
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Toxophilite's Tail Twist
Deeprealm Trident
Furious Headdress
Swamp Kelpie Mane
Toxophilite's Gloves


Accent: Tricky Brambles



6.51 m
6.85 m
654.05 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 18, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
Max Level




  • none


2057.png15123.png1170.png19258.png Duncan stumbled, his legs giving out from under him, as he crashed to the ground in a heap. The loud crack of his pearl sounded as it fell from his tail and Duncan could barely focus on it as it rolled past his muzzle, the once bright light within it, fading rapidly. What was once a small crack was quickly spidering across the pristine surface and with panted breath, the young Pearlcatcher knew it could only mean one thing.

I’m dying, he thought to himself, even as he tried to pull his legs under him to rise to his feet once more. The battle he’d fought had been long and hard with multiple enemies attacking him at once. Long claws raked at his scales and sought out his eyes while sharp teeth sunk into the soft underside of his throat and ripped through his wings. Duncan had taken on as many as he was able, fighting back with tooth and claw, but eventually the nameless enemies had overwhelmed him.

Rising to his feet, whole body shaking from the sheer effort of holding himself up, the young warrior took a tentative step, reaching out for his fading pearl, just to crash back to the ground in the growing pool of his own blood. Inhaling a shaky breath, Duncan curled his neck around his pearl, closing his eyes and begrudgingly accepting his death. He could only hope it came quickly as he bled out on the trampled ground, and that his body would bring the Land of Shadow some use, even if it only became home to the luminescent mushrooms that littered the woods surrounding him.

The edges of his vision began to darken and Duncan did his best to blink the blood from his eyes, tilting his head and wiping it against the ground, despite the effort it took to do something as simple as that. He tried to swallow, but his tongue felt thick and he barely managed it, the taste of his own blood heavy in his mouth. With a groan, Duncan rolled to his side.

There was no pain anymore, his body so numb to it, that all the young dragon could feel was loss. He hadn’t wanted to die this day; Duncan had wanted to continue to fight and continue to protect what he thought mattered most to him. Still blinking, the young warrior turned his head, narrowed vision landing on his faded pearl once more.

A low glow fought against the darkness of his vision, the light bright enough that Duncan closed his eyes against it. Something deep within him spoke to him, but Duncan couldn’t understand the whispered words that seemed to come to him from all sides. He tried to shut his eyes tighter in one final attempt to block out the brightness, but he was unable to do so. If anything, the glow only grew stronger. A low growl sounded from nearby, shuddering through Duncan’s entire body and the young warrior felt the last of his spirit slip through the cracks of his pearl.

This was it.

This was his death.
Duncan’s entire body jerked as an intense pain ripped through him. It felt like his scales were on fire as the mumbling whispers grew louder, deeper, until he was finally able to pick out the words. It was an ancient language he didn’t understand, but he could feel the words as they were written into his scales. Searing heat left behind dimly glowing runes, pulsating with energy that matched the steady beat of his heart.

He was alive.

Duncan could feel his essence return to him and he flicked his eyes to where his pearl lay, the once cracked and broken surface, solid and smooth once more. Only now, a faint and flickering purple glow emanated from the very center of the flawless orb.

You will not die this day, Warrior.

Duncan picked his head up. Despite the pain, he felt warmth— life —fill his body and he clumsily got to his feet. Head turned away from the light, Duncan was able to finally see who spoke to him as it faded and he blinked in disbelief at the dragon that stood before him.

He’d heard stories of the Shadowbinder, the deity that ruled over the Land of Shadow, but never did he think he would see them. The monstrous dragon opened their jaws in a sick grin, dark drool dripping from between their fangs.

I have claimed you; you are now mine.

Duncan couldn’t help the shudder of fear that ran through him. He dropped his eyes to the ground, not daring to meet the Shadowbinder’s eyes. He had no idea what to expect, but he knew he needed to pay his deity the respect they deserved.

You are born of this realm, my realm. I have carved my magics into your scales and have bound your soul to your body. Death will only come when I deem you worthy of it.

Duncan’s head snapped up at that, eyes wide as he met the Shadowbinder’s depthless gaze. He didn’t feel fear as he nodded with a swallow. Instead, Duncan felt new purpose flow through him and he dropped his head as he bowed low in front of the Shadowbinder. He had been chosen, for whatever the Shadowbinder’s reason, to serve and so he would.

Once a Warrior of the Land of Shadow, always a Warrior of the Land of Shadow.

The Shadowbinder’s voice flowed through him, filled him with knowledge of what it was he was meant to do. “Yes, Binder.” With a bob of his head, Duncan stood, squaring his feet and spreading his wings. From the corners of his eyes, the young warrior could see the scars of where they had been damaged, thin purple lines that spidered across the dark underside of the thin membranes.

Now go; defend this land in my name. You know what it is that you must do.

Duncan didn’t hesitate to take flight, rising above the trees and circling the spot that should have been his grave. The Shadowbinder was gone, nothing to show for their presence even being in the woods, save for a few glowing mushrooms that previously hadn’t been there. With a grin, Duncan rolled in the air and headed for the most southern border of the Land of Shadow. New power coursed through his veins, strengthened his muscles and sharpened his own abilities.

Duncan couldn’t wait to test them on some trespassing foe, all in the name of the

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Exalting Duncan to the service of the Shadowbinder will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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