away…
Mate: None
Best friends: None
Friends: Likan, Talamir, Dusk
Family relations (in clan):
Parents: None
Grandparents: None
Aunts/Uncles: None
Siblings: None
Cousins: None
Children: None
How they met: ???

Dusty (Rattle snake)
How they met: He found Dusty in a field, Dusty was alone and Casbin wanted to protect him. Casbin visited Dusty daily to bring him food and water, over time the two became very close. Dusty now never leaves Casbin's side.

Mark (Marsh frog)
How they met: Casbin found him near a pond and befriended him.

Glimmer (Corn snake)
How they met: She had stolen some food from his clan mates and they wanted to kill her, Casbin would not let them and he saved her.

Noah (Green tree python)
How they met: He woke up after a long nap to find that Noah had curled up beside him. Noah loves napping and is often sleeping on Casbin.

Lulu (Horned frog)
How they met: Casbin bought Lulu at a store, mainly because she was being sold as food, not a pet, and he managed to save her. She stays near him and believes that she has a dept to repay to him.

Bear (Mainecoon)
How they met: He found the cat as a small kitten, he had wounded his leg somehow and Casbin decided right there and then to adopt yet another pet. Bear still walks with a limp to this day but is well taken care of by Casbin.

Kariku (Dachshund)
How they met:

Naimi (Gloomwillow guide)
How they met:
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Exalting Casbin to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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