
Shadow Ambassador
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Obscuring Goblin
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Standard of the Shadowbinder
Simple Pearly Necklace
Pretty Purple Arm Bow
Simple Pearly Bracelets
Shady Emblem
Trickster's Magic Cards
Shadow Aura
Conjurer's Hat
Shadow's Charm
Murkmirth Halo


Skin: The Night's Lament


Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain


23.48 m
24.28 m
6337.93 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Feb 13, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 10 Imperial
EXP: 2676 / 27676
Mist Slash


|Shadow Ambassador|
Adele takes on her own important mission from her home clan, Crowtalon. She chose to be loving and fun like her father while strong like her mother. At the time, Solar Cell was three months old. Having finally got groups strengthened, they were reaching out to help any dragons who needed a clan. The clan had ten new spaces to fill with new faces. Dragons like Jewel, Luna, and Mist were some of the first few two come. At the same time Adele's parents were sending their hatchlings out into the corners of world on adventures of their own.

Adle was the last one of all the hatchlings to leave the nest and head out into her new world. She headed North hoping to still live in the woods like she had for several days. However, even as a young hatchling, Adele wanted to stay in touch with her Shadow side. Filled with determination, go-luck spirit, and a hooded cape she climbed out of the clan's entrance and out of the barriers of Crowtalon. She continued walking through the lightly snowed woods, when she ran across a large half-frozen river. She stopped at the edge to get a drink. It cooled her hot breath and vapor swirled in the air like she breathed fire. Looking in the reflection, she noticed purple eyed creature in the trees. Adele looked up at it but by the time she did it was gone.Suddenly, a loud howl followed by a snap of twigs nearby caught her attention on the opposite of the river.

She looked over to see a Mirror hatchling emerge from a bush panting hard. He looked around frantically, then spotted Adele on the other side of the river. "HEY, YOU THERE! RUN!" Just then a large black wolf jumped out of of the shrubs behind Adele, passed her, and jumped the river. " Hurry!" A tree fell down 20 feet away from where Adele stood. She looked back and saw a large figure charging towards her. She turned back and rushed to a fallen log to cross the river. The beast didn't slow. She ran as fast as she could without slipping into the frigid waters. The mirror waited tense and nervous at the approaching creature. " You're almost there!'' Adele jumped the last few feet and started to run side by side next to the mirror. Apparently, the wolf was his familiar hat covered they're rear. The large figure jumped the river with ease and was gaining speed.

The two ran, dodging roots and moss-covered boulders but their purser was too. The figure drew a blade and slashed at them nearly hitting her antler. The mirror whistled a high pitch. The black wolf from before jumped from out of the bush and tackled the figure. "Hurry up here," the mirror grabbed Adele's arm and pointed to a tree. She nodded and ran panting hard. They grabbed branches and dug their claws into the bark to climb high. "We should help your wolf!" She said catching her breath. "Trust me, we are! No take one of these and throw!" The mirror held out a honey comb; it dripped honey off the sides and several bees were buzzing around. "Please tell me you didn't get those out of a beehive?" "Of course not! That would be ridiculous! I got them out of hornets nest."

He whistled again and the wolf came running back to the tree, the figure followed much more angry. "Now, when he gets right under the tree, let it rain." He handed her both honeycombs and climbed higher up the tree. " Where do you think you're going!" "You'll see!"The creature drew his sword once again and was about to take a swing at the wolf when Adele threw a honeycomb down on his face. It shook its head, growled, and raised his sword when she threw another. The creature had had enough of this. He stopped to pull the honey off his face and came charging back at the tree. He swung hard with his sword into the tree. It shook nearly knocking her out. The creature kept chopping at the tree when a loud crack rang out. He laughed a nasty wicked cackle as he looked up at her. His eyes were furious but amused seeing the young imperial hang on for dear life. As he swung back his sword for one finally blow, she closed her eyes and braced herself, the tree leaned risking her falling out at any second. Then came the crack of a tree, but it wasn't the trunk. She heard the figure howling in angry and frustration. She looked down and saw him waving his arms about as he was covered in the hive with hornets coming to sting their intruder.

