
Level 1 Nocturne
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Plantation Pincher
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Male Nocturne
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Personal Style


Teardrop Pastel Spinel Leg Band
Twilight Sylvan Filigree
Proper Ring


Accent: Diamond Dust



5.49 m
6.76 m
559.86 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 23, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Y m e r e

❈ he - him - his ❈
. . .
❈ Nursemaid ❈

The Nursery


Aethon had always been special. Ymere had known this his entire life. From the moment he was old enough to comprehend the vast differences between he and his brother, they were so obvious it was almost crippling. Difference in intelligence, in personality, in uniqueness.

It was impossible not to notice, for his brother was a powerful being even when he was young. The dragons who had given birth to them loved to dote on him at length, gush about their luck in having such an outstanding child. Ymere did not go unnoticed, for he was beautiful if ordinary, but no one compared to his brother. He was their shining masterpiece, their favorite display.

Their praise continued until the visions began to set in, and then his specialness was not so beautiful anymore.

Aethon always took so much care. Sleepless nights reassuring him his visions were not real ( at least not yet ), tiresome days ensuring he remembered to feed and bathe himself, hours spent leading him through tasks while he resided in a haze of events not yet come to be. Ymere was the only one who looked after him. His ability was ugly now, harmful and fearsome, better left ignored than displayed. This was simply how things were, and Ymere accepted them, until the day when they were not.

One day Aethon began to wander, still clutching at his hand, but leading the way as if he knew where they were going. Away from their birthplace, they went, through the craggy peaks and open plains of the Starfall Isles. He was lost in visions more often than not nowadays, his words cryptic and difficult to decipher. Who knew if he even realized he had pulled his brother along on his journey.

Ymere suspected he did not. Mostly now when his brother spoke to him, he talked as if he wasn't there at all, like he was speaking to a self that did not yet exist. Sometimes his words were better left ignored, for the nature of them was... intimate.

They came upon a place eventually, tucked between trees and cliffs and hidden behind a mirage of magic old and powerful. It was a beautiful, serene place, with a guiding beacon of pale light leading their way to its doors. Starpass, it was called, and a vast dragon with kind eyes greeted them there. He had been waiting, he said with eyes trained on Aethon, They did not look away. Of course they didn't, Aethon was special.

That night, as Ymere laid awake in a bed meant for a guest and not a resident, he heard the howl of far off beasts just close enough to send a shiver down his spine. Their baying grew louder and louder, until he rose from his bed and wandered out into the darkness. The Hunt had come for him, for his weary body and shaking hands. It would take him away, the howling promised, not too far, but not so close.

So Ymere went and did not look behind him as he did. Would his brother miss him, when he was gone? Did he even know that he had come? The empty bed would be there in the morning, would it make his brother sad? It almost gave him pause, standing there on the edge of the forest, the Hunt close enough he could feel its hot breath on his face. It did not matter in the end. The Hunt had called, and by then, Ymere had already answered.


. . ❈ . . Ymere does not resent his brother. Or, at least, he will not admit he does. He understands that Aethon's condition is not his own fault, that he would change it if he could and that he went to Starpass seeking aid. But he spent years in his shadow, and years after watching over him, and in the end it was Aethon who was beckoned to a higher calling. Ymere finds it laughably predictable that while his brother resides in a place of knowledge and safety, he's taken up with the vicious and deceitful. How proud their parents must be.

. . ❈ . . Despite being just as apt a Hunter as any other resident of the Citadel, Ymere chose to predominantly dedicate himself as caretaker to the young. Children pass through the Citadel more frequently than one would think, though they only stay for so long. Some are the object of a Hunt, others meant for other things, and rarely they find a place within the Citadel walls. One would think Ymere would be sick of caring for others by now, but he genuinely enjoys his work.

. . ❈ . . Magpie presented Ymere with a gift not long after his arrival within the Citadel. A small bauble, like a shard of glass. It was lovely to look at, though Ymere couldn't fathom its purpose even as he accepted it. Still, he kept it with him, and over time he began to notice a steady tick in the back of his mind. An urge. The thought to take the shard from his pocket and swallow it. When the urge became unbearable he pulled the trinket from where he kept it and parted his lips.

As was the way of many of the Citadel's Hawkers, Magpie had neglected to tell Ymere just what the nature of his gift was. Somewhat unsurprisingly, it was magic in nature, an item capable of bestowing the one who possessed it with an ability, if it deemed them worthy. His ability appeared to consist of crystallizing emotion, creating gems imbued with comfort and calm.

Or jagged shards slicked with anger and sadistic amusement, whichever suited his fancy. It was an ideal ability for someone like him, who had grown used to manipulating the emotions of others as well as his own when he was young. Ymere thanked Magpie graciously for their gift.
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