
Level 1 Imperial
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Enamored Swan
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Ice.
Male Imperial
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Accent: Curious Companions



30.43 m
23.22 m
9018.46 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 28, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245





25779683_350.png?mtime=WBqTUgAC2tA.png Lethe
Mate of None

Lethe was born with an unforgiving curse. He was always quiet but when his curse took effect, the day he fell in love with another who loved him back, the pain caused him to become more withdrawn. Lethe came to the Lightseeker clan to return a hatchling he'd found in trouble. He was offered the chance to stay and he decided, staring at the peaceful clan, that staying a couple of days couldn't hurt. He ended up never leaving.

Lethe is quiet, kind, but sad. He doesn't interact with many dragons within the clan but he's been getting close with Elani and Luna. The trio are an unusual group of friends but it works. Lethe has a lot of hurt in his life but though he misses his love with all of heart, he's beginning to learn to live again.

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Lethe is a quiet dragon who you can just tell has experienced much pain in his life. He could be called brave, as the clan leaders usually do, as he was offered a home here after saving a hatchling from a Harpy; without even considering his own safety. He's kind, sweet and very polite. One could say he tends to keep dragons at arms-length though he does seem to enjoy Elani's company. Elani is very brash and speaks her mind, and while he does seem to appreciate it, some days...he just can't seem to deal with it.

Lethe was born with a curse that promised when he was the happiest to take effect. No one knows exactly when this curse was brought upon his bloodline but it always effected the firstborn. His mother, the one who passed it down to him, had named him Lethe; a river in the Underworld where anyone who drank from it experienced complete forgetfulness. For he was cursed with anyone who kissed his lips to forget who they were as a whole. The truly damning part of this curse was it didn't take effect until you have fallen in love. His mother tried to keep it a secret as long as she could, so he could grow up without fear of the future for as long as she could but she ended up taking the secret to the grave when she caught sick and died.

Lethe lived in the Viridian Labyrinth when he met Shimmer. She stumbled out of the bushes, flaying and trying to kick off a slug that landed suddenly on her wings. Lethe had stumbled back surprised at first but soon recovered enough to laugh at her and help her out. The fiery orange Coatl glared at his laughing face but soon calmed down to introduce herself as Shimmer (her name was certainly fitting). He told her his name was Lethe. They stood is silence for a few minutes, as Lethe began to back out, feeling a sudden bout of shyness bubble up. “Hey, wait!” Shimmer called, bouncing in front of him. Lethe drew back in surprise, and peeked out at her under his eyelashes. “Uh, got any idea where to get some good grub? I’m..kind of new around here.” She laughed, tilting her head to look up at him. Lethe blinked and looked around. “Oh! Um, here.” Catching her raised crest, happiness he realized, he brought her over to a bush. Her crest dropped as she stared at the bush in surprise. “Uh…” Lethe grinned, reaching over to twist a berry off. “Blackberry?” He offered.

Shimmer twisted her mouth to the side, and gave him a look. “I’m not a plant eater.” Lethe colored and dropped his hand. “Oh! Um….what do Coatls eat..?” he asked hesitantly. Shimmer tilted her head, closing her eyes and she sighed loudly. “We eat seafood.” Lethe nodded slowly, nibbling on his lower lip. “Oh! I have some seafood, back, back at my lair.” He stuttered, gesturing in the general direction of his home. Shimmer smiled, “ok, let’s go!”

He smiled, and began walking back to his home. “It’s small, and in a tree, but its dry!” Shimmer blinked doe-eyed up at him, her orange eyes swimming in confusion. “Ok…” Lethe blushed crimson under his dark coat. They walked in silence for a bit, awkwardness a cloud hanging over him. Lethe struggled to find something to say, sneaking peeks at her. “How long have you lived here?” she asked suddenly, causing him to jump at being suddenly addressed. “Oh! Um, well,” Lethe stuttered adverting his eyes, feeling the warmth spread further. “I was originally born in the Cloudscrape Crags, of The Southern Icefield. I moved here…after,” Shimmer walked closer to him, looking up at him, “after…?” she nudged, her orange-fire eyes glowing up at him in gentle curiosity. Lethe swallowed, unable to say after his mother died, “after..I left my old clan. To roam the world. I ended settling here and never ended up leaving.” He said, swallowing down the truth. Though, he rationed, it wasn’t a lie. Shimmer drew up, nodding her head sharply. “Hm, that’s cool.” Lethe swallowed, “so, uh, you’re not from around here?” Shimmer laughed, “obviously not. How far away from your lair?” She asked, changing direction suddenly. Lethe blinked, suddenly thrown for a loop. “Oh! Um…” He looked ahead and around, “you didn’t get us lost, did you?” Shimmer laughed, causing Lethe to vehemently shake his head. “No! It’s just up ahead.” They pushed past some trees and Lethe smiled, “here we are!”

