
Level 10 Imperial
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Magic Nymph
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Female Imperial
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Scholar of Rebirth, Keeper of Past Ones

Macalania remembers being a forest. A Forest full of blue and purple crystals, strange animals and teh occasional traveller. It was an existence quite different to being a dragon. She sometimes becomes very still and just listens to the wolrd around her, like she used to do.

She also studies reincarnation and keps record of the stories of those clan members who joined the gods, beginning with Glimmer, Huberts former mate who found her and asked her to take her place.

The study of rebirth is pretty obscure, with little scientific work already done but plrenty of half-remembered stories, rumours and hersay. Macalania is not the only one with such memories and she soon came across the Multiverse Theory: that there is not only one world, but an endelss amount of them.

Scientific Works:
"Souls and Realms - A Study about Rebirth and the Multiverse"

Lore of Past Ones:

Glimmers Lore:

She saved Herberts butt one day in the Coliseum when he was moping about failing to win his loves heart instead of paying attention to the monsters. He was smitten with her strength and talked her into joining his clan. She was looking for a new place to live anyways. She let herself be charmed by Herbert and became fast friends with Gleam (who incidently is the love Herbert failed to win). She holds a kind of benevolent affection towards Fredericka, who wants to become the clans most fiersome warrior and sees Glimmer as a rival. Glimmer indulges her by halfheartedly keeping up with her, even though fighting is not really her passion.

It endlessly amuses Glimmer that Fredericka got her name wrong at that very first meeting and nobody ever has troubled themselves to correct her. Do they think Fredericka knows she is called Glimmer, not Glitter? Are they of the opinion it is a nickname: Glimmer sometimes likes to pretend it is and that it indicates some level of affection from Fredericka, but she honestly thinks Fredericka still thinks that Glitter is her real name. Oh well, it is not that much of a difference.

Rinars Lore:
He is either a mad scientist or an artist, no one is quite sure.

And he was supposed to become a lifeguard! Oh well, dergs have their own ideas.

When somebody wants to know about an absent family member or friend they ask Rinar. Rinar then paints an elaborate and abstract picture from wich you can tell the missing persons situation. Kind of. Those pictures always need a lot of interpretation.

"Either your friend is somewhere with a lot of orange or... they are dead"

Cassandras Lore:
Cassandra and Porzellan have always been best friends. Since that first day in the nursery, with both of them as the only Pearlcatchers in the Clan, they had been unseperable. Much to their caretaker Aleppos chargin. Not even the arraival of an adult Pearcatcher, Lancelot, could change that. He had been send to raise them in the proper Pearlcatcher way, but jokes on whoever send him, because Lancelot had forgotten the proper Pearlcatcher ways as soon as he arraived here. He acted like a Tundra and had their memory. Cassandra was waiting for him to turn herbivorous.
Together with Porzellan Cassadra roamed the nearby ruins and they brought back all kinds of interesting things. They kept finding those wierd statues and one day Cassandra dared Porzellan to find out more about them. Porzellan vanished for days.
What ever was she doing? She had apparently asked Siegfried about those figures, chesspieces he called them, but then he had rushed of to his nest because his eggs were hatching.That had been the last time anybody had seen her. Naturally Cassandra did not tell anyone about her dare. But she was a bit worried. Was Porzellan being stupid again?
When she finally did come back she was lugging more of those chesspieces with her. A complete ste, she proudly explained Cassandra. A set of what? A game, apparently. They would have to aks Siegfried about the rules. Then they could play!
But first Aleppo grounded Porzellan for one moon.
They found the rules to be complicated and boring. It was much more fun to make up their own games! Or sleep on a pile of the figures! They were surprisingly comfortable if stacked just right.

Theodore's Lore:[/color]

Theodore was one of the four hatchlings Gleam brought in that very first day. How he came all that way from Lightning is a mystery, and Gleam won't give straight answer.

"I flew there, silly, and you know how things are with hatchlings sometimes", was along the lines he only ever got form her. He had a feeling she wasn't telling him anymore for a reason, so he stopped asking after a while. It wasn't that important after all, he was here now, this is where he grew up, this was his home.

Even as a child he always tried to make everyone get along, even thought Kasimirs offstandish air and Charlottes lack of sense of personal space made their group rather votaile. It didn't get better when I-will-become-a-warrior Fredericka joined them, nor when headstrong Porzellan and mischiefous Cassandra did. But Theodore somehow managed to navigate the group dynamic and also include new members, such as Colonello and Cornelia , who were a bit younger than the others.

