
Level 1 Imperial
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Imperial
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20.22 m
20.64 m
9209.78 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


May 13, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245


ADARIAN: Jeweler
Mate: Drakka
Likes: Nyx (platonically)
Dislikes: Those who would take advantage of another for personal gain Interests/Hobbies: Lapidary
“I'm not saying I'm psychic, but I'm positive I will have no interest in what you're about to say.”


Adarian was born to a great set of parents. They were loving, nurturing, and very hardworking. They did what they could to support all their kids, and they appreciated everything they owned. When Adarian began to show an interest in working with jewelry, they were all for it, and helped him become an apprentice of the clan's jeweler.

The work wasn't easy, and at times, his mentor was tough and authoritative. Adarian did his utmost nevertheless. It wasn't long before it became clear that he had a natural talent for jewel-making. His mentor learned he worked best when given free reign, and they began teaching him more advanced techniques. In time, Adarian's jewelry began showing up in the shop's For Sale shelves.

Adarian was well aware of how hard his parents worked to provide for the entire family. He wasn't exactly well-paid as an apprentice, but he gave a good chunk of it to his family in thanks for their support and provision. The rest he kept for himself; perhaps in the future, he would open up his own shop, make even more money, and give back an even larger portion to his family. He had a long ways to go to do that, though, with his humble paycheck. However, when his parents' anniversary was on the approach, Adarian wanted to create something especially for them, something exquisite. However, the jewels he planned on using were not what his mentor had in stock at the shop, and they would be quite pricy to obtain. He figured it wouldn't be too bad to dip into his savings. His parents deserved it, after all. So, he planned a trip to a city that he could reach in a few days' time, alerted his mentor and his parents where he was going, and set off.

Adarian's birth clan was what one would describe as a "small town", which was why he was surprised when he got to the bustling city by the Wyrmwound. He wondered what it would be like to set up shop in such a busy, crowded place. Judging from the food shops, and great many merchant stalls, he could see that business would be great. Moreover, a place this big would likely have all the supplies he would need to open up a shop and make his jewelry. A few days' travel was not too far away from his birthclan; if he wanted to visit his family, he could very easily do so. Even still, it had its drawbacks: being such a big city meant that there was no tightly-knit community like back at home, no deep connections to be made. Everyone was a stranger to everyone else here. It was completely different from home. Adarian decided that he would stay for an extra two days to get a feel for the place before making any final decisions.

He eventually found just whom he was looking for: a well-known and well-respected shopkeeper who kept and sold a wide variety of jewels. Adarian examined all the different gems while making small talk with the shopkeeper. He explained how his quest to find expensive jewels drew him into the city. The shopkeeper seemed quite friendly and willing to help; he told Adarian that he had a shipment of grand jewels coming in the next day. Adarian could place an order now, he said, but he required a deposit to hang onto them due to the gems' popularity.

Adarian paid his deposit up front even as he perused the shop's current stock, deliberating. Perhaps he could combine a few of the gems he saw with some from the later shipment, depending on how those other stones looked. As his heart warmed at how delighted his parents would be when he'd made their gift, the shopkeeper plotted to take advantage of him.

The next day, when Adarian came in to collect the new shipment of gems, the shopkeeper accused him of trying to rip him off. "This receipt is a fake!" he shouted, holding up the slip. "But... you gave this to me the day before," stuttered a perplexed Adarian.

"This isn't the parchment I use to make receipts! You're a fraud!"

Adarian was disillusioned by the trick. How could such a high-ranking member of this city show such dishonesty? The shopkeeper's status didn't help the rookie's case; nobody would believe him when he said he was scammed. Word spread quickly to the surrounding shops that he was the scammer. Worst of all, he'd used up so much of his money on the deposit that he barely had any left to buy any real stones for his gift! He would never be able to afford to make it now...

After storming out of the store, he hardened his resolve. He was going to forcefully take what was his. When darkness fell, Adarian crept into the shop. Its locks were suspiciously loose; it was easy to break in. He approached the back counter so he could take the special-order gems, only to come face-to-face with the shopkeeper and about 30 dragons who worked as the city's security.

The struggle that ensued left him bloodied and bruised. Once Adarian had been subdued, he was taken to the center of the city square and detained in a mile of chains. The city's guards had announced that he would be executed at midday. Adarian had tried to explain his side of the story yet again, only to get the same result as last time. It was the word of one of the city's famous shopkeeper against that of a poor, lonely traveler, after all.

He cursed under his breath as spectators passed by to spit on him, just hours before the execution. Back in his small clan, everyone knew him. They knew Adarian as a dragon of honor and honesty; anyone who claimed that he would commit thievery would undergo scrutiny. But here, in the city by the Wyrmwound, he was just the poor traveler trying to con a big-name shopkeeper out of his jewels. In a few hours, he would be six feet underground, probably without even a stone for an epitaph.

Two other figures appeared in his peripheral vision, figures who did not simply pass him by. Adarian moved his head in their direction as far as he could (which wasn't much) to get a better look. They were both Imperials like him, except with black, gleaming hides. The female watched him with a puzzled expression. She stepped forward, while her companion hung back. Adarian flinched, preparing for a glob of spit, but instead opened his eyes to see her inspecting his wounds with astonishing care.

"How did you come to be like this?" she asked, seeming genuinely curious.

Though he had no hope that she wouldn't ridicule him as so many others had already, Adarian told her the whole truth as he knew it.

To his amazement, she said, "My goodness, that's such a shame." With the touch of a single one of the Imperial lady's claws, all the chains that bound Adarian fell apart.

Adarian lifted himself unsteadily from the ground, finally taking full notice of the other black Imperial, the male. He watched as though judging him and everything in him. Adarian felt embarrassment rise up in his heart, shame not only in how easily he was taken advantage of, but of how he retaliated and walked into the trap. As he stared back at the silent Imperial male, however, he wasn't so sure if it was true condemnation he saw. The male then turned to leave.

Adarian returned his attention to the female, who introduced herself as Nyx. She said that if he wanted to go home, she would ensure his journey would be safe. He had to hesitate, though—he was still afraid of the shopkeeper and the city guards. If he simply went home, would they come looking for him? Would they find his little town, and tear it up to flush him out? He couldn't bear the idea of having his family suffer that kind of thing for his sake, even though he knew his parents would do anything to protect him. Before he could offer a response, Nyx gave him another option: to come and stay with her and her mate in their clan.

"My mate, Thanatos, who is the head of my clan, has already judged you," she told him, turning to gaze in the direction of where the other black male headed. "He's deemed you worthy, and you're free to join our family, if you'd like."

Adarian lowered himself to a bow before her, still battered and bloody. "Nyx, for saving my life, I will do anything for you."

He finds his future uncertain in this new clan, but he feels there is no better way to repay the Goddess who had given him a second chance in life. Adarian has a strong love for Nyx, familial love. He knows better than to set his sights on her as a mate—he has been in the clan long enough to know what a terror Thanatos can be, thankfully, not firsthand.

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