
Level 8 Imperial
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Imperial
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24.74 m
14.61 m
6895.15 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 10, 2017
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Imperial
EXP: 15710 / 16009
Diseased Might Fragment



BELONGS TO @Windshear

OUTDATED LORE- please ignore anything that indicates he belongs to a clan or has relationships with other dragons, because that's from his previous Clan. Thank you.

Fodder Rescue

Value: powerful warrior




Warrior, Scout, Hunter, Guard

Current Life-

Insomnia’s life is one of mostly fighting and training. His list of responsibilities is a long one, starting with being a Warrior as well as a General. Insomnia typically plans all of the battling strategies as well as being the one to instruct the clan when they get to a point where war is the only answer. He trains long and hard every day to lead the clan into battle when Death has other problems to deal with, which is often. He takes his job as second in command very seriously.

If Death ever leaves for the day, you can bet Insomnia will be on top of his duties. As a Scout, he often flies off every day with Death, splitting up with him and looking for trouble. Insomnia is also the leader of the hunting party, taking them out every morning. Most days, he stays at his post on the boarder of Blue Star’s territory and keeps an eye out for any intruders.

Insomnia is definitely exceedingly happy with his life now, even though he is riddled with guilt about his past, which we’ll get into later. He loves being a Warrior, and he loves the Blue Star clan even more, so he would never complain about how he’s living. Insomnia, over all, is one happy Imperial. He loves all the other dragons in the clan, even the ones he claims not to love, and is very protective of them despite how he sometimes acts with them.

The other dragons have mixed views about Insomnia. There are some who resent him for being forgiven and moved up the ranks like he never did anything wrong, and there are some who hate him simply for what he did.

The Night Warriors ten to dislike him for his juvenile attitude, whereas over half the dragons in the clan love him. The few who don’t are discredited, mostly because they don’t know his real story. All in all, all of the clan listens to him and respects him, even though there are some who really don’t like him at all.

Insomnia is currently mated with the dragon he’s loved since she first joined the clan, and while they may not yet be a real family, they are very much in love with one another. Insomnia is proud to be mated with the most beautiful and optimistic dragon in the entire clan, Zoe.


This part gets complicated. Insomnia was born in Plague to a clan that was absolutely despicable. They killed for sport, and they bullied just about everything that set foot in Plague territory. Insomnia was born with many older siblings. He was the youngest and the smallest. Most would say that made him the weakest. However, from the beginning, he showed a talent for battling, so the Alpha allowed him to stay. He grew up surrounded by competition and hatred, even within his family. He was hurt more often than any hatchling his age should have been.

Of course, as long as there was something to kill, Insomnia was typically ignored along with the other dragons in the clan. Unfortunately, a brand new disease was sweeping through the land. Food became scarce. One by one, every dragon died. Insomnia’s mother, in a desperate effort to save her children, sent them all to the Plaguebringer, where they could be immortal. Insomnia refused to go. He wasn’t going to leave his life behind. Not even for the deity he worshipped.

Instead, he stayed with his horrible clan and grew from a hatchling to a young adult. It was then that everything changed for good. The new disease killed his family, leaving only three dragons behind. Insomnia, the Alpha, and the last Beta. The three of them stayed together, scavenging their barren territory in Plague for days upon days and finding nothing at all in the ruined land.

Eventually, the red-eyed dragons gave up on ever finding any more food in their territory. They began to scout the rest of Plague, only to be chased off by other clans. The Alpha took the remaining two dragons to Shadow territory, where food was far more plentiful. Insomnia and the others got comfortable and decided to live there for a bit. One day, they were on a hunting trip to the Driftwood Drag, where they ran into a young Mirror and Guardian.

The Alpha nodded at his soldiers, and the three of them surrounded them. After a long fight, Insomnia grabbed the Mirror by the throat and threw him against the cliffs. When he didn’t move again, Insomnia and the other dragons left. But Insomnia couldn’t sleep that night. Not with blood on his talons. To prove to himself that he still had some worth, he faced his Alpha in the morning.

He demanded they not kill for fun anymore. Instead of an agreement, the two dragons challenged Insomnia, who won, but not by much. He left the corpses of the two dragons behind and continued on his way. There was a bad wound on his leg, so he didn’t get far. Instead, he found the Mirror and the Guardian again a few weeks later. Death, the Mirror, had started his own clan and was not happy to see Insomnia, who begged for mercy. Soon enough, Death understood and began to trust the dragon. Now, he is second only to Natiri and Jason in Death’s eyes, and became his best friend by saving his tail in battle… a lot.


Now this may surprise you, but Insomnia hates to be bored. He always loves to be up and about, having as much fun as possible before the end of the day. Of course, his idea of fun is training and battling and helping others do the same.

Don’t be fooled, though. This dragon is a total trickster. Nothing satisfies him more than a good prank, when executed properly. A good laugh is something that Insomnia has always cherished, considering his playful side was pushed back as a hatchling. And playful he is.

Insomnia loves to have a good time, and even more than that, he can’t get enough of competition. He loves to outdo others and show off with his great skills. He hates just laying around sleeping, and would rather die than sit still for more than an hour. This dragon is energetic in all the best ways, and he is always up for a joke. Insomnia is brave, however, in that nothing can truly scare him. Not anymore.

This Imperial is protective of his friends and family in the clan, and he would die for any of them in a heartbeat, knowing that most of them would return the favor if they ever had that choice to make.

Insomnia is also a lot like Death in certain ways, which could be why they became friends so quickly. Insomnia is stubborn as any teenage girl, and he would never back down when issued a challenge. He is quick to respond and even quicker to judge, and it takes a lot to gain his trust if he doesn’t have a good feeling about you from the start. Most would agree that Insomnia is a good Imperial with a pure heart. He tries to do the right thing, but if he’s doing the wrong thing for the right reason, he could be content with that too.

He is even responsible to a point, despite his occasionally childish behavior. That childish behavior is what makes him approachable. If he didn’t have that, everyone would be afraid of him because of both his skills and his personality. Word to the wise, don’t make Insomnia mad.

No one crosses him when he’s angry. Ever. If you do, it’s your funeral. The reason for that is when Insomnia gets angry, you better watch out and stay out of his line of fire. That Imperial means business if you make him mad. But he tries to keep his cool most of the time. Actually, he tries all of the time but only succeeds some of the time. It may not be a foul temper, but it’s certainly enough to keep a few enemies away from him when they’re battling.
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Exalting Insomnia to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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