Level 18 Imperial
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19.68 m
16.94 m
6092.08 kg
Eye Type
Level 18 Imperial
EXP: 53022 / 92435

Robb was working on various metal projects in the forge of the Blacksand Annex. Various dragons from the fire lairs were busy, attentive to their own projects. Robb had come with three other dragons from his home lair, who were working alongside him.
One of the dragons, a lightning imperial named Randy, was casting chimera relics. Routine production did not bother him. He was studying a chimera familiar as a reference. The chimera, Threno, made a willing subject, sitting and not shifting his position. Robb's mate Minerva stood by his side. The third dragon who had come with Robb's party was Trivium, one of Robb's and Minerva's good friends.
"If you are interested, I can help collaborate with forge projects," Robb told Trivium.
The pearlcatcher nodded. "That is a good idea, friend. We should work on something together." Minerva lifted her head and looked up from her own work. She enjoyed projects that a team of dragons worked on together.
Robb studied the chimera and started working on a sculpture of his own. The chimera was in a different pose than the one Randy was working on. Robb's sculpture was running and had the lion's mouth open in a snarl. Minerva and Trivium stood near the forge. "You don't talk much about when you were a hatchling when the other dragons tell their stories. What was it like for you?" Trivium asked.
Robb lowered his head. His gaze was reserved, but calm. His eyes shifted to one side. "I don't. Almost all I remember is fear. It's not something I go into often, but thank you for asking me about it. There are things I remember, including those who failed to protect me as a hatchling. Sometimes I wonder if I did something wrong to deserve it." He shook his head and replied, "I don't want to go into it more. You don't want to know."
The imperial changed the subject, glancing at the Seeker raven who perched on his shoulder.
"Maybe I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, always putting forward work but never completely satisfied with anything. At times I will rework and redo one of my own metal projects in the forge multiple times before I am is ready to call it complete."
The Seeker raven on Robb's shoulder, who was named Apocalypse, cawed three times as a small murder of other Seekers flew overhead. Robb is an intelligent dragon, and it is said that he relates to the ravens and crows, seekers included. Looking up, he watched the formation closely. "They say that omens are brought by murders of the Seeker ravens," Robb said.
Robb looked at his own familiar, Apocalypse the Seeker. "What do you think about it?" he asked the dark blue raven. The Seeker raven turned his head and nodded in approval. "It's a fine sculpture, Robb. I can feel the fury in the chimera's eyes. Sometimes I think you don't recognize your own abilities."
"Maybe you are right," Robb replied. He looked up at Threno, the chimera, who seemed pleased that the dragons were creating likenesses of him. Threno was perfectly willing to sit still for this purpose.
With a loud caw Apocalypse flew off, a sure sign he had seen something. Recognizing what this meant, Robb set his sculpture down in a safe place inside a cave. He followed after the Seeker.
Lightning flashed in the sky. Most likely it was occurring in the Shifting Expanse, and Apocalypse had noticed it. The raven would always return back, though, and Robb identified with the intelligence and intuition of the Seeker. Robb watched the Seeker fly off temporarily and then returned to the company of his friends. He knew his familiar would come back to him.
Theme song: Machine Head - "Eyes of the Dead"
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Exalting Robb to the service of the Flamecaller will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.
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