
"My family broke apart, but I've found peace in my own."
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Chillwind Harpy
Chillwind Harpy
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Energy: 45
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Ice icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Guardian
Male Guardian
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Steelscale Chest Guard
Sepia Lace Wristlet
Black Linen Wing Wraps
Respectable Alabaster Locket
Ranger's Cape
Tarnished Steel Tail Cuffs
Winter Wind
Ranger's Treads




15.71 m
16.58 m
9753.72 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 27, 2017
(7 years)


Guardian icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 7 Guardian
EXP: 1618 / 11881
Freezing Slash
Frozen Might Fragment
Frozen Might Fragment


Icarus - Diplomatic Prince/Fisherman6.png

Grandson of Princess Irene and Sunscreamer

From the beginning of his youth, Icarus was a remarkable young dragon and over the years his admiration has continued to inspire the future generations of dragons. His proud heart shines on through Frozen Falls as he is always eager to serve, a work ethic as diligent as a hardworking farmer or a fierce warrior, and he is always there to pick up his fellow clanmate with some gruff and tough enthusiasm to bolster their spirit. He is very opinionated and stubborn, and has always been one to hang on to grudges and stick to his opinions which can sometimes cause him to get in his own way. Over the years with the companionship he was given, he has maintained his pride but blossomed a tenderness in his heart that brings comfort to the next person. He is loving and affectionate to his loved ones.

A glorious sunrise came to Frozen Falls when two smitten, young dragons had gathered their families to witness the hatching of their clutch. The bright-eyed pearlcatcher Sapphire, and her loving and royal mate, Prince Whitetail had been very excited for the occasion and could not wait to show off their new family to their loved ones. Everyone was shocked to discover this new clutch belonged to them, considering no one was even aware that the two were even together! They had intended to keep their relationship private for a little while, but when Sapphire laid a clutch of eggs, they both decided the perfect time to tell everyone would be upon the day of the hatching. The first three eggs hatched Hestia, Waverya and Madge, three glorious girls and until finally the last egg hatched and out came Icarus, a lovely boy. For the most part, everybody was happy, including their friends, families, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. It was a marvel to everyone who got a good look at the four hatchlings, they were healthy and beautiful to the eye. Unfortunately, there was one family member who was both incredibly happy but equally dumbfounded at the revelation of this secret relationship and the children. Whitetail had been the son of Sunscreamer and his mate Irene, Princess of Frozen Falls, but Irene had been the daughter of the Areira, Queen of Frozen Falls and her King-Consort Terrence.

It was an honor to be a prince, especially a even greater honor to be the grandson of the Queen, but unfortunately this came with obligations, and this revelation was now a complication. In the last two nightfalls, Areira had been in touch with her oldest and closest ally, the Clan of Haunting Shadows (formerly The Clan of Fallen Moon) and learned about the new change of leadership, as the founders Smudge and Nataliya decided to retire and abdicate to their adopted sons, Emissary and Soren. Filled with joy, the Queen and the soon-to-be leaders had planned a ceremony to rebirth the alliance between the two clans, which involved a marriage, in likeness to the Queen marrying her daughter and heir Viridia to Cytos, the biological son of Smudge and Nataliya. Areira arranged for Prince Whitetail to marry Lady Iridis, the prospective daughter and heiress of the new Lord Emissary and his mate, Lady Rhen (daughter of the new Lord Soren and Atherr) to reignite the ties between their clans once more. Everything had been laid out perfectly, from the good trade deals, pacts, edicts and wedding arrangements were settled and all was according to plan in the Queen's eyes, until she met her new great-grandchildren, who have now officially been the start of the Queen's fourth bloodline. Needless to say, everyone was shocked especially Whitetail and Sapphire that it led to quite a debacle, tons of whispering, yelling and everyone freaking out, which had left the young and observant Icarus very confused and anxious about the whole situation, clinging to his new mother and father.

In the span of many nights and days, it was decided that after much correspondence, Whitetail would marry Iridis and that both he and Sapphire would join her clan, the most unexpected but fortunate circumstance was that Lady Iridis had managed to develop such a close bond with both Sapphire and Whitetail, that the three started a polyamorous relationship together. All would eventually be well for the three, and the rebirth of the alliance would blossom. As for Icarus, he would be formally declared a Prince of Frozen Falls, and to be fostered by his cousins, the half-sisters Setsuka and Iziz as their legal ward and would remain in his clan until he were to come of age or if any political decisions made on his behalf. The split of his family had made Icarus distraught, he had already grown attached to his parents after hatching and resented that his parents had to live so faraway from their home, and could only visit every once in awhile. It did not take too long after for his sisters to soon move on and form other plans, the first of his sisters, Hestia honored their great-grandfather Terrence by honorably serving a clan in the Sunbeam Ruins for many moons before moving on to serve the Lightweaver, while the remaining sisters Waverya and Madge had been eager to serve the Icewarden with glee. Icarus had not been very close to his sisters but they never seemed to be as close to him as they were to each other, and now, Icarus was all that was left of his immediate family in the clan, and that made him feel very abandoned.

