He/They | Time for some SORCERY
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Energy: 47
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7.75 m
3.69 m
591.06 kg
Eye Type
Level 10 Mirror
EXP: 693 / 27676

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Ocarina Luminel An enchanter with All The Feelings. All Of Them. He/they, bi. You hear an explosion, and far above you, you see a eccentric looking mirror with lanky limbs twirling a ensorcelled staff. Their tiny wings flutter as they crane their head back. “GREETINGS, STRANGER!” They roar, as brilliant light shrouds their form. “YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF—ACK!” The posturing causes them to slip, falling behind the large rock they’re standing on. Appearing once more at the bottom, they dash up to you with a friendly smile on their face! “Hello! Sorry about that,” They grin, sounding not even slightly apologetic. “I’ve been trying dramatic appearances lately. Who are you, what are you doing here? Oh you must come in for a visit—I’d love to hear about where you’ve been, what SPECTACLES you might have seen!” ![]() |

Ocarina was once a fae who hid his sorcery studies from his family, and was banished from home after transforming himself into a mirror. He moved to Thalassic Wings after meeting Aether, and loves it there, casting great spells and enchanting artifacts with the help of his dear friends. Ocarina is bubbly and easily excitable, with great dramatic flair. Whatever he feels, he’s going to express, be it joy, rage or sadness! Sometimes even expresses himself with his magic! Via bursts of light or explosions. Even when he tries to tone it down, he does so in extremes. Suddenly, he's the most meak, and over-the-top polite. It can get very annoying. Otherwise, his voice is loud and he moves his hands a lot when he gets excited, which is all the time. He’s got opinions and ideas about everything, and he’s got to say them! He can get a little bull-headed, though he actively tries to keep an open mind. Ocarina loves to be helpful, and if he doesn’t have anything planned for his own magical experiments, he might be helping out any other dragon in the clan. Some find him annoying, but most appreciate the mirror’s eccentric ways. Since Ocarina’s physically weak, Kabutes accompanies their partner frequently, helping him out with his sorcery when he needs it. |
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Ocarina was born a fae in a light clan a few miles off the coast of the water flight. Ocarina and his siblings were extremely similar looking, so dragons in his clan often dismissed them, and didn't bother learning their differences. To distinguish himself from his breathern, Ocarina dove into his studies, teaching himself sorcery. While he only began studying to set himself apart, Ocarina found that he actually enjoyed this work. Loving the energetic feeling after successfully casting a spell, he spend many laborious days pouring through his clan's manuals and scrolls. Ocarina's particular favorite were spells that had to be cast with flair, and crackled with exciting bursts of wasted magic during the casting. Even if a spell created a completely useless tool, when the process was flashy enough, Ocarina had a good time.
After a few months of selling his hard work to a nearby marketplace, Ocarina eventually built up enough money to afford a costly tome. He choose one who's main subject was plague magic, because he was interested in how it mixed with light magic. Due to the prohibited contents, the tome was passed to the fae under-the-table by a traveling merchant and close friend of Ocarina's. More of an in-depth approach to magic and less of a speculative stance, the book absolutely enchanted Ocarina, and it was his companion for the days to follow. Soon, Ocarina discovered the chapters on breed transformation. It was the most complex spell in the book, but he knew he was ready. Delighted, he set about work immediately, stealing supplies from his clan store. He was blinded to the negative consequences with thoughts methods and processes for completing this difficult procedure.
Ocarina had been right about one thing: he was up to the task. The preparations he'd been working on weeks had come together perfectly: Ocarina found his final casting to be absolutely divine, the most fun that he'd ever had. But when it was all complete, he looked down at his claws and finally released the problems with what he'd done. He'd gone and turned himself into a mirror, and had no way of reversing this. All of a sudden, any suppressed doubts assailed him: he had no idea what to do from here on out. The worst part of all, is that he felt so much better as a mirror: the size, the claws, the voice. No more fae frills getting in the way, no more looking like his siblings. His mind felt clearer, more focused. He was tortured with internal conflict, because he knew that he shouldn't feel this good. Confused, Ocarina tried locking himself in his room, faking sickness. But eventually, his new voice gave him away to his siblings. At first, his parents tried to cover the entire incident up, and assured their child that they could get him a scroll to return him to being a fae. When Ocarina confessed to them that he didn't really want to return, his parents couldn't possibly understand. While they continued to try and convince him, one of his siblings reported him to the clan council the next day. They held a short court council in the evening, and tidely decided that though it was tragic waste of talent, the clan didn't need Ocarina, and no longer had a reason to protect them after he betrayed them by working with the forbidden tome and stealing his ingredients. So, in the span of an afternoon, Ocarina was banished from out of the only place he'd ever lived.
With only his tome, his pet psywurm, and a few enchantments to his name, Ocarina couldn't stop reprimanding himself for the mistakes he made. Not knowing what else to do, he returned to the place where the merchant had sold him that tome. It was a neutral trading camp, on the border between the light and water flight. For the next few weeks, he nested up in the trees near that camp. Eventually, the bogsneak merchant returned, and recognized Ocarina on sight. Now, the mirror was a wretched sight, poorly clothed, with reddened eyes and ragged scales. Ocarina had specifically asked him to pick up the tome when he was visiting the plague flight, and the two had known each other for a few years. Feeling partially responsible for the young mirror's tragedy, he took his friend into his small makeshift home. For the next few days, Ocarina helped out the merchant around the camp. He was still miserable without his spellcasting, but happier now that he had a home and a friend, and his condition improved a little. Still, he was always lamenting his poor choices.
