
Level 7 Wildclaw
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Pink-Tail Mole
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Pretty Peach Head Bow
Pretty Peach Neck Bow
Pretty Peach Arm Bow
Pretty Peach Leg Bow
Pretty Peach Wing Bow
Pretty Peach Tail Bow




4.52 m
7.94 m
670.06 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 13, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Wildclaw
EXP: 9783 / 11881
Wave Slash
Might Fragment





don't eat me,
I'm not actually
a fruit-!"


______ Fruitloop has cursed his fruity characteristics from the day he stepped out of the sea... and got swarmed by tundras and bugs and therefore faes, too. He can't even escape by hunting for his third gene- which is still a fruit, and probably would make him more of a fruit. He smells like a fruit, looks like a fruit, and a few tundra even say he TASTES like a fruit! Nobody has tasted his blood before (the tundras weren't about to eat a wildclaw, no matter how good he smells), but Fruitloop declares it's really bitter. The fae think the bugs that bit him taste a bit more sweet, though. Fruitloop has messed up his head feathers by how many time he's thumped his head into the nearest surface in frustration.

Believing his fruitiness to be a curse, Fruitloop has decided to go out and find a cure. Hopefully bugs and tundra don't eat him alive along the way...

______ (continue his story from here!)


Bio template by Mibella, find it here.


Uh-oh, looks like this fruity wildclaw wandered a little too far from his home lair (287379, Kaimiiru), and now he's off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, he'd really appreciate it if you could just return him to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but he would be very grateful!

Owners I've Had:

Kaimiiru #287379
GrinningWolf24 #212075
raptorix #56441
GrinningWolf24, #212075
Fabro #179836
XiangEr #374844
AngelOfMercy #384603

Travel Log:

GrinningWolf24 #212075, 8/23/17

Everyone seems to arrive in Namesong in practically the same manner: literally falling down one of the entrance holes to the massive underground burrow. It always comes as a slight shock to arrive there, whether purposefully seeking them out, or accidentally 'entering'. But once settled in, it is quite the interesting place to explore! An event, dubbed the 'Borrowed Time Program', had been put into place. Partially a rigorous training program for fighters, and partially a plea for help from the weakening clan, it acted as a sort of militia; a bolstering force to assist the clan in their mission. To keep a long story short.... he joined the Borrowed Time Program to try to help Namesong fight the Story Vortex, as well as to grow stronger and train. The clan recorded his time within the program, to better educate future travelers and clans of the danger.

It had been a rather terrible shock having emerged from the sea to only have the ground collapse beneath his claws! And what's more, this clan, this herd was all tundras! Their prodding and sniffing and licking at his fruity scent was as obnoxious as he remembered from the last time he emerged from the sea- only this time he had an entire clan's worth of dragons to do it at once!

Despite their behaviour around him, he felt compelled to stay- perhaps he could figure out a way here to keep them at bay? It was as good a spot as any, with its numerous tundras to test results on. After months of trying, he found that heavy metal armor actually wasn't too bad- it was hot, and it didn't really stop them so much as dissuade them, but it helped. They claimed that the iron had a displeasing scent- at least as far as eating was concerned. Not to mention, there was less area for them to try to lick with all the armor on.

While here in his testing, a terrible earthquake rocked the clan, opening a rift and collapsing much of the clan's subterranean tunnel structures. It took over an exhausting week, but the wildclaw managed to help rescue a number of their members from the rubble, what's left of the clan demurely congregating on the surface. It was a sad affair- a number of them remained either missing beneath the collapsed structure, or had turned up as bodies.

When the clan turned to him for help, how could he say 'no' to those large, sad eyes? They had housed and fed him for months, training him and allowing him to test theories to his heart's content. They had made the effort to not bother him as best they could. And now they had lost everything. He immediately agreed- and was surprised when he was told he would be leading a party out to take stock of the story vortex's whereabouts after the quake. Their large store of maps, notes, books, and other resources were buried, so for now, they would need to chart it out the old fashioned way. He had heard a few whisps here or there about the subject, but he still wasn't quite sure what it was. But if it meant helping this clan out (and not getting licked by any more tundras for a while), he was willing to do his best.


GrinningWolf24 #212075, 2/25/18

Months, he had lived in the wilderness. He had found love. Started a family. Worked through the unforgiving environment around him.... and lost it all. This thing that Namesong had sent him to hunt...... he understood now why they had asked for help. This monster- all it did was take, and take, and take, leaving you with nothing but bitter memories and hatred. Letting the anguish and anger from the loss of his young children fuel him, he had further pressed into the forests that he now loathed, indescriminately striking down any flora or fauna that got in his path. He was reckless, and hurting... and it came back to get him.

Through eyes that saw only anger, he strode into the territory of a centaur herd. They were none too kind, and immediately his hide was peppered with arrows. He looked down in shock at the spreading red stain across his hips and chest..... The world spun.... Ground above, trees below.... spinning spinning spinning..... He could vaguely see his friends in a similar state, Inedible pinned to a tree by her wing... Nessi already on the ground.... Nessi.... My MATE..... He tried to walk to her, to protect her... knees buckling..... almost to her.....

He was unconscious before he even hit the ground. The centaur herd gathered around to look over the dragons they had brought down. With practiced movements, they began to tie up the bodies, dragging them off. The dragons' chests rose and fell with shallow breaths. They were alive, but they were in no state to argue with whatever the centaurs did or where they would end up....


raptorix #56441, 2/25/18

Fruitloop awoke in Wind territory much later. He had been rescued from the centaurs and taken in by the Fruity Clan. How appropriate!

The clan, being true to Wind Flight nature, was known for taking in, caring for, and preparing all sorts of travelers. Fruitloop stayed long enough to recover from his wounds and would be able to travel again.

GrinningWolf24, #212075, 3/23/18

Once recovered, he made the trek back to where he and his group had been staying previously. It seemed to take ages, but he finally managed to locate where they had made camp- but it was deserted. No signs that anyone had been here in quite some time; no sign of his mate Nessi, or any of his comrades.

With a heavy heart, he trekked on, determined to find out what had happened to the rest of them.

Fabro, #179836, 8/1/18

Months later saw Fruitloop arriving at a small fire clan outpost along the border of the Icewarden's territory. He'd spent long hours in search of his missing family, but the constant attacks from creatures wanting to taste his fruity self were a true hindrance and they made him loose the trail. Disheartened, he forced himself to turn away from tracking his family and solve his scent problem.

Hence, the fire clan.

Fruitloop had hopes that the smoke and metal scents the fire dragons were known for would help disguise his scent. After having been given a new set of armoured wings, he set off on his search again.

XiangEr , ID #374844, 8/3/2018

Fruitloop hitched a ride in a fisherman's ship and traveled across the water territory, to the misty shadow lands. He thought perhaps he could try his luck there as he had never been near shadow territory. He took shelter in a guardian's home. In return for their kindness Fruitloop offered to help out around the deck, hoping to get information of his missing family.

A few days later, rumors about a group of dragons being rescued by merchant reached his ears. He rushed off to meet the dragon only to find out they had already left the night before. Perhaps it wasn't who he was looking for but nevertheless, it's the only news that sounded vaguely familiar to what happened to his family and friends.

Name, ID #, Date

text text text

Thank you for taking me in! I’m a traveler from Kaimiiru's lair! If you think it’s time for me to move on from your lair, I’d love it if you sent me home, or sent me back sightseeing in the Loved Ones Sightseeing with Tales thread. I can also stay at that thread’s Hostel if you don't have space for more travelers.
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Exalting Fruitloop to the service of the Tidelord will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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