"Right on the nogg'in," cheered the mirror. He reached down a grabbed her arm and pulled her up. They looked at the creature as it ran off. They wouldn't see it for a while."Whew! I think we can relax, you know you had some good comb chucking skills back there! Want to let me in on the secret, could tell me if you want to come back to MY clan!" "You have a clan?" Adele said it sarcastically but smiled. This was a funny mirror, troublesome but funny. "Yup, right through those trees, this is just my hangout spot. Built both all by myself ." "Well if it looks anything like this trashed place, I hope you can return it." she smirked. His face turned pink then red. He was about to retaliate when CRACK! The tree, jolted down, split from its trunk. Adele grabbed hold of a branch and tried to grab his in time but the missed his paw by a clawtip.

It was over in a second. She jumped off the tree and pushed branches of leaves out of the way. He has to be okay she thought, please be okay! She tore branches off the tree and tears started to form in her eyes. Under an arch of branches that stopped the whole tree, she found him, but he was hurt bad. He lay unconscious, a bruised arm and ribs. Adele froze. What could she do? She looked towards her surrounding but it was just trees, she didn't know this place. She looked at the Black Wolf that nudged the mirror lightly. It looked her in the eyes as if trying to tell Adele something. She stared back at the wolf, her eyes dripping tears.

Then a rustle from a tree caught her attention. It was that purple-eyed creature. It jumped down from the trees and stared at her. Adele stared back at the creature and was about to speak, but the creature backed away slowly while grinning. Its head motioned for them to follow. Adele did. She place the mirror on the wolf's back and both followed the creature.
As they walked, the forest got darker. It was no problem to see for Adele, she was born in a cave. But she thought for a moment that something was wrong. She noticed that the trees had been scuffed. Something lived here. Then, the creature stopped. It looked to see if Adele followed it, then began running.

It took Adele by surprise but she ran faster and faster making sure the mirror stayed on that wolf's back. But the purple-eyed creature disappeared. She focused so hard on it she didn;t see the tree roots beneath her and fell. The wolf stopped and helped her up. She looked up but it was gone. ''No! Please come back!'' Her legs hurt from the fall but she didn't care. She had to keep going. Then the worse came. Blizzard!

She started feeling the snowflakes on her head. She looked at that mirror. His body was blue. ''You're going to be alright!'' She took off her cape and covered him. Around them, snow, and wind brushed their faces making it hard to walk without sliding backwards on the icy ground. But they dug in to the earth and pushed on. She followed the scuffs on the trees her only sign of civilization. About thirty minutes more they trekked and it was when something familiar rung her ears.

A howl! It was the one from before that beast struck. She looked forward and saw a light. She was filled with hope. She used all her strength and ran as fast as she could. But as she neared, she noticed something wrong with the light. It wasn't on a tree, it was being held. IT WAS BEING HELD BY ANOTHER BEAST! It was smaller than the first one,but it sure was vicious. It howled loudly as it held the torch with its long arms. It became annoyed by the lack of response. Adele realized the creature they fought before must be this one's friends and tried to stop her running pace but instead slid forward. She hit the creature and knocked him off balanced. Both got up quickly.

It picked up the torch and swung its arm back to hit Adele. She slid to the side and it snarled and tried again. She ducked again. She saw an opening and headbutted his gut. The beast screamed as the antlers hit its gut, but recovered quick and grabbed her. It gripped her hard and snickered. Adele bit his arm but it only flinched and prepared to swing her into a tree. Crack. A branched broke, making the beast jump. It looked up. Then, the purple-eyed creature was on top of him, shooting out of the trees. It let go of Adele and turned towards the creature. It snarled and said something under his gargled breath,'' Dirty Goblin!'' The goblin grinned and slashed forward. It sliced the beast's hand. The beast screeched and dropped the torch. It swung its arms wildly.The goblin dodged them easily. The beast was angered and slammed its arms into the tree.