As he aged out of his adolescence, it was clear that Icarus had grown bitter, resentful and a little angry at the world for taking away little by little from him at such a young age, but what was not so easy to hide was the the deep rooted sadness that grew within the stem of his heart and spirit. His cousins Iziz and Setsuka had done their best as his legal guardians to show him that they cared about him, his well-being and for his life, but it never seemed to be enough, often times he liked to sulk all by himself and never cared much for company other than paying respects to his guardians, like the good little hatchling he had been. Sometimes he could take guidance from Iziz's insightful point of view and Setsuka was able to try to understand how he felt and came to some small revelation, that even if there weren't many of them, it seemed they thought life starts out difficult when you are a grandchild of Irene. He would grow out of that sentiment some day, but he felt guilty to feel that way if it was the only way he could describe it. Once he got older, he decided that he was getting sick and tired of just laying down in his den all the time and needed, but mainly wanted to out and distract himself and try to find meaning in the world he lived in. For a time, he tried out a few hobbies with varying results, it went from pottery, travelling, helping in the nursery until he finally settled on his newfound love of fishing. He was first taught by the local fishermen in the clan, but became proficient in his fishing skills and continued to fish, whenever possible as faraway from everyone as possible, he did his duty and brought lots of fish to feed everyone, but he liked to go back and stay there all throughout the day, which worked for him as he preferred to not being seen or heard, he would put in his fair share of work in so long as he had time to himself. One day, in his solitude he had found another dragoness looking to find some space from their fellow clanmates, it had been the slightly older and scholarly guardian, Princess Porcelain, daughter of his ALSO older second cousin Prince Lauraun and part of the main line of succession.

He had not been looking for company and quite frankly he was not one for it, but Porcelain was someone he could grow fondly over as she never pestered him, never made him question where his life was going and what was his life choices were, they could just enjoy each other's company without question and no one could argue. It seemed he and she would develop a routine, a lovely morning fly around the clan, a nice lunch with her before a good round of fishing and reading together, before going on with their night alone in their dens communicating with messages sliding around from den to den, it had seemed that life would be fairly simple. Until one day, both dragons were approached while on their many reading and fishing sessions in their private place, both had been alone and unbothered until the approach of strong footsteps behind them greeted Crown Princess Viridia, heir to Frozen Falls and Porcelain's great-grandmother. Icarus had been surprised, Porcelain had been in regular correspondence with the elder dragon due to their closer familial ties but it wasn't every day that the Crown Princess made social calls to any of the other dragons of Frozen Falls, even if he had was a prince, he didn't see himself as all that special to practically anyone and was still too young. The Crown Princess had warmly greeted them both and had announced that they both have been summoned to meet Queen Areira at the Glacier Agora, much to the young dragons' surprise as they stared each at other in bewilderment, aside from a social call from Viridia, it was even more uncommon to be abruptly summoned to the court of the Queen.

The young dragons had been very confused about the summons, but the more confused they got, the more eager they sought to find out why, so they flew over to meet with the expecting Queen at great haste. Upon arrival, Icarus noticed quickly that not only was Queen Areira, Viridia and her mate in attendance, but the entire clan as well as their family members were all surrounding the outer halls of the Agora, including Icarus' parents and step-mother from The Clan of Haunting Shadows, and a group of ice dragons not known to anyone. The Queen glided over near the centre of the Agora and had welcomed the two young dragons and the rest of the clan to the hall, where she introduced the new mirror dragons before them, Lord Castemere and Lady Sable, Regents of Osprey Cove, from a very large, older and more powerful ice clan that had also lived within The Southern Icefield, along with them was a couple of their most trusted advisors and their closest kin among them too, most of them all were mirrors. Areira announced that with the great and wonderful changes that were coming to their clan, and how much strength that the people of Frozen Falls have brought to build themselves over the past couple of moons, that they had finally been given the great honor to allying themselves to Clan Castemere of Osprey Cove. Everyone around them had erupted into applause, as the two regents made their way closer to the centre and Areira drew Porcelain and Icarus closer so that she continue, upon doing so, she announced that for the alliance she decided that not one but two marriages would come in place to bind their clans closer, Porcelain is fourth-in-line to the throne, she is to marry the dramatic Prince Elsdon, the youngest son of Princess Jordan and her skydancer mate Prince Kuvira (in addition, Toman, their tundra mate) and great-great-grandson of The Regents, but additionally, Icarus would also be married to Jordan's first cousin through her aunt Princess Circe and her fae mate Nuada, the gentle fae Princess Delilah, and great-granddaughter to the Regents.

