
Level 25 Gaoler
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Swamphaunt Kelpie
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Energy: 48/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Gaoler
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




11.04 m
7.72 m
11666.92 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 09, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Gaoler
Max Level
Pestilent Slash



Art by maplesoup



Avalon's origins are unknown, meaning she is not of royal blood and didn't inherit her throne. She obtained her throne through tyranny. Despite this unorthodox rise to power; many of her people like her and are glad the reign of the last Queen, Lyssa is over.

Avalon is partners with the King Albion. They had three sons named Sebastian, Calahan, and Gibbler. The family arrived at the Kingdom of Hydatid while it was still under the iron thumb of the Queen Lyssa. The people of Hydatid were suffering under her reign. The kingdom was on the verge of economic collapse and riddled with disease and famine. Avalon couldn't stand to see families like hers suffering, so she decided to stop it.

In an effort to get close to the Queen, Avalon had her sons enlisted in the Queen's army. However, Queen Lyssa somehow got wind of this plan, so she had Avalon'a sons publicly executed in a show of power. Avalon was distraught, she had lost her sons and thus, now had a personal vendetta against Lyssa.

Queen Lyssa ran into conflict with a neighbouring kingdom. Resources within the Plague wastelands were scarce and there was a squabble over who had claims to them. With Lyssa's army weak from war and many out of the kingdom on foreign expeditions and battles, Avalon saw her chance. She snuck into the palace, an easy task considering the limited guards, and attacked Queen Lyssa. After a gruelling and bloody battle between the two, Avalon dealt the finishing blow and ended Lyssa's reign.

There was one last form of opposition, an heir. Lyssa had a daughter, Hendra. Avalon however had won the support of most of the kingdom, and with their support she banished Hendra from the kingdom, not having the heart nor stomach to kill her.

With all opposition and threats gone, Avalon claimed the throne and crowned herself Queen and her partner, Albion King. She called back the armies and made amends with the neighbouring kingdoms.

Avalon employed the assistance of physicians and scientists in order to develop cures and vaccines against the many diseases and viruses circulating within the Plague Flight. Once these vaccines were developed and perfected, they were circulated to the Hydatids and immunity was built up against the cruel environment. Avalon traded some of these vaccines to neighbouring Plague Kingdoms and neighbouring Flights such as the Shadow Flight. In return, Hydatid received resources and goods and was able to become somewhat sustainable by breeding and farming some of the more resilient and versatile animals they received. With famine and disease no longer crippling the kingdom, Avalon began expansion.

The most notable expansion Queen Avalon made was the school. During Queen Lyssa's rule, only the elites and nobles were provided with education. However, Avalon desired to provide more equal opportunities for all hatchlings. Although the castes still remained, she ushered away the hereditable roles. Hatchlings were no longer locked into the role they were born into, they were now free to climb and achieve the ranks with enough hard work. Similarly, noble hatchlings were no longer guaranteed a high ranking role within Hydatid.

The biggest change Avalon's reign has brought about is the community shift. If desired, hatchlings from other Flights are allowed to study abroad at Hydatid school. Families from different flights are allowed to immigrate and become citizens of Hydatid. Considering all this, the Plague Flight is a tough place to live, riddled with disease and devoid of well... anything, making it a rather undesirable place to live. Most of the dragons Hydatid receives applications from generally have shady backgrounds. So long as they obey the law within Hydatid, they're welcome. Avalon is a fair Queen and doesn't judge those by past mistakes, only what they will make of the future.
Maybe there's a reason she doesn't speak of her past.


The air was heavy with the scent of decay. That was the first thing Avalon noticed as she stepped through the heavy, metal gates of the Hydatid Kingdom. The smell was rank and overpowering, it made her snout burn and eyes water. The Plague Flight was corrupt by disease, that was a known fact; but she never knew it could be this bad and this infested in one little Kingdom. Avalon glanced over to her sons, would they be alright? Was their immunity strong enough to survive this place? It would have to be. They had no other choice. Avalon squared her jaw and walked forward, her talons tapping along the cobbled road. Brightly coloured markets penned her in on either side, framing the street and giving the dull path some colour. The stalls banners were tattered and some had dulled, sapped of their life from the unrelenting sun. Despite this though, it still provided some cheer in this otherwise bleak place.

"Mother, over there, look. Can we help him?" Avalon swivelled her head around to look at her son, Calahan. He was ever serious and had a heart of gold, just like his father. Avalon turned to look at where he had pointed. Curled up behind a stall, shivering uncontrollably was an Imperial hatchling. The little dragon was probably once a sparkling blue, like the colour of the waves as they catch the light of the sun. However, his scales now were dirty and greyed, caked in grime and sunken around his ribs and eyes. Avalon walked over to him but reeled back suddenly. The dragon stunk of death. He opened his eyes weakly at her, bloodshot and sunken and full of despair. Something wiggled out from under his wing and Avalon gagged when she caught sight of a festering wound which pulsated as maggots feasted and wiggled.

"Why don't you help him?!" Avalon heard Albion's voice ring out, loud and demanding as it reverberated around the markets. She turned away from the dragon, hoping to find comfort in the sight of her mate but she only felt more despair. Albion was standing ridgid, his wings and tail held high in authority. His lips were drawn back revealing a maw of jagged white teeth which gleamed in the fading daylight. Cowering next to him was a bright blue Imperial dragon who shimmered like a jewel. "He's your son. Why aren't you helping him!?" Albion boomed, anger and disgusti lacing his every word. "I cannot! He's diseased! What do you expect me to do? Take him back home where he will doom my other hatchlings?" The Imperial's voice was firm and final. Avalon suspected she had been telling herself this argument daily to convince her, to try and free herself of the guilt she must feel. Avalon knew that guild would never leave her though. She had abandoned her son to die a horrible death, alone and afraid. What would Avalon have done, If one of her sons were sick? Leave him to die and save her other two? No, she wouldn't have been able to do that. No mother should ever have to make that decision.

She turned away from the mother, disgusted. Her mate would deal with that wretch, make her feel as bad as she should. Right now Avalon had to help the hatchling. She couldn't save him, but maybe she could provide some comfort. The comfort his mother should have given him.

Avalon had made up her mind the minute she lied down next to him. The minute she pulled his head onto her foot and wrapped a wing around him. The minute he opened his eyes and began to cry because he finally knew he wasn't alone, that he didn't have to continue struggling through this alone. Avalon decided that she wouldn't, no, couldn't, let this happen to anybody else. She'd go to whoever was in charge of this dammed place and give them a piece of her mind.

She'd change things here.
She'd make sure of that.
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