It was thus only natural for him to become the clans offical Mediator once he grew up. When he isn't on duty he helps in the kitchen and enjoys to relax in the hot springs (thogh that is nothing spcific to him, everyone in the Clan loves those).

Charlottes Lore:
Long Distance Flyer

Charlotte regularly flys to allied clans, mainly to Arenite in the Viridian Labyrinth. With her she carries messages, packages or passenger dragons of smaller breeds who couldn't make the journey through the harsh sea winds on their own.

She is not overly fond of social interactions and likes to keep to herself. In that she is very similar to Kasimir, wich is why they get along well enough to have hatchlings together. But there is nothing romatic about their relationship, even if with time Charlotte has grown used to Kasimirs sometimes company.

There are many dangers Charlotte has to brave on her flights. Irregular winds are often an annoyance. Slightly more dangerous than those are Beastclan predetors that regularly attack her in swarms. Most of the time she can either outfly them, if not a quick battle settles those affairs. But she does not always come away scratch free and whenever she has to stay on the ground to cure her injuries for longer Charlotte gets seriously annoyed.

Charlotte also likes to go expolring, wich is not always a safe past time and also regularly makes her late on her deliveries, but who no one dares to call her out on it. A nice ruin or interesting looking tree catches her eye? She will stop and examine it. Maybe even have a look around the imediate area to see what else is around. Sometimes she even find some nice loot while she is at it!

Kasimir's Lore:
Guardian of the Cliffs

Ever since she picked him up Kasimir has had a crush on Gleam. But it will be a while until he grows up and we will see if it is still there by then. He also thinks Charlotte is stupid and cannot stand the sight of those too high and mighty Pearlcatcher females. Fredericka he tolerates, she is rather unobtrusive, if a bit to much into playing warrior. And he can admit that Theodore is alright. If he just would stopp playing with everyone and wanting them all to be friends!

Now Kasimir has grow up and still is trying to impress Gleam. Does he still have that crush on her? She is mated now after all and has had her first hatchlings. With Aleppo of all people! Not that he dislikes the Fae, it's the opposite really. Being in charge of the nursery Aleppo raised and is more like Kasimirs father than anyone else. Would that make Gleam his stepmother? That would make having a crush on her rather akward. Maybe he still does, or maybe he is just trying to impress her because she is his idol. Nevertheless, he has taken up guard duty along the Cliffs, looking across the sea and fending off any approaching enemies. He takes his duty very seriously.

Since they grew up his opinon on Charlotte changed. She is still aloof and rather indipendent, but he has grown to respect her. At a time when everybody else paired up to have hatchlings they were the only adults left and felt like they were supposed to have hatchlings as well. They did, but didn't commit to each other. Kasimir next had hatchlings with Leia, but was a bit irritated by her silly nature. When Charlotte cama back form her next long distante flight he asked her if she wanted to become his permanent breeding partner, without being romantically involved. Since Charlotte was not interested in romance but would't mind hatchlings she agreed.

Nelias Lore:

Who let Nelia in the kitchen!? This will end in disatster! She will blow us all up, ruin all the food and... what is that delicious smell?

Is that coming from the kitchens? Did Aleidis cook up something great? How did she manage that with Nelia in the same room? Wait, what? Nelia baked something? That could not possibly be -

Dear Lightweaver! Who knew she had it in her. She really made all those cakes and desserts? When? How? She hasn't even been in there that long. And now she is sleeping in the middle of that disaster zone, surrounded by delicious treats.

Dres' Lore:
Dres is a cosmologist. He studies the stars and their movements. A passing merchant gave him his fieldtools as a present when Dres was still young and soon Dres was enamoured with the night sky. He spents many a night sparing up at it, studying the stars.

