
Honorable Lord of the Vaar
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Ultimate Buttersnake
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Energy: 50
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Light icon
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Male Mirror
Male Mirror
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Personal Style


Woeful Presence
Ranger's Tail Twist
Brown Birdskull Necklace
Woeful Vial


Skin: Hewn Hunter



Scene: Bleached Roots


5.26 m
6.96 m
698.78 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 13, 2017
(7 years)


Mirror icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 7 Mirror
EXP: 334 / 11881


  • Holds the title of Nar Faril - Clan Leader
  • Aloof. haters hate that he ponders
  • Not a very good leader, especially when it's mundane things like coordinating hunting and gathering and money management, but when it comes down to it, he usually makes good decisions
  • When he is in a good mood, he is very witty and fun to be around
  • Is rarely seen

Orthos the Enduring
Random Progenitor

The early years of his life, Orthos roamed alone in the outskirts of the Hewn City, hunting small game in order to feed himself. He never dreamed of living with another soul, not because he like to be alone, but because that was how he had lived all his life. Since he had never known where he came from, he assumed his parents were dead and it is the way of his kind to allow their young to live and grow strong on their own. and so he did. At this time in his life, it was common for Orthos to venture away from the Hewn City and explore the Lightweaver's domain out of curiosity and wanderlust. It was on one fateful journey when he caught sight of a magnificent young Guardian female sunning herself on a cliff. From a distance he admired her golden wings and dark scaled body. So enraptured was he by her that he was unaware of the fact that she had noticed him staring. It was only when she rose from her spot to confront him that he was shaken from his trance. The Guardian addressed him cordially and asked his name, to which he responded and asked hers. It was Aeran. Orthos apologized profusely over and over for staring and Aeran forgave him with a smile.
After their meeting, Orthos' travels became more frequent in hopes of seeing her again. Over time the two became friends, Aeran would join Orthos for a small portion of his route and the two would laugh and talk and tell stories of their adventures. While he wandered, he thought of her, and a feeling unlike any he had felt before began to rise in his heart. It was more than friendship, and it made him act silly when he was around her. He noticed that when he would draw near to where she sunned herself, his heart would begin to beat faster and his face would feel warm. On one of his visits to Aeran, he stopped and sat beside her looking out over the sea. It was his plan to tell her how he felt. The two talked as the sun set over the waves, and as night began to creep over the sky, his stomach began to churn in worry. What if she did not feel the same? Or worse, what if this feeling was not normal? He had never though of living with another soul, but now living with her, it was all he could think about. Just when the first stars were beginning to twinkle in the inky sky, Orthos looked into Aerans eyes to express his feelings, but the only words he could manage to say were "I love you." He shut his eyes tight and dug his claws into the soft earth in anticipation for her reaction. When it came, it was in the form of her soft voice saying "I love you too."
The two stayed up until the dawn began searching for a place to call home. Together they began their own clan in the cliffside beneath the Beacon of the Radiant Eye. Orthos and Aeran had only one son together, a boy Mirror named Icarus, who left on his own journey. It was after Icarus left that Aeran began to take long journeys away from the clan. Orthos thought little of this, as he would at times also. It was after one particularly long absence that Aeran sat down to speak to Orthos. She told him of a Guardian's Search and the need to find a Charge. The two said their sorrowful goodbyes and in the morning she had gone. For a while there was no news of her, only the few rumors that she had joined the Lightweaver's ranks. Orthos wandered the caverns of the clan lair in silence for weeks. Others like Isis and Jarduen had given up any hope for consolation.
Over time, he began to be more like himself again, talking and laughing with the others. The pain of her absence still dogged his dreams from time to time, but he had begun to live again. He spent his time training alongside Aquila and Pithea. Together they became strong, and the others say this was key in his recovery.
It was later when Morgana arrived. Unnamed at the time, Orthos hardly noticed her. Once she was old enough to be named, she began to interact with the others, and her light-hearted personality grew infectious. Morgana and Orthos began to foster a close friendship, joking an adventuring around the lair. The thought of ever loving another had not once crossed his mind before, but his heart disagreed. Morgana had the same easy smile and bright laugh that could light up the whole room, she was easy to talk to, and she understood him in a way only Aeran ever had. The warm spark of love began to burn again in his heart. When Orthos and Morgana pledged to be mates, they decided that their children were to honor Aeran's legacy and go to serve the dieties.

**new stuff, needs revisions**
And then, perhaps by some cruel twist of fate, Morgana left to serve the Lightweaver, just as Aeran had before her. Orthos was devastated. He resolved to build the most impenetrable walls around his heart and never slip into such "folly" as love again. But the master of fate had other plans for this lonely Mirror.
Aeran's return was the most bittersweet dagger to the gut he had ever experienced. Here she was in the flesh, his long lost love, gleaming like the radiant dawn. But she was changed. Her demeanor was more reserved and she seemed to move with an ethereal grace that belied her massive form. She smiled when she saw him, but Orthos couldn't seem to muster any sort of reaction at all. Perhaps the love they shared has been lost to time, but from fertile soil new flowers bloom, and from the night the dawn rises each day. Perhaps there is hope of a new kind of love in the future
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Exalting Orthos to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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