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Personal Style


Echo Eater Forecallouses
Ghost Flame Tail Jewel
White Wooly Coat
Black and White Flair Scarf
Veteran's Eye Scar
Sanddune Rags
Black Linen Neck Wrap
Witch's Cobwebs
Sorcerer's Cobwebs
Echo Eater Tailspine
Unearthly Onyx Grasp
Tarnished Steel Gauntlets
Echo Eater Hindcallouses
Echo Eater Grimplate


Skin: While You Dream


Scene: Strange Chests


1.28 m
1.05 m
2.96 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 21, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245



Prime Subject

Naomi Descendent
Naomi Willow Mara
Lyka Amanita
Bred With
Tephra, Sahko,
Corrosion, Grey
Active Offspring
• 6

Art by Tatsuya Nemoto
"Everyone knows she's here. D'nt matter if you seen her or not. Most would rather she have never been brought here, Tephra probably more than anyone else. I don't count myself in that camp - it is not my place - still, what use anyone could have for such a creature is beyond me."
- Saldeti Blackclaw

Whispers of Chaos
Amanita appears to be a dragon, but Sahko is confident there is more to her than that.

Keeping of the Creature
This strange creature was captured when she wandered into the territory and was kept by Sahko as part of some unknown research project. Apparently mute, she communicates only through shaping her crests. Sahko seems to have no difficulty understanding and speaking with her, however. Although she is confined to his laboratory, there have been numerous reports from other dragons that they have seen her elsewhere in the lair, though Sahko is certain there are no means by which she could physically escape. Though few dragons willingly visit Sahko's domain within the lair, they are even more loathe to do so since Amanita's arrival, as most find her decidedly unsettling. Even more disturbing is the fact that she is allowed to roam free through his lab. Some feel his assurances of her containment are outright lies.

From her perspective, she is content in Sahko's care for the time being. Since the moment her eyes took in light upon Sorneith, she has been seeking to learn more about her heritage and expand the boundaries of her powers. So long as Sahko seems useful to her in that regard, he has only little to fear. Though it is, as if by law, that she is constantly trying to escape, testing the barriers, and magic upon her and the area, and ever trying to reach out to those beyond the space she is confined to.

Before She Became Herself
Her father is a skilled Light mage, and for a long time, she thought the strangeness of herself due to his deep mastery of magical forces. One of the few details she shared with her father was that she thought she was hearing strange voices frequently. However, Lyka did not seem willing to help her investigate this further, preferring to keep his bloodline, if not secret, then at least unremarked upon. Dissatisfied with him, and driven on by these whispers in her ear, she departed from him and her birth clan, vanishing into the world, looking for answers.
What answers she found, are not known to any but her, and she speaks of them not. In fact, she speaks of nothing at all now. For, what returned to dragon kind was something wholly unlike the young fae who left her father then. A silent watcher with unknown machinations in mind for those she interacts with.

Silent Brood
Though she has no contact with any dragons besides Sahko and his assistants, she has nonetheless managed to produce offspring.

The first time this occurred, it took Sakho several weeks to sort out what had happened, and even now, the details of how remain elusive. Eideif discovered Tephra unconscious among the nests. This was surprising enough to the Broodwatcher, as he had failed to notice the scholar's entrance, and Tephra is not known for his stealth.

In a nest near to the dark skydancer were a pair of eggs that belonged to no one Eideif had allowed into the chamber. To Eideif they seemed odd, small and shriveled things that he did not expect to be viable. Tephra once roused, was unable to provide any insights into the origin of the two eggs. Indeed, for almost a full week after the event, he seemed incapable of much beyond raving and muttering seeming nonsense and had to be confined to his personal quarters until his madness passed. However, even after that time, he was disinclined to speak about the eggs and soon departed the lair to participate in an excavation of ancient ruins which had been found in a hidden chasm in the boneyard.
Rumors swiftly spread about the bizarre event. The strongest among those were that Tephra was feigning the madness and that he had engaged with a dragon from outside the clan and had snuck the resultant eggs into the brood chamber, where he was caught. His mate, Arenna, has declined to comment on the rumors, but has become more severe and irritable than she used to be, and has taken to violent corrections upon those dragons foolish enough to speak freely about the matter within earshot.

After spending weeks studying the eggs and the resultant fae hatchlings, Sahko confirmed them to be the offspring of Amanita and Tephra, though he has doubts as to Tephra's compliance in this event. It has become clear to Sahko that Amanita possesses some ability which allows her to infest another dragon remotely. The arcane spiral finds this to be a fascinating development and that it opens up exciting new routes for his research to take. Most others in the clan would find it horrifying if they were not content with the rumors of Tephra's infidelity.

Cackling Brood
Perhaps Amanita thought to help Sahko in his studies. Perhaps she only wanted to introduce some chaos into his work. Perhaps she wanted to prove to him, that, in spite of all his precautions, even he was not safe from the reach of her abilities.

Eideif found the glittering arcane spiral writhing in one of the nests, stripped of his usual equipment and gear. The spiral turned over, long belly upward and bellowed laughter at the chamber ceiling. The ridgeback caught Sahko in his jaws and dragged him from the nest. Within were two tiny and withered eggs. When Eideif attempted to remove Sahko from the area, the spiral turned on him with intense viciousness until Eideif stood down.

"This is truth. This is the far-seeing. Gape hungry eyes, bottomless tomb. This is the far-seeing. See this! What she shows us. Lies." Sahko fell into giggling once more and encircled the nest. "A trick of the eyes. Tumorous spor-seed planted in the brain. Lies made real. Impossible things made true."

