
Level 1 Snapper
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Light.
Female Snapper
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3.64 m
2.58 m
5577.8 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Sep 19, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Snapper
EXP: 0 / 245


"Gena, the friendly Crocodile" -Russian Cartoon

(PG13: Possible trigger warning: Blood/Gore/Implied violence)

Everything is wrong, nothing is right.

There's just skin and bones now. A shell. A vessel to house the never ending hunger and need to eat. To feast. To gorge. Feet shuffle, stumble, scuffle along the ground with the tail dragging behind. Eyes no longer truly see, and yet they somehow latch onto movement, to color, to life. Life. It has none, but it craves it. As if by devouring life of another will somehow infuse its empty being with feeling, with meaning, with something.

With anything.

Something moves. It darts away, but the sight was seen, and attention was snared. It's hard to roar when one's jaw is slack and drool continually slips free. It still has teeth though, rotting, blackened, but razor sharp all the same. Teeth and talons. It can still use these things, not because it remembers what they are for, but because instinct drives it. The muscles remember, the brain does not.

Life is faded, unjust. It's nothing more than an old crumpled up paper of a memory tossed about in the wind along a deserted street. The feet continue to walk, the wings continue to twitch, and it continues to feed wherever possible. The moment it can sink its teeth into something warm, fresh, alive, it can feel again. It can, for the briefest of moments, catch a tiny spark of life.

It wriggles maggot-like, eating through flesh and sinew. There's a flash behind the unseeing shutters over its eyes, a glimpse of what it used to be. A father, a mother, a son, a daughter, something alive and worthy. Even though the spark is fleeting, ebbing away before the heart stops beating and the blood stops blowing, it's enough. Enough to keep the feet moving, the wings twitching. Shuffling, stumbling, scuffling along the ground, waiting for another movement to catch its eye, a chance at another piece of life it can never truly have again.

In those brief moments, it's more than skin and bones.

Everything is right, nothing is wrong.

You're the 'lucky' recipient of a zombie (RP) dragon. If you choose to play along, you must 'spread' the zombie infestation by breeding the dragon once, and then passing it onto another lair. Add your FR Name and Lair ID to the list below, and have fun with your zombie clutch. You may use the description above, as long as you include the trigger warning at the top. If you choose not to play along, please return the dragon to the Lair of Origin so the zombie infestation may continue to thrive.

Lair of Origin: SakemeRoze #90311
Clans infected: Boltninja75

2016 Forum:
Story by: PashaDreaming #66561

Diary entries written by the doctor

Date: September 19 xx16

Reports of a beast have spread throughout the fire nation. Reports say that it was small but very bloody as it hobbled around between the borders of the shifting expand and the ashfall waste. Locals placed on the borders are advised to stay calm if they spot it and report this to clan elders. What beast could've cause such a ruckus? I hope to hear more about this, beast.

Date: September 30 xx16

The beast wandered right into our cage trap. It turns out that it is highly reactive towards meats of all kinds; wheather it is rotten or plagued. My clan will have to find a way to transport it tomorrow for researching and place it ontop of the exam table; the one specifically made just for it. From just looking at it today I can tell it was once a snapper, possibly plagued, possibly resurrected by a necromancer. My crew will have to extra careful and wear full hazmats when around it. I'm sure it isn't spreading what turned it in the air but a bite does seem extra deadly.

Date: October 1 xx16
First day of research

It was a long haul but my clan managed to bring it in safely. Everything went fine until the part where it had to be strapped down on the table. It attempted to bite one of my assistances but they got out of the way just in time. Reminder: buy a stronger muzzle as I don't believe this one will last much longer. All of its limbs are now locked in place; legs are spread out in each direction with restraints to the table, wings out but clamped from the ground and roof into place, tail pinned to table and head is to be kept looking straight by using a restraint. Whilst setting that all up our first experiment was to find out its gender. You may think that's easy but if the disease was bad genitalia may have fallen off. After some deducting our answer was female. All researchers have left it and will commence again in the morning.

Date: October 6 xx16
Body functions

Today our team tested its body functions. The first test was to see if there was any signs of a heart beat. There was a reading of a heartbeat but was very feint so to help boost the rate with 800 watts of electricity. There was a spike in heart rate which lasted up to 30 minutes. Note: maybe adding more shocks could help create clean blood cells. The other test conducted today was nerve reactions. It stared with unstrapping one of its arms and placing it into boiling water. There was no response. The next step was to plug a coil into a muscle and to disperse small bursts of electricity into it. Once again, no response. The last thing we tried was injecting caffeine straight into the blood stream. This did show more signs of movement in the right back leg but everywhere else was not affected. This does leave a question: how is it able to move? Hopefully these questions will be answered in the near future but for now what we have found is exciting.

October 11 xx16
Blood testing

It has taken us a while to understand its blood but there may have been a breakthrough. There is no white blood cells at all, even inside of its bones. Our team took some of its blood and placed it in with some normal,healthy blood. After around 30 minutes there was a significant drop of white cells but roughly the same amount of red cells. This virus must only attack white cells before attaching to the red. If there was a way to find a cure it would definitely have to be artificial made. Another discovery found was that there were high amounts of cortisol slowly moving throughout its veins. Could this be how it moves?
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Exalting Gena to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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