The Pefect Gnat
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Energy: 50
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0.97 m
1.41 m
1.63 kg
Eye Type
Level 16 Fae
EXP: 44880 / 71966

The Mage Three-Thousand Muster was a massacre. Before she'd arrived, Kansas could hardly believe what the reports claimed. A machine the size of a mountain, they said, all lightning and steam, summoned a storm that blocked out the Sun. Not that the Sun shone today, of course; no one would bother clearing the ash clouds when every ounce of magic ability was needed for healing. While Kansas had a knack for healing magic, she didn't exactly have the stomach for it. Having to touch someone else's blood made her lightheaded, and just the sight of any wound worse than a papercut made her feel sick. She was crouched outside the hospital tent, eyes shut tight, emptying the contents of her stomach for the fourth time today. Eighteen hours. They had been healing soldiers non-stop for eighteen hours. The elder hospitallers said they'd never seen anything like this before. And Kansas knew who was responsible. You work so hard, and for what? For Dad's approval? Does it really mean that much to you? Doesn't it mean anything to you? I don't have to prove anything to anyone, Kansas. Everything I do is for me. She thought of a million things she wished she'd had the courage to say. Kansas shook her head, took a deep breath, and re-entered the tent.
Healing magic was quite unlike other forms of magic. It required patience and focus, and was technically not limited to the reserves of magic within a caster. Healers could draw on the energy of the room, of the Sun, even the energy of a single candle, to push themselves further. Most magic was a matter of knowledge; healing was a matter of endurance. Kansas had endured all she could. After twenty-three hours in the hospital tent, and her fifth trip outside to heave, one of the elder nurses calmly told Kansas to go. Kansas did not need convincing; no matter how skilled, a healer was useless if they were too exhausted to focus. Bleary-eyed and unsteady, she returned to her own tent. Even still, once she crawled into bed, she found she could not sleep. Eyelids heavy as they were, she could hardly bear to shut them. It wasn't the wounded soldiers, the blood and gashes and broken bones; it was the carcass of that machine, laid sprawled out on the side of the hill where it was finally defeated, that was burned into her mind. She knew her sister built that thing. Boston had left Laccolith two months ago. Before then, Kansas had never spent more than a day without her sister, but now she felt like they would never see one another again. If it weren't for that machine, she might not even know if Boston was alive. She rolled over onto her back. "I miss you," she whispered to the empty tent. Even though she knew it was impossible, she hoped that Boston could hear her.
Sister, If you're reading this, then I've already left for good. I didn't take much, only what I could carry - anything I left behind is yours. I just couldn't stand to watch the world turn dark and not do something about it. I hope you can understand. I know you're already thinking about coming after me - don't. The last thing Dad needs is to lose the both of us, and you've got your future to think about. I know you were accepted into the Gneissic Mages. Besides...Mom and Dad can manage along fine without me. They always loved you more, anyways. I'll write to you again as soon as I can. I'll find some way to keep it secret from Dad. Know that I'm doing this because of them, and not because of you. I still love you with all my heart, and I know you'll do great things with your life. I just have to make sure you can do them in a world worth living in. With all my love, Boston "And though it's always been with me I must tear down the wall and let it be All I am, and all that I was ever meant to be In harmony, shining through And smiling back at all who wait to cross There is no loss" Kansas, The Wall |
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