
Level 1 Spiral
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Bucktooth Digger
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Spiral
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Blue and Brown Flair Scarf
Mage's Walnut Bag
Mage's Walnut Tunic
Silver Glasses
Brown Plaid Cabbie



Scene: Enchanted Library


2.83 m
2.13 m
80.78 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 18, 2016
(7 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




You walk into the library, a two-story building with chiseled columns and a tall door, right next to the spire temple. In the early morning, you imagine the shadow of the spire probably covers the building. Inside, the roof is two stories above your head and bookshelves reach up almost a story and a half. On the back wall of the building, a stained glass window filters the light coming in. The colors are faded from time and dust, but it appears to be of a book.
You see some movement off to your right. At a table, a nervous-looking Spiral chews on a quill, poring over an old leather book with some of the pages falling out. He adjusts his glasses and scribbles down another line on the roll of parchment beside him. He looks up at you. His large eyes widen and he starts nervously picking at the dark grey hairs stuck to his shirt.
"Oh, hello, I didn't see you there. Welcome to our humble little library! I'm the librarian, and the clan's record keeper, Quicksilver. Here, let me show you around." His voice was small and slightly raspy, nothing like most Spirals' loud and excited voices.
Quicksilver takes you down one aisle and the next, pointing out all the old books that had been there when Genesis found the library, plus newer additions the clan had added since they arrived.
"Unfortunately, a lot of the old books are terribly damaged," The bespectacled dragon lamented. "I'm working on transcribing them so we don't lose the wisdom of the dragons here before us, but there's some pretty severe water damage on the books from the southwest hall, and rats and insects have almost completely destroyed the books we discovered in the basement."
You pass the last row of books and arrive at the back of the library. There appears to be a study area of sorts here, and some of the younger dragons are reading and studying. A wall of windows shows the great dusty plains and steep canyon walls, but only lets in minimal light due to the angle of the sun this morning. Up above stands the great stained glass window, in the peak of the roof. Quicksilver gestures up at it, nervously fluttering his wings.
"This is our library's pride and joy; the Monument to Reading. Well, it actually has a fancier name, but for the most part we don't use that. It's in a centuries-old version of Snapper and a lot of dragons - myself included - have difficulty with the hard consonants and growls.
"But yes, back to the stained glass. It was here when the clan was founded, and so far has pretty much been left as it is. But we're hoping to renovate it soon, and I'm very excited. All our craftsman dragons are studying it and reading on the stained glass techniques used to make it. You see, in the past, during the summer afternoons and evenings light would stream in and create a beautiful mosaic of light."
Quicksilver flits off but quickly comes back with a scroll tucked under his wing. "Here," he says, unrolling it on a table. The scroll depicts a drawing of the library interior with the colored light washing in, done in colored ink. Quicksilver smiles up at you excitedly. His nervous twitches have disappeared. "This is one of a few surviving depictions of how our clan territory used to look in its golden years. We've tried to replicate this look as much as we can, with all the tables here, and restoring the arches and carvings in the roof, but the stained glass is our biggest and most exciting project.
"Oh! And look down here." Quicksilver taps the study area depicted in the drawing. Some sketched dragons sit at tables. "This is quite interesting, actually. You see, a lot of these dragons drawing here are Snappers, as would be expected, considering the time and our location. But look at these ones," Quicksilver points to several long-necked figures. "These are clearly not Snappers. I'm guessing they're Coatls. But what would a Coatl be doing in Dragonhome? We're not quite sure yet, but I find it fascinating." Quicksilver glances up at you before rolling the scroll back up and tucking it in his bag.
"Well, anyways, I should probably get back to my transcribing. And you probably have places to be as well. But thank you for stopping by our library, and please, feel free to come back any time."
Half-Moon Spectacles
Scroll Case
Battered Book of Fables

Side banner by Hazeledpoppy, Earth Shield by Taurelia, art by Mitsuara
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