
Level 14 Skydancer
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Wetland Unicorn
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Male Skydancer
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Personal Style


Gold Aviator Satchel
Teardrop Citrine Bracelet
Gold Aviator Gloves
Ornate Gold Necklace
Teardrop Citrine Pendant
Teardrop Citrine Choker
Teardrop Citrine Anklet
Teardrop Citrine Leg Band
Teardrop Citrine Armlet
Teardrop Citrine Tail Ring
Teardrop Citrine Earrings




4.35 m
7.08 m
768.14 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 09, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 14 Skydancer
EXP: 6266 / 54161
Shining Might Fragment
Shining Might Fragment
Shining Might Fragment




  • none




My name is Sunburst. I was auctioned away from my family when I was but a few hours old. I never got to know my family, and I've been bitter over it ever since. Why did they rip me away so early? I'll never know. But although I wish to know my family, I've never really missed them. I mean, why would you want to miss someone that sold you away the day you were born?

But now, now I have a different family. My clan. My clan that has nourished me, and helped me take the steps to becoming a skilled warrior. And I have nourished them in return, and trained some very great dragons.

Some of the dragons of my clan like me, like Vyra and Rain, two of my best friends. And then there's Shimmer. She can often be a bit mean, but I like to think of her as a friend too. Sometimes.

There was a time when Shimmer poked about how much I was eating. She said I was greedy by taking more food than I needed and stealing all of 'her' attention. I don't know why she thought I would do this - at the time I had always thought of her as a friend. Now I realize that she was just poking to get attention, which strikes something in me now that I think about it. But at the time I had taken her words a little too hard, I have to admit.

My stomach still growls even now at the memories. I stopped eating because of Shimmer's comment. I thought I didn't deserve food, wasn't worthy enough. Eventually, I was forced to eat by my friend Vyra. Thank Bossdad, she saved me. Not that I was going to die or anything, but I needed to start regaining my strength, otherwise I couldn't help the clan. Many dragons noticed my weight loss, no matter how hard I tried to hide it. So I let Vyra give me the food, although I immediately worked it off by flying afterword, at least until Thiadith caught on and helped me sort myself out.

Later my clan leader, Isesliv, had me become the clan's primary messenger. She saw my flying potential, my inherent stamina, and gave me the job of delivering important messages. I fly great distances to do so. My clan depends on me to remember and relay important notices, and also to carry letters between friends and family in other clans, even to the Spire itself.

The wind is my best friend. I can use it to fly high, high up into the sky to deliver the message as fast as possible, preferably over the clouds when gales get really unruly. Sometimes I never want to come down.

Later Rain, Little Rain, came along to fly as a messenger beside me. He was a small skydancer hatchling, gifted to the Auric clan the day he was born, just like me except that there was no auction. I took a liking to Rain, and brought him under my wing. He is now like a son to me, and I believe I am now like a father to him.

I've never really wanted to have hatchlings - it's a responsibility I'm not ready for. But Rain knows how to take care of himself; sometimes he just needs a little push from me, which is what I like about him. I am in the process of teaching Rain to become a messenger, too.

So, maybe I should tell you more about myself. Not to be selfish or anything, but here's some things I like.

I love flying, especially flying in the rain. Oh, how I love that feeling. I love feeling special and important. I love having friends to talk to. Oh, and also, I love the feeling of sitting on a nice warm rock and sunbathing. Dragons like Shimmer seem to think that I'm lazing for doing it, but that's not the case - the sun recharges my batteries, if you know what I mean. Without the sun, staying awake is hard.

And then we get to my favorite part to talk about. One of the things I love the most, is my jewelry: I love anything sparkly, particularly if it matches my own colors. I love shining it, looking at it, and most of all, putting it on! I wish dragons would not say that I'm selfish to keep so much treasure for myself, because I don't do it just to look handsome! (Though I'll admit, I am a bit vain.) My jewelry actually has a very different story…

Every piece of jewelry is important to me. If you'll bear with me, I'll tell you where I got them and why they are important to me. I'll start with my gold necklace. The gold necklace has been with me for as far as I can remember. It was supposedly a goodbye present from my parents, but really, who knows? It can sometimes make me angry about the fact that I've never really known my parents, but it is also a reminder for me to let go.