One day, while Ocarina was running the stall, a friendly green tundra clad in brown came to browse. She picked up a magic transformer and turned it over in her claws, inspecting it with great interest. Very excited, the tundra, remarked to Ocarina how it was extremely carefully crafted and appeared to be a-one-of a kind. Ocarina, closing his book, spat back that he would hope so, because he made it(and was extremely reluctantly selling it.) Upon hearing this, the tundra lit up, and the two's conversation devolved into science-magic-babble. She was shocked that it had been made for sorcery, because it resembled some electricity transformers that she'd expirimeted with. Seeing his assistant goofing off chatting it off with a fellow scientist, Ocarina's merchant friend at first intended to drive her away, but came to the conclusion that she could become an important contact for his friend. At the calling of one of her clanmates, the tundra and Ocarina parted ways. Waving the transformer she bought in her claws, the tundra said goodbye. She'd introduced herself as Aether.
Ocarina's new friend returned the next day, with an intimidating large blue wildclaw companion. The wildclaw's unsettling composure set the trading camp into whispering. Making a beeline to the merchant's stall, the bogsneak perked up with a big smile to ask her what she was looking for. Giving the supplies one look, she asked for the mirror. Ocarina came out to greet her, and the sight of shoddily groomed, gangly mirror made the wildclaw snort. She asked Aether if this was truly the assistant she wanted, and with some dodgy looks, tundra gulped heavily and confirmed. The wildclaw barked out a laugh at her discomfort. Claiming to be humouring the tundra, she clacked a hefty sum on the bogsneaks table and left, taking a graceful dive off a nearby cliff, right into the water, leaving three dragons completely dumfounded. Awkwardly, the tundra informed Ocarina that he had just been bought.
Aether revealed that had been ranting to her clanmates about a mirror dragon's work, and had maybe mentioned that he was currently clanless. Calypso, their clan matriarch, happened to overhear the tundra's exclamations. Insisting in her ever-threatening way, she asked to come with Aether to visit this mirror. The tundra had no clue that her leader would dare do something so brazen and obnoxious. She asked Ocarina if he wanted to come live and work with them, the clan of the Denim Wings. Ocarina was fairly offended and shocked by the entire procedure, but agreed almost immediately. (Thinking things through is not Ocarina's strong point.) Though his bogsneak companion suggested that he might want to wait for another offer, Ocarnia was so thankful to be offered a new home so soon, with dragon who was so enthused about his work. Truly, he couldn't wait to get back to his studies.
New Home
He was informed that if he didn't impress Calypso, he might not be staying longer then a week. Upon seeing his distress, Aether promised to help him get ready.
Ocarina cleaned up very nicely, going from being a shabby scale-missing lizard to returning to being a fine young dragon. It helped that he got some tips on scalecare from Krazinbalda, the first other mirror Ocarina had ever met. After introducing him to her, Aether then picked out a nice little outfit for him, one that was both striking with his colors and very practical for work. And so, Aether took him to meet Calypso once more. Inspecting his wings and teeth rather rudely, the matriarch had to admit that she was very pleased with his transformation. She especially found his colors very striking-striking enough to have her find him pretty, despite his strange proportions, and claimed that she had seen the beauty in his colors upon first laying eyes on him. Calypso's initiation was complete: Ocarina had passed. Now, all he had to do was work.
And work he did. For the first week, Ocarina put his classic plague tome down and began to study all the books on water sorcery he could. He sent Marinayl, Sukaku and Tyroga out to try and borrow books from other water clans, and created a large shopping list of books to get. After this intense study period, Ocarina had gleaned that water sorcery was all about accessing images of the future and past by being in a place at the right time; following the dips and flows of time like the rise and fall of tides. Over the next 3 weeks, he threw himself into a project that used his old knowledge. The weeks of labor succeeded in creating a flashlight that when shined on something, the object appeared in the state it would be one week from then-though it only worked on odd numbered Wednesdays' from 9 PM-10 PM. Needless to say, it was like nothing anyone had done before, so even though it wasn't very useful, Ocarina got to stay. And he was happy, because the creation of that flashlight involved a great many bursts of light, tamed whirlpools, and dramatic hand sweeps.
Ocarina loves his Psywurm. It was his first companion, and came with him from his old home in the light flight. He takes great care with grooming the weasel, so it is always fluffy and silk-soft. He often keeps it in his sleeve; it comes out when he is working, and curls up amoung his tomes. This nymph is hired herself for the job of assisting Ocarina with his lightning creations. She knows a whole lot about machinery and the way lightning magic works. She says that she could hear his bad workmanship from a mile away, and came to help. Ocarina was very insulted, but Menneva insisted that a nymph alighting on his door was a very good thing, and gave him a basket with a pillow for her to sleep in. He hung it high in his workshop, and she's slept there every since. Everyone is very unnerved by this bear-he appeared one day, in a Ocarina's shadow. It's not always around, but when it is, it sits in the sorcerer's shadow and just stares. The mirror tries not to acknowledge it. |
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