
Level 1 Skydancer
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Enduring Goblin
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Energy: 46/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Skydancer
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Personal Style


Glowing Red Clawtips
Sanguine Rose Thorn Leg Tangle
Sanguine Rose Thorn Banner
Sanguine Rose Thorn Collar
Sanguine Rose Thorn Arm Tangle
Sanguine Rose Thorn Crown
Sanguine Rose Thorn Gloves
Sanguine Rose Thorn Stockings
Sanguine Rose Thorn Wing Tangle
Sanguine Rose Thorn Tail Tangle




3.52 m
6.8 m
360.39 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 28, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245



sea of bitterness
Queen of the Mirror Realm


neutral evil
power ; money ; respect
rudeness ; feeling helpless

PERSONALITYXX Cunning || Brutal || Envious

Mary was always meant to be in charge, and she knows it. She has always been envious of royalty, and the respect and admiration that they receive. As someone who grew up with nothing, she is ravenous for anything she can get her hands on. Mary isn't afraid to get her hands dirty with murder or torture, and will do anything to get to the top.

In addition to her brutality and envious nature, Mary is a very cunning dragon. She's very good and pretending to be kind and normal, only to snap when the other dragon is least expecting it and taking advantage of them. Many dragons feel unease around her but are uncertain as to why.

STORY Everyone has one to tell.


Mary was born on a small homestead in near the outskirts of a small village. Her mother was a weak, feeble woman, who spent all day taking care of the house or attempting to sell her fake magical artifacts. Meanwhile, Mary's father was never truly a part of her life. When she was only a hatchling still, her mother drove him out after one of his drunken rages. Her mother tried to hide the truth from Mary, but she could still hear the whispers of the other dragons in the town. Her father had ran off drunk, and had drowned himself in the river near their home.

Jealousy was a normal part of Mary's life from a very early age. She can still remember when the Royal Family paraded through town. The King and the Queen looked so happy, and crowned in silver adornments and framed with silk. The other dragons cheered or weeped towards their royals. Mary seethed. It wasn't enough to see wealth and power. She wanted it for herself.

As she grew, Mary's powers grew as well. While her mother's magic trinkets were false and cheap, Mary began to show a penchance for Catoptromancy, or Mirror Magic. Mary could view the past, or glimpse the future in the mirrors. Eventually, she got powerful enough to be able to walk through the mirrors she had etched her magical name on to.

Her obsession with power and beauty grew steadily worse as Mary began to become more powerful. She could trap images in her mirrors now, and she used that to try and ease the anger burning inside of her. She framed the image of the river that dragged her father down. She captured the image of the Castle and all of it's glory in another mirror. Mary even locked away the image of her quant town, welcoming the Royals to it's pitiful dirt roads.

Eventually, Mary's mother died. No dragon is quite sure how she passed away, or where she was buried. Mary prefers to keep quiet about her mother's absence. She definitely doesn't want any dragon finding the mirror that Mary shoved her mother into, either.

Mary's chance for power literally knocked on her door one day. At first, Mary was going to screech at the rude dragon to leave her be and come again another day, but when she swung open the door, she saw the beautiful form of the Princess standing there. Mary felt a pinch of fear that perhaps she had been found out, but it quickly dissipated as Shatter entered Mary's home and began to converse with the Mirror Witch.

Mary played along with Shatter's confidence. She bowed and asked meek in the face of Shatter. All the while, Mary was screaming for joy inside of her head. Whatever spell or magic that Shatter wished to see, Mary graciously showed her. It wasn't long before Shatter began to come with her for things other than magic. She began to come to Mary for advice and companionship.

For a while there, Mary almost lost sight of her original goal. She found herself being honest with Shatter on multiple occasions. It was as if she had forgotten to lie, and had forgotten to be on her guard. On one particular occasion, Mary almost gave away too much of her power. It had started out so innocently...

"My tutors have begun to teach me how to view through mirrors," Shatter mentioned offhand, as she sipped happily on the cup of tea in front of her.

Mary nodded and hummed comfortably.

"It's quite difficult, you know," Shatter continued, "Seeing the past, or the future is much simpler... Seeing the present and a different location entirely? Now that is challenging."

"It is not too hard," Mary commented softly, thinking of when she had first learned how to do it herself, "You just have to ground yourself in this time and this realm and let your magic wander for you."

Shatter eyed her strangely, and Mary suddenly felt her brain catch up with her mouth. For all Shatter knew, Mary was just a regular Mirror Witch. They could see into the past, and see the future a tiny bit, but Spying was a decidingly Royal ability. The ability to view the present was a power that only Royalty was allowed to practice, and only Royalty was known to be able to master.

"I-I mean, of course," Mary said calmly, "That from my readings, it does not seem too difficult."

Shatter continued to stare at her for a few more moments before shrugging and smiling, "My father says that books on magic are for those who don't have the inate ability."

Mary fought down the fury that suddenly washed over her and shrugged noncommitingly. Eventually, the two lapsed back into safer topics.

It wasn't long after this encounter that Mary finally made her final move to seize the power she had longed for since she was a hatchling. In hindsight, the puppet spell was decidingly too easy to place on the King. She was almost disappointed in how quickly his mind bent to her magic and how easy it was to replace him with a Reflection.

The only crack in the plan occured when Mary attempted to deal with Shatter. She had meant to stick her in a mirror as she had done to her mother so very long ago. Instead, something went wrong. Fracture had jumped to protect Shatter but had gottten pushed behind her. The spell hit Shatter on her chest, and should have sent her careening back into the mirror behind her.

It did, but instead of trapping Shatter in it, it broke the mirror. This left Mary with a broken mirror, a crown, and no clue where her newest Enemy had wound up. She had run calcualtions for weeks afterwards, pretending to be grieving. By all measurements, Shatter should be dead. It was likely that she had been trapped in the mirror and then it had been shattered, which would have killed her.

Mary hid her satisfied smile behind a dainty hand as she put away her books and calcualtions. Shatter was dead. That was all there was to it.

RELATIONSHIPS Friends, Family, Workmates

Mary pretended to be Shatter's friend for quite some time in order to get close to the throne. None of her words or emotions were real; the entire friendship was fabricated. Now, Mary views Shatter with a sense of disdain. Shatter wasn't strong enough to keep her crown, after all... And people who can't hold onto power aren't worthy of it.

Mary met Gaunt when the King (her now dead husband) assigned him as her personal guard. He's loyal, and brutally efficient when protecting her. Mary wouldn't necessarily describe her feelings for him as love, but she does think he's rather handsome and his sarcastic attitude is appropriately frustrating.


OTHER Plans, Art, etc.

  • Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary
  • Another Song: Ye Olde Hope
Moodboard by Me
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