It was during on of those nights that he noticed someone else sitting in the courtyard, staring up to the sky. It was the female Skydancer covered with scars that had been brought in a while ago. She and her comrade had been almost starved to death and vanished into the medical bay. Was she cleared to be out here yet?
"Are you looking at the stars at well?", he asked instead. She slowly turned her head in his direction and then looked at him silently. In the dark night her black scars looked eeriy. She shook her head.
"Oh? What were you looking at then?"
She bent down and started writing in the dirt.
"Beyond", she wrote.
"Beyond?", Dres read, "Do you mead the realm of the gods?"
She nodded.
"Are you hearing the Call then? Or do you simply wish to go? If it is your scars, our hot srings should help!"
She threw him an amused look and wrote: "Already helped, scars fine now. The Call"
"Oh, that is good. That the springs helped, I mean. That you are hearing the Call is.. I mean... okay as well, I guess?" Why did he have to keep talking and emberass himself?
She chuckled and wrote: "Name?"
"I'm Dres, son of Windspar and Stella"
"Mumei", she wrote and added no information of her origin.
"Will you be leaving us soon, Mumei?"
Now Mumei shighed and simply drew a question mark.
"You don't know? Is it because you don't know wich deiety to join?"
She shook her head and looked to the floor. Was she sad?
"There is something I would have liked to do first, but I don't think I can. Not with how I am.", she wrote.
"What do you mean?"
"I would have liked to have hatchlings, but who would want me with these scars? Any children of mine might have them as well. And I wouldn't stay around to raise them for long. It would not be fair", she wrote at lengh.
Dres considered it for a while. Then he said: "Well, my mother is from a different clan so my father raised us mostly by himslef. And there is the nursery to help. Besides, our clan used to take in hatchlings and raise them all the time. And I would wan-", he cut himself of aprubtly.
But Mumei had heared what he had said and understood what he had waned to say. She stared at him intensly.
Then she wrote with shaking paws: "I have not thought you to be cruel. Did you mean what you were about to say?"
Dres took a deep breath. "Yes", he whispered.
"Why?", she wrote.
Oh how very emberassing!
"You smell nice", Dres managed to say.
"But I would not stay with you for long", she wrote.
"Yes, I know. But better a short time of happyness together than none at all. Besides, you would leave me hatchlings and I still have my clan and family so I would not be alone"
She took a deep breath and looked up to the sky again. Then she bent back down and wrote:
"I can not belive I would be this lucky. You are a very nice and handsome male."
"Oh, thank you, I really am nothing all that special"
She chuckled again and continued writing: "Is there space free in the nesting grounds at the moment?"
"Yes, should I lead the way?"

And that is how Dres followed in his fathers footsteps, kind of. Mumei left him with two adorable Skydancer daughters.


Another story about Dres is in Riels bio.

Martha's Lore:


While Irna makes juwelery from birdskulls, feathers and stones, Martha is only interested precious stones. Stones that glitter and shine. She collects them, studies the, categorises them and keeps finding new uses for them. She not only studies their srtucture and origins but also what kind of effect they have on dragons. Through that she was able to find healing properties in stones, or their opposite. She now works closely together with Cornelia the physician, Naza the head herbologist and Irna. Thanks to their efforts there is now juwlerey that will help aching wings or focus magic and a series of baths with stones targeted for diffrent ailements.

{name all offspring after stones}

Librarian, Book Hunter

She used to live in an abandoned library out in the wilderness. That was where she was found by a curious clan member. Living there had not been the worst, but also not that nice, so she followed her new companion home and joined his clan. Their library was not bad and the Receptionist appropriately bloodthiristy. Since the on site staff seemed well stocked already she decided to go book hunting instead. There are plenty of books out there, waiting to be found in old ruins, dungeons, beastclan nests and if the circumstnces are right even dragon hoards. Being a librarian is serious buisness.

She sometimes just turns up when you least expect it. Trun around a corner and there she stands. Or you blink and suddenly she is there, looking like she did not just appear out of thin air but has been there all along. It's just that you remember that she wasn't there before. Or do you?


Toxins earliest memories are of his father being exalted and his mother telling him and his two sisters that they would soon follow him. All three of them had been given throwaway names. Charcoal, Poison and Toxin. He did not understand why their mother insisted this was to be their destiny. They all three looked a lot like her, but apparently she didn't want them around. Their clan only looked on listlessly. It wasn't their buisness if a dragon raised her hatchlings to be exalted. Other dragons exalted their hatchlings straight away, it was common enough.
But while the siblings parroted their mothers teachings Toxin wondered. Why should he obey his loveless mothers words? Why should he sacrifice himslef for some glory he had no part in? Was this realm not also worth living in?
He never shared these thoughts, harboured them in secret and prepared. Finally, the day before he was supposed to be exalted, he fled. In the dark of night and with the help of some spiced drinks for the guards he managed to sneak away. Since it had not been deamed important he didn't know much about geography. So he just picked one direction and stuck with it. For a long time he flew over thick jungles. Then those jungles gave way to swampy deltas and finally a hughe body of water. Toxin kept flying, even if he was tired, and made it across the big water. He later learned it had been the sea and was actually much bigger in other places. As it was he was exhausted once he reached land again. He landed right at the cliffs and just managed to drag himslef in the cover of some trees to rest.

When he woke up again another dragon was wathing him from a few wings away. It was an Imperial in strange armour. He introduced himslef as Kasimir, Guardian of the Cliffs, and invited Toxin to seek rest with his clan Sulis Minerva and be their guest. Though Toxin did not trust this stranger he was hungry and still tired. He decided to risk a short stay.