Shimmer blanked, and stopped walking suddenly. Lethe continued walking to the large tree and paused on the outside, to stare at her. “Are you coming?” Shimmer gave him a strange look, “that’s a tree.” Lethe shot her a confused look, “yes, I mentioned that before, I believe.” He trailed his claws across the moss that grew on the tree, and hooked a claw underneath. He smiled at Shimmer who crept closer to him, raising her crest in confusion. He smiled at her, and drew back the moss like a curtain, showcasing a hollow tree. Shimmer’s eyes lit up and her mouth dropped open in an O. He drew the “curtain” back higher and gesturing for her to go in. Shimmer dipped in past him, and he followed after her, dropping the moss curtain back in place. Shimmer gasped in awe as she gazed at his home. “Lethe…this is amazing.” Lethe ducked his head in a sudden bout of shyness, and laughed, “thanks.” Shimmer moved to trace he claws against the inside of the tree. It was nearly hollow all the way up, it must be supported by the surrounding trees, and she could see the peek of light at the very top. “What happens if it rains?” She asked, looking at him as he scrummaged through a bag. Lethe pointed to a rolled fabric hanging above Shimmer’s head. “When you unroll that, attach it to that hooks over there to cover me.” Shimmer followed his gaze and flicked her crest in confusion.

“Why do you have that slanted down?” Lethe gestured to the metal pots that were curved to fit the curve of the tree it rested against, “I use it to gather extra water.” Shimmer traced a claw around the smooth metal, “these look custom made…” Lethe nodded, “they were. I had some treasure saved up.”

Lethe drew the conversation away to lay a blanket out in between them. “This is what you came for, right?” He asked, wiping his nose with the curve of his arm. Shimmer lit up, and he noticed that she did it with everything of her being, and she picked up a salmon square. She hesitated, and he frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Shimmer laughed nervously, putting the square back down, causing him to frown deeper. “I just realized how crazy this is.” Lethe furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “I just met you, probably after giving you a heart attack and now we’re in your home about to eat your food, and we barely know anything about each other.” Shimmer began making motions to leave and in a moment of unknown alarm, Lethe blurted out his favorite color. Shimmer paused and started at him incredulously, “what?” Lethe swallowed, “my favorite color is…sky blue.” Shimmer stared at him strangely, but started to smile when she realized what he was doing. She slowly walked back to her spot, which was only a few feet away, and sat back down. She smiled, “my favorite color is red.” Lethe laughed quietly, offering her a salmon square. She tipped her head in thanks, and took one. “I love blackberries,” Shimmer tilted her head, “we should have brought some back with us.” He picked up a container, popping one in his mouth. Shimmer smiled, popping another square in her mouth. “I just need to eat a thousand of these to feel full but I still love them.”

Lethe and Shimmer laughed and talked, exchanging stories and passing food to each other. Shimmer jumped as a drop hit her head. She put down her napkin and glanced up. Realizing what was about to happen, Lethe jumped up and snagged the fabric secured above Shimmer’s head. She ducked instinctually, and walked as Lethe unrolled it to attached it to the hooks on the other side of the tree. Once done, he laughed and sat back down. Shimmer peeked at him from around her claws and set them in her lap to look at the surprisingly sheer fabric above her. Lethe noticed her attention to the light and smiled, “I didn’t want darkness while I waited for the rain to end. So I found a waterproof fabric that wasn’t too heavy.” He explained, tracing designs on the mossy ground. Shimmer ah-ed and jumped slightly when raindrops began to be heard. Lethe shrugged when she looked at him in awe, “it’s the daily shower, happens every night.”

Shimmer’s crest flew up suddenly, causing Lethe to jump in surprise, “night? It’s night already?” She peeked past the moss curtain to peek outside. “I’ve been here all day!” Lethe rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, “I didn’t realize how much time had past.” Shimmer laughed, “neither did I!” Lethe hesitated for a moment, before asking if she would like to stay the night. “You’’ll have to kind of share the bed as this tree isn’t huge,” big enough for a lone Imperial maybe, but not nearly wide to fit two dragons comfortably to sleep separately. They were already practically on top each other as it was. Every time Lethe twitched his tail, he could touch Shimmer’s and their feet were practically touching. “but it’ll be warm and dry for the night. Unless…unless you have somewhere else to be?”

Lethe heart sank a bit in disappointment as Shimmer considered, peeping outside the curtain. He hadn’t realized how much he enjoyed another dragon’s company until right now. Shimmer leaned back, and smiled, “I don’t have anywhere I need to be. I’ll take your offer, thank you.”

Lethe grinned widely, and began to clean up the empty tablecloth and containers. Shimmer offered to help but he waved her away. There was little to do and little space to work with. Handing her an extra blanket and a tiny head pillow, he began to adjust himself to be more comfortable.

Shimmer snickered and he looked up. He blushed crimson when she held up a furry Icewarden Puppet. He snatched the puppet away from her and tucked in behind him. “Really?” She laughed, laying her head on the pillow facing him. He scrunched up his nose, “I had that puppet since I was a hatchling. My mother…my mother gave it to me.” Shimmer’s eyes softened. Lethe smiled, a bit forced but real nonetheless, “goodnight, Shimmer.” Shimmer smiled, “goodnight. Sleep tight,” and rolled over, snuggling into the blanket she was given. Lethe smiled, gazing at her for a few more minutes, before rolling over as well. He picked up the Icewarden puppet doll, and stroked the soft fur. Snuggling close to it, he tucked it under his blanket and let sleep take over.

To be continued....

I believe this mysterious, nameless beauty would hoard small animals. Fishes, butterflies, even glasses with captured fairies - Schattenfeuer

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