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Heckling Hydrena
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Energy: 19/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Female Spiral
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Personal Style


Moondust Starsilk Earrings
Darksteel Earrings of Necromancy
Silver Filigree Helmet
Gossamer Silk Scarf
Unearthly Onyx Pendants
Silver Filigree Gauntlets
Advisor Overcoat
Midnight Sandwastes Sash
Swashbuckler's Cutlass
Gossamer Silk Sash
Pearl Flourish Anklets
Gossamer Leg Silks
Simple Iron Wing Bangles
Gossamer Wing Silks
Pearl Flourish Wing Drape
Pearl Flourish Tail Drape
Advisor Tail Sleeve




4.21 m
2.36 m
56.64 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 11, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 17 Spiral
EXP: 40058 / 81619





Expertly-Crafted Spear Broken Bottle Metal Spring
Playful | Tricky | Dramatic | Troublesome
Full Name: Thore Icepeak
Birthplace: Southern Icefield

Current Status: Healthy
Current Age: 21

Mate: NA
Friends: Impa, Zaiku, Fara, Karno

Occupation: Scout, Escort
Hoards: playing cards, sleep aids, jars

Thore is one of the clan's warriors and one of Argok's more troublesome students. She’s quite the character, and while she has the potential to become a great warrior, she often gets herself into unnecessary trouble due to her habitual lying. It’s mostly harmless, but sometimes, well, it’s not so harmless. Argok has had to give her a stern talking to after such situations occur, which she tends to just laugh off before promising to do better. It’s mostly the truth.


- Hatchling Biography -
Thore was born into a thriving spiral colony, located in the heart of the Southern Icefields’ thickest tundra. She was well loved, but considered one of the more difficult hatchlings in the sense that she had the tendency to go too far with jokes at the most inopportune times.

A true troublemaker to her core, Thore spent her youth giving her parents and elder’s stress induced headaches and mini heart attacks.

- Adolescent Biography -
When Thore came of age, she was put through training to become one of the clan’s healers. While her parents hoped that it would help focus their daughter’s destructive energy into something more productive, it only proved that she wasn’t cut out for such a delicate craft. Thore didn’t enjoy or thrive during her training, but most of her friends were also learning to be healers as well, so at least she wasn’t alone.

However, things changed when the colony decided to send some of their healers in training to a neighboring colony known for their mastery of the pure arts, with only Thore among them. Angered at the decision, Thore argued that out of the apprentices, she should be the last to go, considering her lack of talent, but the elders and her parents were adamant in their decision.

With a tearful goodbye, Thore left the colony with four other apprentice healers and an escort to start their new apprenticeships with the neighboring masters.

Unfortunately, they never made it.

Their group was attacked and they were separated, chased off and captured by their unknown assailants. Thore, with a mixture of luck and her naturally quick reflexes, managed to escape, darting away from her attacker and hightailing it away as fast as she could. She did not see what became of the other four or their escort, something that would later haunt her, but in that moment, all she could think about was getting away from her pursuer.

When she had put enough distance between them, she found a good hiding spot and finally began to process what happened and what it would mean. She’s now alone, lost, with no money and no idea what to do next and such realizations bring her to tears.

When she’d wept long enough, she steeled herself for the journey ahead and the single goal that she would need to achieve.

She needed to survive.

- Adult Biography -
And survive she does.

After the incident, Thore had found a small town where one of the local innkeepers took one look at her before bringing her inside, feeding her and giving her a room for the night, free of charge. It’s there, in a dingy, musty little room, after waking from horrible nightmares, that she resolves to become stronger, faster, and smarter. So she can always get away from her enemies and help others do the same.

She ends up wandering as a rogue, learning multiple fighting styles from teachers in different regions. Her bluffing skills and natural tendency to lie gets her in a lot of tight spots, but in combination with her newly learned fighting skills, she always manages to come out better than the opposer.

It’s during one of these situations that Thore comes into contact with Ausha, who had gotten into some trouble of her own. Deciding to band together, the two manage to squirm their way out of harm without hurting anyone else in the process and Ausha is impressed, both by her spunk and her quick thinking. She offers Thore a place in the clan and the spiral takes the offer. She’d hated traveling by herself.

Once she’s taken in and inducted as an official clan member, she’s put under Argok’s care to train. And while her attention span can be a bit short and she’s rather pesky at times, she shows promise in the art of fighting, something she seems to be quite gleeful about.

It’s only later, when she’s slowly settling in, that she meets Impa, who had been on a trip with Pleo looking for some specific potion ingredients only found within the Stormcatcher’s territory. The two hit it off right from the start and they’ve become inseparable ever since.

Thore's friendship with Impa only encourages her to continue in her troublemaking ways, but she's become a lot better at knowing when she's gone too far and when she needs to behave.

Thore grows alongside her new family and clan and she finds that she’s happy with where she is now, really, she is, but she’s haunted by the unknown fates of her fellow apprentices from that fateful night and it gives her nightmares.

She tries to keep them quiet, but she’s pretty sure that Pleo and Ausha have noticed the bags under her eyes. They’ve never tried to address it, but Pleo sometimes shoves tea into her face and tells her it helps with sleep and Ausha gives her a pat on the head and says that it’s really important to rest your mind as much as your body.

She’s grateful, and sometimes it helps, but sometimes it doesn’t and those nights are always hard. But on those nights she thinks of all her new family and friends and her new job that she enjoys and thinks that she’s pretty lucky that her only problem is a couple of nightmares.

- Additional Notes -
[Received the rosette gene on 01-18-2018]

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