
Level 1 Skydancer
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Slight Eyewing
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Celebration Sage Cover
Celebration Sage Sleeves
Chestnut Feathered Wings
Dusk Rogue Footpads
Teardrop Citrine Belt
Teardrop Ruby Wing Loop


Skin: Queen of Cinders



3.45 m
6.58 m
359.55 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 27, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245





Uh-oh, looks like this skydancer wandered a little too far from her home lair(122690, Kenia153), and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but she would be very grateful!

Owners I've Had:

Kenia153, 122690
UtopianAngel, 325454
ToraAvanak, 301539
Sparkbreeze, 295659
Typicaldaisy, 298596
Pretty Buttercup Neck Bow Pretty Buttercup Arm Bow Pretty Buttercup Tail Bow Teardrop Citrine Belt Teardrop Ruby Wing Loop
Nestled in the warm coil of their Spiral mother, Farin and her siblings had a pleasant welcome to the world.

That was their ignorant perception-- as this welcome was only but a protective shield formed by their mother, as she had held her children close to protect them.

First Days

Often irritated and overwhelmed by her hyperactive siblings, Farin was by far the most cynical of the three.
She often berated Keelan for his troublesome behavior, being the 'tattler' most of the time.

However, that's not to say she hasn't indulged in the mischievous behavior once or twice... She wouldn't do this on her lonesome, but when both her brother and sister were doing something that actually looked kind of exciting? She's all in. But she was also always the first to point claws when they did get caught.

Farin and her siblings eventually matured enough to go their own ways. However, it would become apparent to her eventually that she was the only surviving hatchling of her clutch.
But for now, she enjoyed her independence and her family didn't seem to cross her mind much. Perhaps one day she'd settle down or even try to get in touch with her mother. But for now, she'd enjoy her youth. Where would life take her next?

Passed from traveler to traveler, Farin eventually ended up in the Morrow Clan Sanctuary, a place for unwanted and homeless dragons. She enjoyed getting to know the leader of the clan, a Pearlcatcher called Uresia, who told stories of the founding of the sanctuary and all the interesting dragons who had come through. Unfortunately, as a Nature Dragon, Farin was used to warm temperatures. Now sheltered in the Frigid Floes of the Southern Icefield, she could feel the effects of the cold kicking in. She decided to cut her visit to just one day so that she wouldn't get too sick. Bidding the dragons a goodbye, Farin set off once again, eager to explore all 11 Flights.

Farin intended to leave the Southern Icefields, but apparently fate had other plans for her. She was about to leave the Ice domain when a blizzard blew her off course. Forced to land, she found herself a small, sheltered thicket to hide in. Knowing that she had to conserve her strength, she cuddled up and fell asleep.
When she awoke, she found herself in a dark, warm den. Looking around, she saw knickknacks and souvenirs hanging from the ceiling and scattered on the ground. A white Skydancer approached her as she rose from the nest she had been lying on. "Hello there." The Skydancer greeted. "Are you a traveler?" Farin nodded and sneezed. Already the chill was setting into her bones. The white Skydancer looked at her in pity. "Poor thing. You aren't from around here." She crossed the den and prepared a small bowl with what appeared to be soup. "Take some. It'll help the first chills."
After Farin had warmed up, the Skydancer, who called herself Shimmerwing, explained that her clan takes in dragons stranded in the cold and nurtures them until they are ready to take off again. They talked for great lengths about traveling when Farin felt the urge to take to the skies again. Thanking Shimmerwing for her aid, the two dragons bid their goodbyes and Farin took off to explore the world once more. ~ToraAvanak

Farin had finally had enough of the Ice deity. She had barely gotten used to the around year cold weather and decided to take a stop to the warm regions of the Light deity. It felt wonderous for a small time, before her scales and feathers felt as if they would burn off. She fell to the ground, before a dragon barked some orders and she felt herself being carried. When she woke up, she could feel eyes prying to get a good look at her. Two imperials (looking to be relatives) approached her, a group of dragons fumbling over themselves as they spoke. The darker one raised her head and they all quieted. "Welcome to The Tribe of Fallen Light, Mistress. I am Nova and this is Eilir." She turned her head sliggtly to the imperial next to her, who seemed quite proud to be told of. "We are The Sisters, leaders of this tribe." She paused, it was obvious that Farin wasn't going to stay long. "May I request your name?" Nova nodded before turning to her tribe and speaking to them.
It wasn't too long that Farin stayed, but it felt too long. She had fallen in love for the firs time in her life, a young dragon named Harmony who had become a newcomer of the tribe had caught her eye. He was handsome and charming and Farin couldn't get enough of him. When she announced they would be having hatchlings, the tribe seemed overjoyed, Harmony out of all of them. The clan always celebrates each birth by dressing a dragon with garments, she thought hers matched her quite well, until she learned she had to wear them until her children grew up of course.
When they were born, Harmony asked if she might stay with the Tribe of Fallen Light, help him take care of them. She was very nervous at the time, she didn't want to loose so easily and not be able to see the deities. She said she would answer later and ran away in the middle of the night, leaving behind her children, and taking the garments with her.
She became a fortune teller.
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Exalting Farin to the service of the Windsinger will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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