The aviator satchel was a gift from my leader to help me carry messages. It is my clan's official recognition of my rank and position, and I cherish that particular responsibility.

Three of my anklets/leg bands I found while gathering. They remind me that there is always a harder path to take, but the hardest path is often the most rewarding. They also teach me to never stop looking for the golden lining in the dirt. (Yes, i know that's a bad mangling of the 'silver lining in the stormcloud' metaphor, give me a break - I'm not a poet.)

I got two other pieces from Vyra and Rain. They remind me that friends are always there for you if you need help, you need only ask. There's probably another saying there, but it escapes me.

And the last two I bought with some of my share of gold. They remind me to always be grateful for what I already have in life, to appreciate it all. Sometimes, it's also what keeps me from buying more jewelry (the wise voices of friends also help keep me from becoming a spendthrift).

Many dragons call me the 'golden boy' of my clan. Sometimes it makes me laugh, other times (when I've had a bad fighting day or bad day in general) I fume over it. It's not right that other dragons get to nickname me! (Even if it is a rather good one.) They think I'm perfect, but I'm really just like any other dragon. Going through life at my own pace and making plenty a mistake along the way.

Speaking of fighting, I love battle training. But only really when I win. I hate when another dragon beats me, though I can concede if they are clearly the stronger. But not if they are the weaker. When that is the case, I get so mad, indignant, and worked up, and then everyone else starts to laugh. They laugh!

Aaand I'm getting carried away again, letting my temper rule my head. Recently, I've come to see my own ridiculousness when I get worked up, how much of a show I actually put on, and start to laugh with them once I calm. I still worry about if they're just laughing at me instead of with me, though.

Vyra understands this. She's a good friend, one of my closest. But she can't really do anything about it, given that's not really her area of finesse. So she just understands and thinks, comforting me when my own insecurities get the better of my common sense. She's also very strong and independent and...right, right, enough getting carried away...

Enough talking about my friends (much though I care for them), I have one last story to tell...


Sunburst shot out of his cave with his usual eager impatience, then screeched to a stop in front of the open clearing. His talons raked the wet dirt to express his eagerness, while his eyes watched Thiadith calmly move down the winding path. The pearless pearlcatcher was carefully guiding a very small skydancer hatchling with bright eyes and a curious expression.

To those who knew him, Thiadith had never truly recovered since the day he lost his pearl in an attack, but to the outside observer he was healthy and fine. The healer's regeneration kept physical injuries from lasting, but did nothing to heal the wounds of the mind.

Sunburst, however, currently had his eyes on the youngster being guided into the clan, and he missed fading signs of injury evident on Thiadith even from this distance. The cream- and orange-coloured hatchling stared at Sunburst for a long, long time, first uncomprehending, then recognition shone. She then ran up to him, though Sunburst himself was momentarily confused. She was familiar, but...

The hatchling's eyes were incredibly wide in joy; they looked like twin suns about to burst. And then they did. The little skydancer cried tears of mixed joy and pain, leaning against Sunburst's strong shoulder as he leaned down to brace her.

"Brother," she gasped between sobs. "My brother!"

Then it hit Sunburst, and he immediately unfolded his wings to hug her with them. A younger sister, that's why she was so familiar.

Other dragons turned their heads to watch the commotion. Rain, Sunburst's adopted son, peeked his head out of his cave and then retreated with a confused, almost hurt expression. I'm sorry, Sunburst thought apologetically, having seen out of the corner of his eye. He made a mental note to speak with Rain later, then turned his head to his little sister. "What is your name, little one?"

"I am Arathanar," the little skydancer told him proudly, holding her head high and wiping tears from her face.

"And I, am Sunburst," Sunburst replied with a smile, happy to be introducing himself to not just another dragon, but one of his own flesh and blood. Then he laughed, a laugh of pure delight. "I can't believe it: I've finally found one of my own!"

Arathanar hugged him back tighter, but could not find words to properly express her own joy.

"Imagine all of the things we could do together, my little sister," Sunburst mused, smiling, for a moment lost in thought. Then he turned, scrambled back to his feet, and held Thiadith's faintly-scarred talons in his own. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, truly, for bringing my sister home!"

"No worries, Sunburst," Thiadith chuckled, though a shift in his stance belied that Sunburst's thanks had touched him. He'd never been thanked quite like that before.