Sulis Minerva ended up becoming his home. He only regrets never asking his sisters to join him when he fled. Through Rinar, the orakle, he learned they were both exalted. Did they go wilingly, like they had been raised to, or had they as well felt doubts and rather would have stayed in this world? He would never know now.

"Get your newest quality products right here!"

Aoloa is one of clan Sulis merchants. She runs a shop where artists and craftsdragons can dropp of their wares and get back to work while she takes care of selling. Actually, she buys your product and sells it for a bit of profit. But it is increadibly convinent for the producers to not have to sell it themselves and for the customers to have a central place to buy from.

Her stall is located on the Second Promenade, opposite the Great Pool, in what is tecnically the living area, but located such the place was much better suited for commercial use than domestic.

Wares and their producers:

Jewllery - Irna
Other Apparel {from the Auction House} -
Swipp Items - Gerhard

On how she joined:
"Well then, that finalises it, you are now a full member of our clan", said Brunhilde to Aoloa, clan Sulis newest member. Aoloa had been aimlessly traveling when she came clan Sulis and it's hot spring. After a short stay as a guest and getting to know a few of it's members Aoloa asked if it were by any chance possible to join and take up residence. That one charmingly grunchy and studious Imperial she spotted in the Hall of Studies might have had something to do with her desicion. After asking around, meeting the clan leaders and completing a few tasks she had just become a full member. How very ecxiting, to have found a new home!

"Thank you!", she said, "I am very glad you allowed me to join!"

Brunhilde chuckled. "I don't doubt that. Now, I am sure you are exited to recive your new key"

Keys are what the clan called magic infused stones that let one enter through wards. Some areas were restricted to only spesific dragons who held the corresponding keys, and guests were only allowed to the gereal areas of the surface level. Aoloa had seen the various tunnels leading down and now she would fianlly know what lay beyond them!

"Downstrairs there is a cave system that we build into connected cellars. It contains restricted and general areas as well. For example, you won't be able to go into the alchmy lab, because that would be dangerous. But you can acess the hoard. Have fun exploring but remeber to not test the wards to much when you find a restricted area, they are there for your own safety", Brunhilde explained.

"Right, I'll be off then!", Aoloa exclaimed and rushed away.

Brunhilde looked at her vanishing form and smiled indulgently. Youth, they would never change. Wasn't there something else?

... Oh, right, she hand't shown her where she could find her new rooms. Well, Aoloa would just have to figure that out by herself or find someone to tell her.

Woodland Witch Warrior!
Behold the Magic of Voilence! Voilent Magic! Phew Phew! Shoooow! Bang! Crash!

Gerlinda dressed herself up as a Woodland Witch Warrior. No one besides Gerhard, her mate, is impressed. But even if they try to tell her that maybe she should think about her costume again she just brushes them off. It is good enough for her.

She then made Gerhard dress up as well and told him to greet any trick-or-treaters while she went out to do some trick-or-treating herself. Gerlinda can't do magic in the traditional sense, but her violent fighting is magic all in itself. And to make up for the lack of flashing lights she makes dramatic fight noises.


Oskar, a big bright Imperial saw Fridolin, a tiny little spiral, hatched not that long ago and just arrived at the clan. He stared at the hatchling, who stared back uncomprehendingly. Fridolin did not understand much of what was going on. He wouldn't remember his hatching and the transfer to his new home. His first memory would always be of a big brightly coloured Imperial staring at him and suddenly exclaiming:


And that is how Fridolion became Oskars forever smol son, because even a grown up Spiral is smol to an Imperial.

Aleidis Lore:

Aleidis has a passion for food and has taken over the communal kitchen. While the others made themselfy only simple dishes before Aleidis developed her own recepies and has become the clans chef. Her nose usally tells her wich ingredinets would go well together, but sometimes evern she blunders. It is very surprising when things that smelled so well together raw turn out a horrible mess when cooked, or in other cases when baked instead of cooked or steamed instead of baked.
Her kitchen is an enginiering masterpice of a buygone age. Through pies the springs hot air is channeld into her oven and she does not cook over fire, but instead uses spring water already bubbling hot. Thank the Lightwaver for all those clever ventilation shafts, or kitchen would be so full of steam breathing would be hard. Like this there is constant moisture in the air, wich is why she has bound her arms, legs and tail, so they don't drip water everywhere. There's nothing that would keep the moisture out of her fur, though. And she dosen't really mind anymore.
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