Eideif, seeing Sahko mad, called upon the guard of the keep for aid, and the arcane spiral was removed from the nesting chamber. This time, the King stepped forward and Sahko was sealed within a remote chamber of the King's Sprawl, while Sovri attempted to sort out what had happened. This time, the two withered eggs filled Eideif with dread. More than those which the meek Tephra had. Tephra had fallen to madness already. Raved for a time. However, Sahko was a far more powerful dragon than Tephra had been. This time, Eideif not only allowed, but welcomed the removal of the eggs from the brood lair, and not just because this time it was the king who requested them.

After several days Sahko was released from the King's keeping. Though Sovri did not immediately turn over the eggs to Sahko, a fact which Sahko deeply resented. The spiral set quickly to his studies. His brief madness had no apparent effect on him or his ability to work, unlike Tephra before him. After spending several days in his lab, he sent word to Sovri - a final request for his eggs to be returned to him. Sovri agreed, and they hatched in their father's care.

The next time Sahko was seen, he had made himself into a veritable abomination in his pursuit of "this far-seeing'. Covering his wings were dozens of additional eyes, all always turning and roving and rolling. A third upon his head, dominating its center, possessed a gaze which seemed to focus the full intensity of the rotting and brilliant brain behind it.

Singing Brood
It was a general rule that Amanita was not to be approached or interacted with unless under the express instruction of Sahko. Amanita however, wanted to see this rule pushed to its limit. Corrosion had already tangled with strange eldritch creatures and treacherous promises. It had resulted in his death once before. Because of this, he treated Amanita with excess caution.

But she knew, somehow, of that past and the desires which had driven him. Desires which had still not been fulfilled by his new life. Flauros had been a false lead for him. A terrible mistake. Amanita though, she promised to be far more real. Images of alternate realities twisted within the span of her wings. The tiny fae held there just as much terror as the dark gaurdian once did.

But Corrosion refused her. He would not follow that siren's song again, not yet. Though he still had great hopes for Amanita being of use, or instrumental in getting what he really wanted in the end, he did not dare to trust her. Amanita grew frustrated with Corrosions unwillingness to join in her new game. If he would not come to her, then she would come to him. Perhaps next time, then, he would heed her calls.

The day Corrosion was found, the Queen sat upon the ledge of her tower window and sang a strange and foreboding tune. Corrosion was found in the Depths of the Keep, far away from the town where he had been last seen, a mere hour before. Machinery screamed as caustic material dripped from broken reservoirs, leaving scorched pits behind on the floor as he stumbled towards the Fumarole Cauldron and called out to his mate.

Once alerted to the commotion, Sovri flew to his friend's side. Hunkered in a makeshift nest within the Cauldron's chamber and humming softly to himself was Corrosion, and two withered-looking eggs. Queimadura stood over and around them, a toxic haze filled the chamber at her agitation, burning the King's own feathers from his hide. Sovri listened to Corrosion's humming and recognized the tune as the very same his sister sang from the high tower.

Corrosion was not taken from the eggs as the other two fathers had been, but left there in the care of Madura and Putridus. Sovri checked in with them periodically, and closely monitored Corrosions condition. He was unable to speak or articulate any of what had happened between his departure from Clifftown and his arrival in the Cauldron chamber. When left alone he would sing to the two eggs in a language no one but him seem to know.

When the eggs hatched, Sahko quickly laid claim upon them. Corrosion challenged his master over this and managed to take them back. Though their mere presence was enough to drive him to madness, he did his best to treat them as his children rather than his arcane experiments.

Amanita found this very interesting.

For more details see "Children of the Siren" here.
Anara, Agent of Amanita
This powerful manticore may not seem to stand out among her fellows, but she has long served the dark and hidden fae. None in the Clan of Singing Blood have ever glimpsed her, and Anara works for her dear friend and master without the two ever having to meet in the same place, an impossibility, as Amanita is so securely kept within Sahko's lab.

It was Anara who carried the first of the Grey Fae's eggs to its destination when the Echoing Brood was ready to hatch. This allowed Grey to remain hidden and near the nest which his strange love had bestowed upon him.

For more details see "The Echoing Brood" here.


A Brief Overview of the Naomi Incident

The Naomi Incident refers to an occurrence in January of 2016. A glitch occurred that caused the standard site couriers to be replaced by Naomi, a single fae dragon within an inactive lair. (At the time, all AH goods were delivered via the message system by a set of NPC dragons.) This affected all messages normally sent by these NPC across the site.

So, she started popping up all over. When investigated by clicking on her name it would direct you to her page where her ID was #0. The user's lair had a dragon count far exceeding any number of dragons possible, even though she was the only dragon visible in her lair. Most believed that the number was of exalted dragons and her account had become a data drop for exalted dragons.

She gained a cult following and is considered by some players a part of the lore of FR and the setting. Adding to this was also the fact she was an arcane dragon, and the arcane flight is known for dealing in strange magics and often throw caution to the wind in their pursuit of knowledge which strengthened the idea of a corrupted arcane dragon glitching out the website.

She had several children, which were all exalted, save one: Willow. It is through Willow that Naomi's bloodline is available to the general player base. The owner of Willow is extremely protective of them, and as of writing, no longer breeds them.

For most Naomi's descendants are a symbol and part of wanting to keep the story alive, as well as having a dragon related to the fae dragon who caused so much chaos. Some might seek them out for lore reasons, or as a collector's oddity.

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