
Level 1 Imperial
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Featherback Boar
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Imperial
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Personal Style


Traditional Broadsword
Blood Red Wolf Cape
Bloodscale Wing Guard
Peace Dove
Crimson Feathered Wings
White Renaissance Shirt


Skin: burn me solaris



25.02 m
24.06 m
7335.8 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Oct 03, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Sorrow: The dragon of peace and war

Sorrow just mostly keeps to herself. Apart from a few of her friends like Serenity and Orifade, she doesn't talk at all. She is our ambassador of war, and although it's something she rather not do, but no one could think of a better dragon to be entitled to this role.

Sorrow does well as a scout, mainly because of her colour. If she just lies down on the floor, any passing dragon is probably going to mistake her for a bleeding corpse. Then they will leave her alone and she can listen in to anything their talking about.

Sometimes, if she's feeling chirpy, she'll wander into the kitchen to steal some cupcakes. Her only excuse is: I'm hungry, and the cupcakes are good. Which is a rather reasonable reason.
Art done by hayum! Thank you!
Her parents had already given her a name, but she wanted something more usual, or at least a name that meant more to her than the one originally given.

All she wanted to be when she grew up was a warrior. Someone who battled for justice, for the good of the clan. When they saw her vigour for fighting, her parents took the opportunity to start training her, in the hopes that one day he would be a powerful fighter, someone who brought fame to the family name. They perfected her technique with wooden dummies - a slash here, and a punch there. She improved in fighting, and her peers could see that too. In one swipe, she could fell 5 dummies at once. Dragons saw her power, and she brought hope to the clan.

Then, that fateful day came. The little dragon's parents decided that she was ready to learn how to kill. She had never been this excited, she, a mere hatchling, was ready to help the adults with hunting! Her parents had already caught a fox beforehand, and they smiled as they brought the struggling victim to it's doom. They taught her the basics - in order to make the most efficient kill you needed to either slash the neck or go for the heart. Sorrow was listening, but only barely. She couldn't help it. The one thing that was occupying her mind was the fox, how lively it was, how beautiful it was and how it was fighting for it's own life.

"Okay, it's all yours," her mother said, gesturing towards the fox.

She snapped out of her thoughts, dazed for a moment. Where was she again? What was she doing here? Then her eyes met the fox's, and in an instant was reminded of the gravity of what she was required to do. But... but... she couldn't. All she had practiced on before was dummies, lifeless beings made of wood. Who was she, to now take the life of another?

"What are you waiting for, sweetie? Go on then," her father whispered.

She looked at the fox, then her parents, then back at the fox again. The poor animal was yelping and howling, trying to buck it's way to freedom. But it was no match against her parent's strong grip. This was what she always wanted, wasn't it? To be... a warrior.

She raised her claw. Closed her eyes.

There was a sound of a knife slicing through flesh, followed by a horrible scream.

"Well done!" Boomed the voices of her parents, happily congratulating her. After all, what wasn't there to be proud of? They had raised a child prodigy.

She opened her eyes again, but she immediately wished she hadn't. She saw the lifeless gaze of the fox, still beautiful, but now very dead. She looked now at her blood stained hands, wondering what she had done. She collapsed onto her knees, ignoring the praises of her proud parents.

"Wait till everyone hears this! Our child, on her first kill as a hatchling!" They exclaimed excitedly. "Alright, we'll leave you to your prize, see you at home!"

The little dragon only heard noise. Picking up the little creature, she cradled it in her arm. Tears sprung to her eyes, and one by one they fell like little crystals onto the fox's matted fur. No, this couldn't be! The fox couldn't be dead, there's no way my talon could kill something like that in one swipe! Maybe... maybe there was still hope for the fox! If she could nurse it back to health...

She tried to, for a few hours. But the fox still showed no sign of life, and no heartbeat, so she gave up in despair. Her anger against herself started to burn. Why had she been foolish enough to slay the animal? How did she not know what it would do? She punched a tree. Ow, that hurt a lot. She wondered if she should go back to her lair to torch her parents for pushing her to commit this unspeakable act. After all, they were the ones who encouraged her. But then again, what good would that do? It wouldn't bring the fox back to life, would it? Maybe she could make a bargain with the world...? No, that wouldn't do.

The hatchling turned away from the lair, picked the carcass with her teeth and headed toward the jungle. There she wandered many days and nights, hopelessly lost, both in the physical world and her thoughts. Somedays he just woke up, not wanting to move at all, just thinking about the fox.

She named herself Sorrow, her feelings, to make sure she never forgot that day. Then the landscape slowly changed from yellowish and bright to green and leafy, and then... dark and starry? Where was she?

Arkana was walking in the forest around the lair, trying to take a rest. Aurora had, just an hour ago, been nagging at her lack of cleaning up her bedroom, which, excuse her, was Arkana's and not Aurora's. Suddenly, she heard rustling in the bush.

"Who goes there?" she boomed, frighted, but not showing it. The bush went still.

Arkana decided it might be a good idea to check those bushes. After all, it might be a squirrel that she could have as a snack. Walking in the forest was tiring business. Instead, when she pushed back the bushes to take a peek, she found Sorrow, with her fox, cowering in fear. Arkana didn't know what to do. Should she bring her back? Or...?

The next thing Sorrow remembered, she was in a lair full of concerned dragons. The gold one they called Serenity was inspecting her for injuries, and checking to make sure she hadn't caught a cold in the forests. Startled, she leaped up and looked around for the fox. It was laid right next to her.

"Is any one of you a fighter?", she asked, her first words in weeks.

"Sure, yeah, Orifade is. Let me just go get her." Serenity replied, before leaving to get the one called Orifade. Moments later, a green mirror appears.

"Have you ever skined an animal?", Sorrow asked. She saw herself reflected in Orifade, something she would have become if she hadn't run away.

"Yeah, sure, I've skinned several depins in my time," she replied.

"Can you teach me?"

To this day, Sorrow has worn that fox like a mask every single day of her life here in our clan. She also carries a sword with her, to remind herself of the blood she spilled, but still does not hesitate to use it on other dragons, as her hate against them still burns strong. She also keeps a peace dove to promise herself of days where she will be peaceful and forget all this. And her friends still await the day where she has finally forgiven herself for the things she did on that terrible day.
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Exalting Sorrow to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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