
Level 1 Imperial
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Scarlet Flycatcher
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Fire.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style





22.95 m
23.08 m
6946.69 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 24, 2014
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245


Rank: Eliminator-Navigator
Mate: Quattro
Gabija, often referred to as the "Elder Phoenix," has lived a hard and mysterious life.
She is soft-spoken and shy to the point of none existence, choosing to spend her days in-between the gnarled plagued roots of the dead. When she does decide to socialize, she speaks nothing but wisdom and creatures of all shapes and sizes treat her advice like a valuable currency when her words are but a whisper.
Her mate, Quattro, often tries to infringe upon her popularity by promptly assuming the position of a bitter kibitzer, causing the poor dear a start to correction when he says something to the tune of being rude.

Many find the pairing of a Pearlcatcher and an Imperial to be very odd indeed--almost as taboo considering the rivalry between their species. Gabija states, "Our unity fills the gap the Lightweaver never could."
Together, the pair often visit neighboring Flights as traveling merchants, gathering supplies and intelligence the clan thrives on. If they are insulted, the clan as a whole is--a rare aspect.
(Color: 1/25)

Storage for Hatchie:

Uh-oh, looks like this ugly bluebie wandered a little too far from her lair (51967, Parrotoss/Hisscale) and now she's off to see the world! If ever you feel the urge to exalt, she'd really appreciate it if you could just return her home instead, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here.
[She comes with a Citrine Cave Jewel familiar, a Violet Corsage, White Linen Head Wrap, a Copper Necklace, and Veteran's Scars.]
[Vekiveba 's Journal:] (add to story as she visits your lair here!)
-(age 25 min.)
Mama and Papa say I have to prove myself fit to survive in a Plague clan because I'm not pretty. I'm gonna do it by going on a journey to all the Flights and come back more pretty scarred than anyone, ever~!

-(age 4 days)
It was super busy here! I found a nice cave by the Water, and then a lot of other dragons came out and pulled me inside! It scared me, but they said it was 'for my safety.' Then a lot of the dragons went to serve the Tidelord? That's what they said. I decided to sneak out, since they were super busy...
I'll sneak out tonight.

-(age 5 days)
I found a lair cloaked in Shadow. Everyone seems pretty welcoming here, but there are some that keep separate. One matronly Snapper told me they're just passing through, but I am welcome to stay. I've come pretty far in a very short time. I think I'll nap here and see how I feel about traveling in the morning.

-(age 6 days)
Woke up and I was new colors! Not sure how that happened, but I think I will stay here for a while and see what else may change. Hope my parents will approve.

-(age 2 weeks)
I have grown much in this lair and learned to fight. I wish to move on, but one of the other warriors has asked me to nest with him. I believe I will and then begin my travels once more. I know, however, if my parents will not welcome me home I will always be welcome at this, my third lair.

-(age 4 weeks)
It has been very quiet in this lair. One of the other members taught me a neat little trick with my tail and 2 maple seeds. My familiar had wandered away during this stay but I have finally found him again hiding behind a basket of fish. I believe it is time to move on.

-(age 6 weeks)
This breezy lair is small, but growing, and is home to a few others that are not local. There's one male who shares my birthday. Excited by this fact, he's often followed me around and even found a familiar similar to mine. I'll just hold onto this flower he gave me.

-(age 6 1/2 weeks)
The dragons of Parthenon Hill have welcomed me into their home, if only for a short while. There are many misfits here, but somehow they seem to be one of the most tight-knit clans I've had the pleasure of meeting. They're all quite accommodating, especially Dionysus, who gave me a beautiful copper necklace!

-(age 6 1/2 weeks)
I don't think I'd mind it in the Abiding Boneyard if this lair weren't so crowded! The dragons who live here don't seem to mind being squished in like sardines, but this life isn't for me. Hopefully the next place I visit won't be so packed.

-(age 7 weeks)
I ended up in a Wind lair again! This one was wildly busy compared to the last one though, not to mention how downright packed it is in there. Apparently they run some sort of charity that they all pitch in to... Even the little ones are taken out in the field to help gather. (That would certainly explain why they don't tend to get a lot of food from their gathering endeavors!)

At one point I asked Auri, the head of the coliseum team, to take me with her and one of her partners out to the field. She seemed reluctant to take me along at first, but eventually I pestered convinced her though. I tried my hardest not to hold her back and eventually in the process I got a new scar on my face just like hers! Auri seemed concerned and urged me to bandage it up though... I guess it was a pretty nasty wound. It still stings enough that I leave it on, though it's not really bleeding anymore now.

They're a nice lot of dragons, that's for sure. (Even most of the ones that seem rough and grisly at first are total softies when push comes to shove!) That said, I don't think I really fit in with them really... I knew they'd be upset if I were to let them know I was leaving and eventually ended up sneaking out early one morning. I bumped into Cosette on the way out though. (Faes are so hard to see, the tiny little buggers!) I panicked, but she eventually calmed me down and told me that she understood (she was a traveler at one point herself) and had followed me out to give me a parting gift. She handed me a little parcel with some food and money in it as well as a clean bandage for my face and urged me to stay safe wherever I ended up. I thanked her and was soon on my way again...

-(age 8 weeks)
After much traveling I stumbled into one of these windy lairs again. Somehow I seem to end up in those quite often! I was given a warm welcome by several of the colorful dragons, and even though I was a little bit disappointed to be the only Pearlcatcher in this lair they made sure I enjoyed my stay. But after all I don't really feel like I belong in here, so I'll continue my journey soon!

-(age 9 weeks)
I found myself deep into the Viridian Labyrinth where there was constant noise at night from creatures. The Clan of the Fern Ballad welcome me in their lair with open arms. There were so many large dragons! Luckily I hung out with two of my kind, Magnolia and Foxglove. I helped Magnolia tend to her little ones. Even though I'm from the Abiding Boneyard, Nature dragons don't seem too bad. Maybe I should visit more clans in this region...

-(age 11 weeks)
Another clan dwelling in the Viridian Labyrinth has granted me leave to stay. Their healers (a GIGANTIC Ridgeback and a teeny tiny Fae!) were able to show me a better and more efficient way to tie my head dressings, as they prove to be difficult to secure at times. The best though was being allowed to look after a nest of little ones while their parents were off foraging.

I was surprised at first, I'm something of a total stranger after all. This clan, as was explained to me by one of the matriarch's advisers, is a haven for travelers and misfits. They welcome all kinds, as it gives them opportunity to learn and grow, hearing tales and having dragons from all corners of the world. A wondrous way to live, I think! Watching the little ones made me wish I had a small one of my own, though finding a worthy mate seems an insufferable task and actually settling down to nest just doesn't appeal. And goodness knows, that pesky familiar of mine is work enough as is! I suppose its time for me to move along, again.

[Owners I've Had:] (put your lair/username here for records!)
#51967 - Parrotoss/Hisscale
#44061 - Niamh (Water)
#32758 - Yaps (Shadow)
#58097 - B1ueFlame (Ice)
#80391 - SELehcar (Wind)
#47073 - stevebucky (Light)
#65196 - vulcanchicks (Plague)
#68692 - Harvestable (Wind)
#35128 - morningstar1 (nature)
#63944 - Mios (Wind)
#72759 - Bwee (Nature)
#56727 - Werpwerp (Nature)
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Exalting Gabija to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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