Adele thought it was just stupid but realized what it had done. Spiky icicles fell down from the tree branches. The goblin dodged them, but the icicles broke into small shards on the ground sending a barrage of ice into the goblin's eyes. It squinted and tried to make contact, but the beast leaned back to dodge and hit it with its long arms. The goblin was sent flying, crashing on the ground. The beast held its arm. The bite and slice had taken its toll. It slowly walked towards the goblin. It struggled to get up, but the beast made over. It stepped on the goblin. It snickered and crushed the goblin harder. Adele had to help. She saw her only weapon, the torch. She picked it up and charged at the beast. It raised its arms as the goblin tried to slash at it. Just as the beast was coming down, Adele rammed into it, antlers first. It fell sideways and looked up. Adele then hit him with the torch. It screeched and covered its face. It tried to kick her but Adele hit it with the flames again.

The beast had enough of these two and squirmed away. Adele turned towards the goblin. It was still there. It smiled and purred. ''Thank you for saving me,'' Adele said petting its headed. It nodded and turned to see the Black Wolf finally arrive. It started walking once more, staying close to Adele. It was only about ten minutes when they all saw it, real light. This must be the clan, the mirror talked about. The blizzard couldn't reach here. It was protected by the thick tree canopy.

She looked all around, torches, houses, dragons! Two dragons flew down to Adele. ''Hello, how may we assist you?'' They looked at Adele then to the mirror. ''NightShade! What happened? Was this a beast? Did you do this?'' Adele spoke up,''It was a beast and he needs help!'' Another adult mirror came up. She was purple all over but her eyes. They were green. ''Glimmer, hurry, it's Moonstone's kid!'' A fae flew quickly over and instructed Nightshade[that mirror Adele's helped] be brought to her place. Adele wanted to follow, but the Adult mirror said he'd be alright. ''I want to thank you for him here,'' the mirror spoke,'' What is your name?''

''My name is Adele, miss.'' ''What a lovely name,'' The mirror smiled,''Mine's Lavender.'' Adele started to worry. ''Am I gong to have to leave miss Lavender?'' ''Now why do you think that.'' ''Well, I'm not even from here, nor am I even the same flight. The leader probably won't even accept me, probably thinks I did this. But I swear it wasn't me!'' ''Now now, calm down. The leader isn't going to send you away just because your from a different flight.''
''How do you know?'' Adele's voice was trembling both from worry and the cold. Lavender approached her and whispered in her ear,''Because, I've seen that goblin roaming around here growling at everyone who trespasses. I haven't heard one growl since you showed up.'' She stood up straight. ''Miss, that's nice and all but what if the leader doesn't feel the same way?''

The mirror smiled. Well follow me and we'll talk to the leader. Adele followed her. So did the goblin. They climbed to a house in the trees, there two guards stood watch. They let them pass as they entered the room. It was really warm. Torches filled the room with light and warmth. ''Now, you wanted to speak to the leader, right?'' Adele nodded looking a tad confused. ''An adult tundra walked in wearing a bandana and cape. ''So chief how's it going? Who's this?'' Adele's mouth fell open. ''YOU'RE THE LEADER!'' Both dragons laughed. ''Yup, now how would you like to stay here?''

From that moment, Adele has been part of the clan. Lavender allowed her to be a shadow ambassador, which was great too since she found out that Crowtalon was where she was from. Nightshade turned out just fine, actually became her neighbor. Both hang out in the woods[, well trained this time .3.] in their free time usually playing beasts and dragons[like cowboys and indians but better]. As for her goblin, it's the best! It follows her everywhere she goes and even rides on her back when she visits her parents in Crowtalon. It'll occasionally growl at them but always ends up friends with someone new. So about 100 more visits till it stops growling. Adele even learned a new game from her old clan that she brought here, the art of ''PICK A CARD ANY CARD!''Guess right and you win a free bone crown[it doesn't actually work that way, that takes 250 bone fragment some cash, which u ran out of when you paid to played that card trick. Viva la Tricksters!]
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