Icarus was stunned, what shocked him even more was that Porcelain had seemed to have taken a liking to her new mate to be and he seemed to made her feel not only happy, but as if she had the energy of the youngest hatchling and seemed to take in the situation with ease. Icarus had decided to fly away as he needed the time to process, and many of the clan were stunned to see him simply fly away so hastily but they left him be. Icarus's stomach felt tight with knots, he had no liking for this situation, he would of rather maintained the reputation about being a less-than-thought of royal and could continue going on. Like his parents, he is not in control of fate and has nothing under his control, which made it very difficult to want to talk to anyone. In all the shock of his departure, a dragon had snuck away to go and meet with Icarus. That dragon? Delilah. She had found him in his private place much to Icarus' surprise, another dragon had now managed to find his private place and they were not even from this clan, he asked the fae how she found him. In which, she mused that observing the wind currents in the icy and feeling the vibrations in the sky, she was able to find him, which confused him until Delilah told him that both her and Elsdon had mothers that were born in the Windswept Plateau so they managed to inherit a few quirks even though they were born ice dragons. This helped spark a conversation, Icarus had never managed to make quite a bond with anyone before, he had a good and calm friendship with his cousin but he had never verbally communicated with anyone as well as he did with Delilah, even the kind fae admitted that even though she wanted to see what was out here, the idea of settling down scared her a bit, but he seems to have a heart that is very kind once you unthaw in a little.

He blushed, he never blushed and this connection could possibly not last long, but he decided that even if he was forced to marry her, she might make him feel happier and not so lonely sometimes, so he suggested that if they agree to be married, maybe we can try to just be friends so we don't have to worry about expectations between each other. Delilah had agreed and was grateful he made a helpful decision as she was willing to try to make this work, so the dragons came back to the Agora and both agreed to the marriage. Not long after, Delilah and Icarus were wed along with Elsdon and Porcelain in a joint ceremony, and many great boons were given to both sides for this ordeal, and within the days of the approaching ceremony, both of the mates were getting closer with one another and close friendships were forged between them and they often had clutches close to the same time. Porcelain's daughter Rhayanne would be among the first of his cousin's children and became like a niece to him in that time meanwhile his first children were easy to manage and he and Delilah made loving parents and many of their future children would join the Icewarden or go off to find adventure of their own, this fondness of their family made Icarus and Delilah fall in love, and they grew much closer. With Delilah involved, he found himself much more sociable and able to talk to people, he has even made more efforts to go see his family in the Clan of Haunting Shadows and take pleasure in the time he had with them, though admittedly it was a huge chore from and still is, so he still valued his privacy and liked the small spaces he made for himself to recharge and to settle him down, but he has made some efforts to invite people into his quiet spaces.

This large friend group had become a front for the foundation of the alliance between both clans and Delilah, along with her two kin serve as the ambassadors for Osprey Cove, where Icarus had taken a shine to the diplomatic duties between their clans, the young dragon would end up inviting his new great-aunt Millicent into the group between him, his mate and their cousins since Millicent would soon marry Prince Griffith, son of the the Regents themselves both clans had now added the third marriage between both their clans. Icarus was eager to prove himself to both his own and his lovely mate's clan, with the help of his mate and friends, he grew into his diplomatic duties and strived for nigh-perfectionism and his work ethic had made him a popular figure within the clan, he had been the line of the fourth bloodline, and he was This change of behavior had started at the very start of his marriage and with her counsel, he found himself open to new possibilites, such as when his first children were born, he found himself near the border of his clan where he was greeted by a dragon of his father's clan coming to see if she can be allowed to remain in the allied clan with her family. After agreeing to help her he got her name, Elspeth, and it was his half-sister through his father and Lady Iridis, and he brought her into the clan to meet with the Queen and see about her getting settled in. Icarus placed his sister with their cousin Setsuka and Iziz, as he knew that he may of been a perfect ward, but he figured his new sister should get the best help she could need. Before long, he had developed a life long bond with his sister and both were able to grapple with many hard times together, their father joining the Shadowbinder, and Elspeth's mother joining him until several moons late Icarus' mother would follow in unision.

This life he had been able to invent for himself was not something he had once imagined he was capable of constructing, even through most of his life he had not been eager to meet with people and didn't think he was cared about much, but he soon found himself with close friends, a mate, and a better relationship with the cousins who fostered him and was able to be a supportive brother to Elspeth. He had grieved the family that he didn't get to grow up with, he would have preferred he gotten an easier time as he got older, but he loved his children, he grew to appreciate the joy that they bring to him and always had an eye out for them, even joined his mate Delilah in father's tradition of making mini sculptures for the children both he and her had. They eventually line up their den by a handful, but he now would never change a thing, the question he had asked was if it all didb't happen, would he not have the life he has now>He didn't like how the past made him feel, in fact, it made him not like the family he had sometimes and that he could have grown up with regular parents without having to worry about living without them, to survive without them and to continue living their life. But he felt now that he grown past everything, he could forgive his family, he could forgive his Queen and his parents, and now continue on to live on as he should.

Nowadays, you will still find him gone for so much time you would think he was isolating himself, but he has better things going on for him now, and he can enjoy a lovely day of fishing after a hard day's work, alongside his mate, and their best friends and cousins. He has the family he needed, and that fit just right.

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