"Finally, my story has a happy ending," Sunburst gave a smiled, as he rubbed the side of his head against his sister's.

And indeed it did...

This wonderful bio is courtesy of the wonderful ArcaneShadows. (I did do some editing to fit it in with the pre-existing feel of my clan lore, though.)

Name: Sunburst.
Pronunciation: suhn-buhr-st.
Gender: Male.
Sex: Male.
Age: Early adulthood.
Occupation: Messenger and secondary warrior.
Autumn (mother), Midas (father), Cavador (older half-brother), Drisa (older half-sistr), Ages (older half-brother), Tigerfang (older half-brother), Medea (older half-sister), Galileo (older half-brother), earthfly (nestmate brother/quintuplet), CheeseCake (nestmate brother/quintuplet), Acolight (nestmate sister/quintuplet), Homados (nestmate brother/quintuplet), Arathanar (younger sister), Starblade (younger brother), Belin (younger brother), Rain (adoptive son).
Element: Light.
Flight: Lightning.
Home Clan: GoddessGrey's (lore clanname unknown, using username as placeholder).
Current Clan: Auric.

Personality: Vain, curious, inquisitive, slightly dramatic, easygoing, empathic, and secretly insecure. Sunburst likes his jewelry (and indeed wears a lot of it), but is practical when expecting combat. Speaking of combat, if a weaker opponent manages to injure him, then he gets hilariously angry and indignant over it (though he's experienced enough by now to not lose his head to it). He can also be a bit mischievous, but it's never malicious.
Voice: A light tenor, but pleasant to listen to. Usually cheerful and/or enthusiastic, may hold a mischievous tone at times. Can mimic birdsong and anyone whose voice falls within the same vocal range of his own. Can also sing in a pleasant countertenor.
Likes: Sunbathing, flying, talking with friends, polishing his jewelry, trying out new looks, grooming.
Dislikes: Taking injuries from lesser opponents, pointless loud noise, having been given up for auction within moments of hatching.
Friends: Vyra, Aoibhneas, Ipala, Rain, Invathi, Shadefinder, Serrel, Thiadith, Skyla, Shimmer, Artegal, Essence, Arkania, Tori, Akomre, Savavi, Kristian.
Enemies: While he considers Shimmer a friend, this is not mutual. Also, Sunburst is uncertain of how to take to Almandine, one of the new arrivals.

Apparel: He was either gifted the apparel or he earned it outright himself, though his glimmer often appears as if his very scales are beset with jewels. His satchel is for his job in the clan, and he is starting to get a set of armour as well.

Gijinka Appearance: 5'08'' tall, elegant yet fit and somewhat muscular build. Skintone's a moderate to darkish brown, with shoulder blade length golden blonde hair filled with feathers like those on his dragon-form headruff. There may be a faint golden cast to his neck, chest, and abdomen, which is representative of his glimmer gene - it can be the full-on glimmer, and in fact often is, but Sunburst has since mastered his ability to where he can mostly mask the gene, as it does stand out a lot otherwise. He's slightly androgynous, but still definitely male.

His two necklace apparels are very apparent, and he wears a light golden-coloured shirt under a dark brown jacket. In addition, he still wears the bracelet and anklet, but the leg band gets put in his bags - which also shift with him to accommodate his altered form. He also wears some sunglasses in human form only, because he finds they look good on him.

Other: He is accustomed to making continent-spanning flight trips from one clan to the other, and so has very good stamina for long-distance travel. This is because he has often been used to send messages to and from several allied clans, which are of Flights ranging from Arcane to Fire to Shadow to Water.

Growing up in the Shifting Expanse means that, despite being a Light dragon, Sunburst is very accustomed to flight in dangerous weather conditions, and has very strong wings for fighting uncooperative wind currents. He also has, through experience alone, a pretty good idea and even instinct developed for where lightning from a storm may strike - vital for flyers in the lands of the Lightning Flight.

Sunburst loves sunbathing, and his favoured foods include crystalplate wasps, silverfish spectres, and sweet prickleleaves. Bribes of food do work, particularly if he's just come back from a long and exhausting flight and he hasn't had a chance to eat yet.

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Exalting Sunburst to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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